How to play as Loba in Apex Legends: 5 tips & tricks


Apex Legends season five is well underway and as players are getting to grips with Loba, a few tips have started to emerge that separate the rookies from the Apex predators. So, we’ve got five that will take your gameplay up a notch. 

After plenty of speculation and teasers, Loba was finally introduced to the Apex Legends cast of character with the start of season five, Fortune’s Favor. 

As a result of her introduction, the Translocating Thief can often be spotted running around in matches and she is a pretty dangerous foe to go up against. Though, if you’re trying to get used to Loba and figure out how to master her to achieve victories, we’ve got a few tips.

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Apex Legends players should be able to land their shots again now that Respawn has pushed their May 20 patch.EA
Loba’s ability set adds a fast-paced meta that players are loving during Season 5.

Use Loba’s bracelet for high ground and flanks

First off, Loba’s bracelet might seem like a great way to get in and out of fights, but you don’t really want to use it to drop on top of an enemy because your movement is slowly briefly.

You want to use it to take the high ground or right behind the cover of a building. This will allow you to get a leg-up on your opponents as you go on a flank. By taking the high ground, you’ll also reach places that not many legends can – giving you another advantage. 

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Use a Charge Tower at the start of the game

Loba’s Black Market Boutique ultimate is a great way to get some loot, but it can be a waste of time to use if you’re already kitted out with top tier loot during the late game.

So, if you want to get a head start on things, you should be heading to one of the various charge towers that are spread out across the map. By doing so, you’ll be able to get the ultimate ability within the first few seconds of the game, giving you the chance to loot from afar in the opening stages of a game.

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Respawn Entertainment
Charge Towers are one of the key additions to Season 5’s rendition of King’s Canyon.

Use Loba’s Ultimate to loot death boxes outside the safe zone

Given the reach of the ultimate, another good use for it can come outside of the safe zone – specifically, if you’re gatekeeping and manage to take someone down.

If you eliminate an enemy who are stranded outside the circle, you don’t need to risk your own health to grab some loot. Instead, pop down the Black Market Boutique and use that to loot the death boxes.

Stay away from Wattson

Given that the legends all have different abilities in Apex, some are able to counter each other and it is no different for Loba.

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If you try to use her Burglar’s Best Friend bracelet near a Wattson Interception Tower, you won’t be sucked near to the Wattson, but you will lose out on a charge. So, if you can, ignore Wattson when possible and use the bracelet elsewhere.

Respawn Entertainment
Wattson can be a pretty nasty counter to Loba.

Use a sniper rifle for a better look at purple and gold items

The final tip is one that you’ll need to have a little bit of luck on your side with, but you can use a Sniper Rifle to signal boost Loba’s passive of seeing purples and golds through walls.

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While you usually will see the color glowing, if you zoom in with the sniper, you will actually see what the item is. That will let you decide what items are worth going hunting for and what is worth ignoring.

So, there you have it, five tips that should have you close to the winner’s circle in Apex – even though you will still need luck to be on your side.

If you’ve got any other clever tips for Loba, be sure to let us know on Twitter @TitanfallBlog.

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