Kings Canyon update in Apex Legends teased in Lifeline Town Takeover

Apex Legends Town Takeover still

Apex fans have been treated to plenty of new content thanks to the Awakening Collection Event. However,  a potential hint at what’s still to come might be teasing some big changes to Kings Canyon.

The Apex Legends Awakening Collection Event has just started and will be running until July 5. The event introduces some brand new and exclusive cosmetics for players to get their hands on as well as giving them the chance to relive and re-experience the fan-favorite control mode.

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One location that is already garnering attention is the Lifeline’s Clinic. Located between Gardens and Grow Towers in the northeast corner of Olympus, Lifeline’s Clinic will be a Town Takeover location filled with special features and high-tier loot.

Typically, video game devs will sprinkle in easter eggs or hidden information that, more often than not, will be hinting at future content. For a game like Apex, hint-dropping has almost become an expectation and now, Respawn appears to have followed through in an exciting way.

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Potential hints at future Kings Canyon changes

Gamers have already noticed something extra special about this Lifeline’s Clinic location. More specifically, that headlines on some stray magazines in the area may be hinting at some big changes for King’s Canyon while also sprinkling in some content about the moon of Boreas, Seer’s home planet.

In particular, a magazine with the headline “Salvage operation complete” followed by the sub-heading, “say hello to Kings Canyon’s new relic,” has been pointed out by fans and is getting a lot of attention online.

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From this, Apex players have begun to theorize that the “new relic” could be the giant skull from old Skull Town that has been hanging just outside of Salvage since season five.

While these hints may seem like a coincidence to the casual onlooker, Apex fans know that odds are, they’re there for a reason.

Time will tell what exactly they’re hinting at, but for now, fans can keep their thinking caps on as they continue to search for more hidden bits of information in the latest update.

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