Apex Legends Nemesis AR secret animation found after dev teaser

Apex legends logo next to Nemesis ARRespawn Entertainment

A secret reload animation for the Season 16 Nemesis assault rifle has been discovered after it was teased by an Apex Legends developer.

Apex Legends Season 16 dropped back on February 14, bringing a huge amount of changes to Respawn’s battle royale. 

The biggest change was undoubtedly to Legend classification, introducing five new Legend categories, each with their own unique perk.

It also introduced the new Nemesis assault rifle, which has quickly been denounced as “overpowered” by the community and prominent figures alike. 

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Now, a new secret animation has been discovered after it was teased by a dev. 

Nemesis AR secret animation discovered after Apex Legends dev teaser

On February 21, developer Allan Zhang thanked colleagues for their hard work in designing and implementing the Nemesis in game. 

In his tweet, he also hinted at a secret reload animation, saying: “There should be a cool reload somewhere…”

Naturally, the community were spurred on to discover it and, on February 22, it was discovered by leaker KralRindo

“After trying so many times… finally got the secret nemesis reload animation!” they said, “it’s a Titanfall splitter rifle reference!”

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The developer also responded to confirm it had been “found”.

It’s not the first secret animation players have uncovered in Apex Legends. Back in January, an “extremely rare” R99 reload was uncovered by players to join the G7 Scout and Peacekeeper.

Given Respawn’s evident attention to detail, we’re certain there are more easter eggs and secret animations for players to discover.