Apex Legends leak reveals images of unreleased Forge ahead of Season 4


The start of the Apex Legends Grand Soirée Arcade event has given dataminers a new patch to dive into, and they have already revealed new images of the unreleased character named Forge.

Forge was first found in the files back on November 5, but months have passed and we still haven’t seen any hints of him popping up in the game.

While that remains the case, Apex’s latest patch has allowed miners to uncover more images of him, indicating he might be getting closer to an official release.

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Apex Legends dataminer iLootGames revealed a full image of the supposedly upcoming character, saying it was added into the game with the Grand Soirée Arcade event update.

An additional image was unearthed by That1MiningGuy, another popular Apex Legends leaker, and it gives players a closeup on Forge’s medallion he’s wearing around his neck.

From the sounds of things, it’s looking like players will be able to equip this medallion as a weapon charm once they unlock it.

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What this leak does mean is that Revenant is no longer a lock to be the Season 4 character. Instead, it could actually end up being Forge instead, if the developers stick with the regular format.

Going by the traditional release schedule, each season gives players a new character, but that doesn’t mean Respawn can’t mix it up going forward.

That1MiningGuy notes that a placeholder has shown up in the files for an unknown character, but it’s looking like that’s for the Dummie’s Big Day mode that will be part of this event.

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Forge’s initial leak revealed his abilities, six of them in fact, even though every character currently in the game only sport three each.

Either Respawn have plans to ramp up the power of their characters in the future, or they’ll be choosing out of this list:

  • Pull Shot: Short-range grapple that pulls enemies into you or can be used to launch yourself into the air.
  • Ground Slam: Press crouch while airborne to slam into the ground below.
  • K.O. Punch: Jump forward in a direction. Press crouch while airborne to slam into the ground below.
  • One-Two: Bull rush in a straight line. If you hit an enemy along the way, press again to do an upper-cut launching you into the air.
  • One The Ropes: Enhances your melee to do more damage the lower your health is. Dealing melee damage gives you temporary overshield.
  • Victory Rush: Killing a player with a melee attack restores your health and gives you a 30% speed boost for 10 seconds

There are several characters the devs can choose from to join the roster for the upcoming season outside of just Forge and Revenant.

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Is Revenant still a lock for Season 4?

A whopping 15 different legends have leaked, so the vault is just filled with options and there’s nothing concrete pointing one way or another for who the next one will be.

Octane, Wattson, and Crypto have been the three characters added to the game so far through seasonal updates, with Crypto having his own in-game teases.

It’s possible we could be seeing the same thing happen as we approach Season 4, but the question remains of it it’ll be Forge, Revenant, or somebody else entirely being teased.

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