Apex Legends has seen numerous bugs pop in throughout King’s Canyon, and it looks like a new glitch with the Arc Stars is preventing them from landing on their marks.
Respawn Entertainment launched Apex Legends in a surprise release back in February. While it attracted millions of players in a short span, the game has been bombarded with issues from rampant cheaters, game-breaking bugs and so much more.
A new glitch has been emerging throughout games that are making players take a second before throwing Arc Stars to see if they’re near any obstacles like launch pads since they might have a bizarre effect on the projectile.
The Arc Star is one of the more handy utilities in the game, but not so much with this bug.
In a Reddit post, user ‘Addacock’ was mopping up some players in his match when an opponent crossed his path and was just standing there waiting to get an Arc Star in their back.
What was supposed to be an easy throw resulted in a confusing gaffe that showed the Arc Star clearly reaching its mark, but then deciding to fling straight up into the air.
For those unaware, players find a lot of use in Arc Stars specifically because they stick to the platform they first come in contact with, be it a wall or person. If it’s the latter, then it will also deal damage on impact.
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So that clip not only shows the wayward Arc Star bouncing off their mark, but it also ignored the base damage it was supposed to do on hit.
What could have caused the Arc Star bug?
While the Redditor was still able to lock down the kill, the clip had players wondering as to what could have caused the issue in the first place.
The answer could lie in the Launch Pad that the player was positioned right next to before throwing the projectile. According to some people, the Arc Star can have a strange interaction if used too close to a Launch Pad.
Players might want to look around the battlefield to see if there are any Launch Pads around before throwing Arc Stars.
“[The bug appeared] because of the [Launch Pad],” Redditor ‘TophIRL’ said. “Arc Stars have a huge fucking hitbox if you’re trying to throw it while being close to a Launch Pad… Usually when I see people far away I throw Launch Pad on ground and throw my Arc Stars at it and it bounces off.”
With such an odd bug being caused by two very common items in the game, Respawn might want to look into adding it to the backlog of fixes they need to amend for their next patch.