Apex Legends cosplayer electrifies as cheerful, hooded Wattson

apex legends ra_cat wattson cosplayTwitter, @ra_cat_ / Respawn Entertainment

Months after Wattson joined the cast of Apex Legends, cosplayer ‘ra_cat_’ has brought the “Static Defender” to life with an electric, vibrant recreation of her outfit and look.

From her bright winter clothing to her cheery disposition, Natalie ‘Wattson’ Paquette emerged as a fan-favorite character in Apex Legends practically as soon as she debuted on July 2, 2020. Dressed in orange and blue like a fan of the New York Knicks, Wattson’s winter clothing is as eye-catching as her blonde hair and electrified fences.

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Blue eyes, blonde hair, a Lichtenberg-figure scar and a unique fashion sense, Apex’s 22-year-old defense legend is a cosplayer’s dream. And, for ra_cat, that dream has turned into reality, as they commissioned someone to put together Wattson’s coat while getting the rest of the look together.

Dubbing this Wattson recreation their “top cosplay of the year” on Reddit, ra_cat (who goes by ‘iona_107’ on Reddit) set the Apex Legends sub ablaze with the look. With thousands of upvotes and hundreds of likes, it’s clear that this electrifying cosplay has…sparked some enthusiasm.

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Filled with compliments and silly puns, the comment section for this Wattson cosplay is loaded with positive energy. Perhaps remarking that this one is even better than some of ra_cat’s earlier looks, ‘vyciok’ commented with a supportive pun: “You’re current-ly at the top of your game!”

They were joined in loving, cheesy energy by ‘Seirer,’ who felt compelled to toss in their own message of appreciation: “This is so well done it…hertz.” 

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As for the top comment on the entire post, it was one from ‘QuicklyThisWay’ that praised the cosplay, took into account ra_cat’s portfolio and, of course, topped it off with another goofy pun: “That’s the best Wattson I’ve seen yet! After seeing your Wraith, I’m amped to see what you come up with next!”


On Twitter, ra_cat also shared a picture with the coat’s hood pulled over, displaying just how functional the attire is. The best cosplays always seem to look authentic and usable, making this one a clear standout.

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Confirming that someone was commissioned to create this one-of-one coat, ra_cat’s fit is identical to Wattson’s and enviable to other Apex Legends cosplayers. If this is the best from 2020, fans will surely be anxious to find out what she pulls off in 2021.