Best Apex Legends cosplays – Lifeline, Wraith and more

Kayyybear, Twitter / Olya_Bony, Instagram

Popular battle royale Apex Legends has sprung to life, thanks to a bevy of talented cosplayers and their incredible talent for weaving impressive renditions of the game’s characters.

Well-known cosplayer ‘Kayyybear’ posted an impressive rendition of medic character ‘Lifeline’ to Twitter on March 1, which included everything from her IV drip to her colorful hair buns.

‘Kayyybear’ isn’t the only one to recreate Lifeline, either; cosplayer ‘Chinny’ likewise posted her take on the character for her Apex Legends livestream just a day prior.

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Wraith is another popular character from the title – and one that many cosplayers have tried their hand at recreating.

One of the most well-known Wraith cosplays stems from Russian cosplayer ‘Olya_Bony,’ whose stellar rendition of the character can be found all over the internet.

Cosplayer ‘DesCaulfields’ also had a stunning take on the character, adding in some special effects via photoshop to bring Wraith to the real world.

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DesCaulfields, Twitter

‘Ashtronova’ likewise had a striking rendition of Wraith – complete with her ghostly stare, to boot.


Another incredible Wraith cosplay effort comes from u/lisamancinerh, who has pulled out all the stops with this full outfit – complete with Wraith’s bright blue eyes.

Wraith is an extremely popular Legend to cosplay as – with cosplayer Lisa Mancini showing off her outfit, complete with photo editing effects to really bring the whole display to life.

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Of course, we can’t go without some honorable mentions – and low-budget cosplay is an art, in and of itself.

Reddit user Aquaman5000 showed off his work-in-progress Mirage cosplay that has the makings of a pretty cool – with a beard even being penciled on to complete the authentic look of the Legend.

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One cosplayer created a Gibraltar costume for under $1, using a cardboard box as a shield which he colored in with sharpie.

Another budget cosplayer by the name of ‘Copy210’ whipped up a Pathfinder cosplay with a spatula, an iPad, and even what looks to be rolls of toilet paper.

Update: Kayyybear’s cosplay of Lifeline was so good that CEO of Respawn Entertainment, Vince Zampella responded to it.

As Apex Legends grows in popularity, more and more cosplayers will come out of the woodwork – so be prepared for more epic designs in the future!

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