Bizarre Apex Legends exploit lets you slide infinitely

Respawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends player has discovered a trick that allows you to infinitely slide using crouch. Although it’s certainly funny, it’s difficult to tell whether it has any practical use in-game.

Sliding in Apex Legends is an extremely satisfying and fun mechanic to use. Whether it’s sliding down hills or towards an opponent in a gunfight, the ability never gets boring.

On top of that, sliding is incredibly useful and allows players to make quick movements between cover in skirmishes.

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There are no doubts Apex players would slide across the map nonstop if it was possible. Well, a new trick has been discovered that may allow players to do exactly that.

Respawn Entertainment/Diamond
The slide mechanic has been apart of Apex Legends since its release back in 2019.

Apex player discovers infinite slide exploit

A thread posted to the Apex Legends subreddit revealed the trick that allows players to slide infinitely in-game.

Unlike other exploits, the trick doesn’t involve a bug or glitch, it just requires players to rebind crouch to their scroll wheel on PC. By doing this, players can spam crouch at such a rate that it infinitely propels a slide forward. Unfortunately, there are no buttons on console that can achieve this effect so it is limited to PC.

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As you can see in the video, the player begins to slide and then rapidly uses the crouch input, giving the appearance of an infinite slide effect. It’s difficult to tell what benefits this exploit provides players, other than that you’re significantly lower down when moving at speed.

One of the best aspects of Apex’s slide mechanic is the smoothness of the animation. Unfortunately, this trick makes the slide incredibly jolty and creates a set of strange noises from crouching at such a rapid speed.

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There’s no doubt this exploit is bizarre and funny to watch but is it game-changing enough for Respawn to make immediate changes? It’s difficult to say, so for now we’ll just have to wait and see what action they take against the exploit.