Apex Legends rework would make Revenant a menacing enemy

Respawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends player has come up with what could be the perfect rework to make Revenant a powerful character in the battle royale – bringing him to level with the likes of fan-favorites Wraith and Pathfinder.

Revenant was added to Apex Legends at the start of Season 4, but failed to really break the meta much and actually being one of the least-picked in the game.

The Synthetic Nightmare has failed to make much of an impression and, since arriving, is little more than a back-up to some of the big-hitters, but this rework would make him much more viable.

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Despite the initial excitement for his arrival, Revenant failed to offer much when he finally arrived.

Reddit user TheRarestTiger has worked to put together a reworked concept that would finally make Revenant as good as fans want him to be, with buffed and altered abilities to “push him to the big cheese league.”

The proposed changes would alter all of Revenant’s current abilities – including the Death Totem ultimate – and are as follows:

  • Passive Ability – Stalker: In Tiger’s concept, Revenant’s passive gets a buff but isn’t completely reworked, providing infinite climb-time with no slow-down while climbing. Crouch walking is also completely silent.
  • Tactical Ability – Silenced: Revenant’s tactical ability is slightly reworked and buffed in this concept. Now, it fires quickly in a straight line rather than being thrown, It would hit enemies within a 3-meter vicinity and silences Legends with perks for 20 seconds instead of 10.
  • Ultimate – Shadowform: The only ability to be fully reworked in Tiger’s concept is his Ultimate, replacing Death Totem with Shadowform. By using it, Revenant can assume Shadowform for 45 seconds, increasing movement speed by 10%. When using it, shields are disabled and you become immune to slows, and reviving a teammate while in Shadowform pulls them into Shadowform for 20 seconds too.

That’s not all that Shadowform does, though. It would also grant health regain for damage done to enemies, a smoke cloud that provides a further 20% speed increase, and immunity to Hammerpoint unless you had no shield pre-Shadowform.

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Of course, some in the Reddit thread suggested this might make Revenant too overpowered, a far cry from where he’s currently at, and RarestTiger agreed that while it looks OP on paper, it probably wouldn’t be if you compare him to the likes of Pathfinder or Gibraltar in-game.

While this rework might not make Revenant the best character in Apex Legends, it would definitely help to pull him up a little bit and make him level with the likes of Wraith, who you’re unlikely to see go unpicked by any team.

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