Octane’s full face revealed in new Apex Legends lorebook: Pathfinder’s Quest

Published: Feb 02, 2021, 16:49
Updated: Feb 03, 2021, 10:36
Octane face revealRespawn Entertainment

With Octane being one of only two fully masked Legends in Apex, the community has always wondered what ‘The Adrenaline Junkie’ looks like beneath his mask and goggles. Well, the release of Pathfinder’s Quest Book has finally given players the long-awaited face reveal they’ve been asking for.

Since his release in Season 1, Octane has been a fan-favorite legend. His kit’s combination of enhanced movement and outright speed make him the perfect character for any player looking to aggressively take on gunfights.

On top of this, Respawn has done an amazing job of making him an incredibly likable character with a great set of voice lines. His positive and hyped-up attitude towards everything he faces in the Apex Games has always made him popular.

Despite all this – we’ve never actually seen what he looks like. Well, we’ve finally got our answer.

Octane poseOctane was released into Apex Legends on March 19, 2019.

Octane’s face reveal

If you’ve ever played Apex Legends and encountered Octane, you’ll know the energetic daredevil wears a green and black mask that completely covers his face. This has left players to speculate on his eye color, hair, and facial structure, but now, Respawn has finally released a photo of Octane without his mask.

The picture of the Legend is found in the Pathfinder’s Quest book, released on February 2.

Octane's real face

The reception to the reveal has been mixed – but the majority agree that Respawn has nailed Octane’s appearance. For some, the inclusion of subtle imperfections in his facial features has made him a more believable and realistic character.

“He looks great! I love the little imperfections, it makes him look more believable and human,” one user wrote. Another player even expressed that he was exactly how he imagined he’d look: “Exactly like I’d imagine a crazy adrenaline b*****d like him.”

At the end of the day, as with any character’s face reveal, you’re not going to be able to please everybody. Fortunately, Respawn’s design of Octane’s face appears to have gone down well with the community overall. The question is, when is it Bloodhound’s turn to take off the mask?

You can get the Pathfinder’s Quest book from Amazon, available now.