Apex Legends players have hit out at the new Rift Relics in Season 23, especially as the challenges to get rewards for using them are expiring in the blink of an eye.
Each new season of Apex Legends typically brings some big changes to the battle royale, but Season 23 has gone away from that for a bit. A new legend hasn’t been released, there isn’t a fresh map to explore, and there isn’t a brand-new weapon either.
However, some of the best Titanfall weapons are returning through the new Rift Relics. They drop into matches with a charged weapon or boost kit, with Respawn changing them every week.
They also come with challenges to complete too, with free rewards being up for grabs. However, they’re limited-time and players have been annoyed because that fact is going under the radar as well.
“Rift Relic Trials expire each week by the way, so if you really want that pack be sure to do it asap,” Redditor CrumblingReality505 warned. “I was under the impression they would be around for the full 2 months that this LTM was available but evidently not. So, don’t be lazy like me and forfeit a free gold pack.”
While some players pointed out that the countdown to the trial’s expiry is visible, you do have to press into it to see that fact.
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“That’s so shitty wtf??? Did they mention this before at all? I was taking my time with those cause I thought I had a lot of time…,” one said. “You gonna have to grind every week son. No free stuff in Apex, you got to quit your job if you want to play the game,” another fan joked.
Others have criticized the state of the guns themselves now that the charged Alternator and Nessie Companion are live.
“That Alternator looks scary. I’m scared,” one added. “Eh no thanks. This gimmick was fun for two matches,” another commented.
Obviously, these Rift Relics aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. So, anyone hoping they’re removed will have to stick to Launch Royale.