Apex Legends pro team claims insane world record in ranked play


Members of Rogue esports might’ve have set a new world record in Apex Legends by dropping a 43 kill game, in the Apex Predator rank no less.

The new ranked mode in Apex Legends allows players to climb the ranks all the way from the lowly Bronze to the pinnacle that is Apex Predator.

As you go up, the skill level of players also increases which is what makes seeing such a high kill game so impressive.

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Rogue’s HusKers, Sweetdreams, and Dropped combined for 43 kills, which is off three kills from the official world record in Apex Legends, but considering this is the highest rank possible, it’s still arguably a bigger deal.

Apex Legends only sports 60 players a game and with three of them being your own squad, killing 43 out of 57 is just not something you see every day.

With no other teams stepping forward showing their kills records in ranked play, it’s safe to assume this is a record, very possibly being the world record.

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Season 2 introduced the new ranked play that gave the more competitive players a chance to flex their muscles and it’s good to see them already taking full advantage of it.

For those curious about the entire match, HusKers shared that in a tweet.

A new Apex Legends tournament was revealed on July 30 so we can expect to see Rogue throw their hat into the ring once again and prove this was no fluke.

The tournament will pit them against fellow pro players and teams so matching this feat does seem unlikely, but not impossible.

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It kicks off September 13 so there’s still plenty of time for players to hone their skills and wipe lobbies like we’ve seen Rogue do.

Teams have to be confirmed by September 2 so make sure you have everything finalized with your friends going into this.