Apex Legends: Season 3 to take game to new level says voice of Pathfinder

Apex Legends Season 3 is out on October 1, and there’s one person who can’t wait to see what the future holds for Respawn’s battle royale — Pathfinder voice actor, Chris Edgerly. 

We spoke to him about his role in the new season and a special event that all Apex fans will be excited about.

Alongside voicing everyone’s favorite MRVN robot, Chris Edgerly is a veteran voice actor with over 25 years experience. Initially starting as a stand-up comedian, Chris transitioned over to voice acting near the start of the millennium. 

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Since then, Chris has built an extensive resume, appearing in popular video game franchises such as Call of Duty, Halo and Final Fantasy, while also voicing Mr. Waffle from The Simpsons.

We spoke with Chris about his ever-optimistic in-game character, Pathfinder, as well as the upcoming season for Respawn’s battle royale.

Chris Edgerly (YouTube)Chris frequently uploads skits playing as Pathfinder to his YouTube channel.

Dexerto: What were your initial thoughts on the concept behind Apex Legends when Respawn first approached you?

Chris: “I thought it sounded cool, but I really had no idea how detailed it all was. You can see all the concept art in the world but until you actually play the game you just don’t know.”

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Inspiration behind Pathfinder

Dexerto: What is it about Pathfinder that drew you to the character? Do you see much of yourself in the MRVN robot?

Chris: “He’s just so unrelentingly cheerful. That rubs off on you, I think — and when I went into the studio for the callback, they were really stoked at how I was approaching his voice. It didn’t hurt that when I get excited (and I can get excited pretty easily), I tend to sound just like Pathfinder. 

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“Add to that my comedy background and it was a natural fit — they’ve even started letting me throw in my own ad libs from time to time. That’s a dream.”

EAEdgerly gets his inspiration for Pathfinder’s quips from his comedy background.

Dexerto: Pathfinder’s quirky nature made him everyone’s favorite robot. What our readers would love to know is, what is your take on the fan favorite? 

Chris: “My thing has always been about connection: when I was a touring comedian I relished having that with an audience, but I had to travel far and wide to achieve it. Now, through a single character on a gaming platform, I can have a similar connection with a worldwide audience. 

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“I jump online and stream and before I know it, I’m chatting with people on different continents. I’m not doing regular comedy shows anymore, so the chance to have that online audience is everything. Pathfinder gave that to me.”

Season 3 set to reach new heights

Dexerto: Season 3 is shaping up to be the biggest yet. Do you think it will take the game to a new level?

Chris: “Absolutely. I know from the stuff I’ve recorded and the effort that Respawn has put into it that there’s a lot to discover and enjoy. I’ll be lining up to play, for sure.”

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EARespawn have invested a lot into ensuring Season 3 is a success.

Dexerto: Apex vs. Fortnite is common debate. What do you think helps Apex Legends stand out from the crowd?

Chris: “It’s so pure. You team up, jump in and get into action. I love the world Respawn has created – the colors, the topography, the logistics of the game play – and the characters are so much fun, from their designs to their personalities. Hats off to the crew at Respawn (and to my fellow actors) for what they’ve accomplished.”

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Respawn are planning a fright fest

Dexerto: Your work with Pathfinder has been lapped up by fans worldwide. Can we expect to see you feature more as we move into Season 3?

Chris: “I’ve got a little appearance in the new trailer (will Pathfinder ever get that High Five?) and I’ve recorded plenty of Season 3 lines as well, so Pathy will be there for players to zip line with to their hearts’ content. 

“The Halloween event coming up is going to be simply amazing. I recorded some new stuff for a short for it, where Pathfinder has a much bigger role. They [Respawn] let me ad lib quite a bit so we’ll see what they kept in — and get ready to see some creepy, scary, kick-ass designs. Can’t say any more than that, unfortunately!”

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Apex Legends is set to receive a spooky twist in time for Halloween.

Dexerto: With you having more say in what goes into Pathfinder’s quips, what can we expect from Pathfinder during this Halloween event?

Chris: “Well, again, without saying too much, I think the fact that I’ve been posting videos online of me gaming as Pathfinder and making quips about the experience, has gotten back to Respawn. 

“A big part of those videos is me, through an oblivious Pathfinder, having a go at each character’s persona (Pathfinder’s included) – you’ve gotta laugh at yourself most of all – I think that they build on that with this event trailer.”

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The Apex Legends Universe is expanding

Dexerto: Fans will be excited to hear that Pathfinder is becoming more engrossed as time moves on. Without revealing any spoilers, can you hint at anything in the pipeline for Apex Legends?

Chris: “Some of it has already gotten out by now, of course… The new map, Crypto, etc. I do know that Respawn is in this for the long-haul; they want to continue to expand the Apex Universe — adding characters, deepening the stories of the current ones and so–forth. 

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“Beyond that, I can’t say, as there’s only so much they tell me. I’m actually happy about that. I like being as surprised as anyone… Seeing as how I’m a fan of the game, too.”

EAWorld’s Edge brings with it the first phase of expansion in Apex Legends.

Dexerto: Given that the Apex universe will be expanding, what’s in-store for you and your wholesome companion? 

Chris: “My hope is that we get a Pathfinder backstory. I mean, what’s with his Creator? Is he ever going to find out? I’ve even told the crew my thoughts about it and who or what could be behind all of it. Of course, that’s just me as a fan talking, but maybe they’ll keep that in mind. Fingers crossed.”

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Dexerto: We’d all love to know more about the MRVN’s creator, that’s for sure. What’s in the pipeline for you?

“As for me, I’ve used Apex Legends to jump into the world of Mixer. I’ve discovered the joy of gaming with fans everywhere, broadcasting it on my stream: TheEdgevoice, and then making highlight clips for Reddit and my YouTube channel for people to enjoy. Luckily my brother, Dave, is a graphic designer and animator as well as an infinitely better gamer — he’s working on the tech for upgrading the stream to look more professional. It’s more like a podcast experience, which is why I call it ‘TheEdgevoice Mixcast’. 

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“It’s not so much about the gameplay – because I suck – as it is about “the hang”… You’re watching and chatting with a voice actor as he plays (sometimes with fans as well) and answers questions about voice acting and games in general. In fact, I’m working on lining up some voice actors to jump on with me. Who knows? Maybe Pathfinder will be joined by some of the other legends on the stream.”