How to master Rampart in Apex Legends: Abilities, tips, more

Published: Sep 10, 2021, 19:01
Updated: Sep 11, 2021, 09:00
Rampart Apex guideRespawn Entertainment

Rampart is getting buffed in the Apex Legends Season 10 Evolution Collection event, and it will make her more powerful than ever before. Here’s everything you need to know to master her kit.

Rampart might not be as popular as other legends in the game due to the fact she’s fallen short of the mark in previous seasons. However, her unique playstyle has seen her become one of the most addictive ones.

But now that she’s received a massive buff in Apex Legends Season 10, there’s never been a better time to get to grips with the Quick Witted Modder. She can be incredibly deadly in the right player’s hands — especially if you follow this guide. So, let’s dive into it.

How to make use of Rampart’s abilities

Passive: Modded Loader

Rampart passiveLMGs are even more deadly thanks to Rampart’s passive.

The Modded Loader passive gives Rampart Increased magazine/heat capacity and faster reloads/recharge when using any LMGs and her Minigun. This ability is fantastic in the early-game when finding the best attachments is rather tricky, so having a passive that gives you a boost to your magazine size is incredibly beneficial. 

If that wasn’t enough, the faster reload time makes using the game’s rather unwieldy LMGs highly usable. As a result, you’ll want to always prioritize guns like the Spitfire, Devotion, and L-STAR EMG. Having such a huge buff for merely picking up an LMG is certainly a game-changer, so make sure you’re always utilizing it. 

Tactical Ability: Amped Cover

Amped CoverAmped Cover doesn’t just keep you safe from enemy fire, it also buffs your damage.

Rampart’s main defensive ability is her deployable Amped Cover. Those of you who have played Titanfall will be familiar with this stalwart shield. Not only do these deployable structures sponge incoming damage, they also boost all outgoing damage by 20%. 

Up to five Amped Cover walls can be placed down at once, allowing you to effectively cordone off popular chokepoints and even block entry to various buildings. With three charges and a 20-second cooldown, you can quickly build a decent defense in no time. 

It’s often best to deploy this cover before engaging your enemies as Rampart’s Amped Cover can be destroyed during the three seconds it takes to be deployed. The 20% damage bonus can also give you the edge needed to take down multiple foes, especially when your ultimate is available. 

Ultimate: Emplaced Minigun “Sheila”

Rampart's ultimate abilityRampart’s minigun can quickly shred through even the tankiest of enemies.

This deadly minigun is Rampart’s pride and joy. Armed with a colossal 150 round magazine (173 with Modded Loader), infinite reserve ammo, and a whopping 350 health – Sheila is one ultimate you don’t want to get caught by. If that wasn’t terrifying enough, Rampart’s minigun deals 14 damage per bullet and can unleash 20 bullets per second. 

Sheila is also fairly accurate and even allows players to aim down the weapon’s sights,  giving you greater accuracy for those long-distance engagements. While the minigun has a decent amount of health, it’s often best to place it behind your Amped Cover. This will drastically increase the minigun’s damage and keep it safe from enemy gunfire. 

And if it wasn’t already awesome enough, a buff in Season 10 means she can run around with it before dropping it down. Not only does that mean it’s significantly stronger, but it also means it’s more useful than ever before.

Rampart tips and tricks

Positioning is the key to success

The importance of positioning Leaving your minigun out in the open will greatly diminish its overall use.

Just like most FPS shooters, positioning is integral to your survival. This sentiment is especially true when playing as Rampart. Her defensive playstyle often forces players to remain stationary, particularly when using the minigun. Obviously, this can pose a problem when playing against mobile characters like Octane or squads that are using long-range snipers. 

While Rampart’s minigun can certainly take a beating, it’s often best to simply place it behind your Amped Cover or natural terrain. You’ll not only be much harder to hit, but your weapon will also avoid taking a lot of the flak. In fact, we’ve often found that setting up in a high ground position that surveys a wide area to be incredibly devastating, so always think about your positioning before setting up your defense.  

Aggressively defend

Defending with Amped CoverPutting up an impenetrable defense will increase your chances of winning.

While Rampart may be a defensive Legend at heart, she is often played best when you proactively look for opportunities to force players into unwanted situations. Always be on the watch for areas of the map you can aggressively defend from, and make sure you get to any central areas that see high player traffic before the ring closes in. 

By doing this, you’ll invariably be able to set up your Amped Cover and minigun well before any enemies make their way to your position. Once you’ve found a decent spot, cover any windows and doorways with your deployable cover and get ready to unleash a hail of bullets when your foes get close. 

Use Rampart’s Passive to your advantage

Rampart's passiveLMGs are even more potent when Rampart equips them.

If you’re not utilizing LMGs when playing as Rampart, then you’re missing out on a lot of damage. The added 15% magazine size and 25% decrease in reload time is huge. In fact, when you combine this with the Spitfire and Devotion’s Epic Extended Mag, you’ll often find you never need to reload in most gunfights. 

This is massive when you consider just how many rounds these weapons can pump out. Not only can you take down multiple enemies with a single magazine, but you can also constantly maintain pressure thanks to the faster reload times. 

Know when to use your Amped Cover

Amped cover positioningGood Amped Cover placements can be the difference between life and death.

There’s no point deploying your Amped Cover in the middle of a firefight. After all, most players will try to destroy it during the three-second animation. Not only does this instantly waste one of your three charges, but it also leaves you susceptible to incoming fire. 

As a result, try to get the jump on enemy squads and launch a deadly surprise attack. Just remember that the Amped Cover does not stack, so you’ll still only gain the 20% damage buff even when shooting through multiple walls. 

Don’t forget to take Sheila for a run first

Respawn Entertainment
Sheila isn’t as immobile as it used to be.

As mentioned above, Rampart will be able to pick up Sheila and use it as a third gun until the cooldown runs out in Season 10. It won’t be as strong as it is when it’s mounted, but three guns are always better than two.

You’ll only have access to one mag, and a limited amount of time, but it means you don’t have to worry about bunkering down as Rampart as much anymore.

And of course, you can always place it once you’re done so you and your allies can use it in the traditional way, too.

If you follow these Rampart tips & tricks, you’ll be able to secure more kills in no time. Make sure you follow @TitanfallBlog for all the latest Apex Legends news and updates.