Respawn hit back at Apex Legends ‘Save Titanfall’ hack: “They achieved nothing”

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Respawn slammed the Apex Legends hacker who’s taken over the battle royale to raise awareness for the ‘Save Titanfall Campaign’ as player and dev frustrations continue to mount.

Respawn Director of Communications, Ryan K. Rigney, explained more about where the company was at with the DDoS issues, as well as the anti-cheat efforts in their games – both of which are of high interest to devs and players, alike.

The campaign to ‘Save Titanfall’ and its ‘Operation Red Tape’ is an awareness effort for the developers at Respawn to pay attention to the big problems that are plaguing the classic FPS titles.

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Organizers go as far as to suggest that EA and Respawn are “actively ignoring this subject,” and leaving these games for sale in their current state while allegedly ignoring customer complaints is an “act of fraud.”

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The ‘Save Titanfall’ campaign aims to raise awareness on the biggest issues Respawn are tackling.

The person who hacked Apex Legends also tried to raise awareness on the cause. Unfortunately, awareness isn’t the issue, Rigney said.

“Nobody wants to hear devs complain when DDoS attacks are still a problem we haven’t solved,” Rigney said. “The problem’s not awareness. It’s that DDoSing in particular is just a hard problem to solve. Really hard.”

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Respawn have addressed the Titanfall DDoS issue as recently as June 10. While efforts have been slow for players’ liking, Rigney says the studio has been persistent in its resolve.

“The team has never stopped working on DDoS solutions, and anti-cheat is just a never-ending war of whack-a-mole,” he said. “On the DDoS front, we WILL solve this. When we do, I promise you it won’t be because hackers ‘made us aware’ by ruining a holiday. ”

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The hack on Apex on Sunday, July 4 kept a lot of players from accessing the battle royale and made Respawn turn the lights back on to fix the new issue during the holiday.

Even with people adamant about fixing Titanfall, the attack on Apex didn’t serve any particular purpose since Respawn were already on the case.

“They achieved nothing of value,” Rigney said of the Apex Legends hack.