Respawn opens new Apex Legends development studio

new apex legends studioElectronic Arts

Apex Legends creator Respawn Entertainment has established a new development studio in Madison, Wisconsin to further support the battle royale game.

Respawn started as the Titanfall studio some years ago but has since grown exponentially. On top of expanding the Titanfall brand with Apex Legends, the California-based outfit managed to reinvigorate Electronic Arts’ single-player endeavors by launching Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to massive success.

Notably, Respawn also dabbled in VR with the award-winning Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond. And fans are eager to see what the crew does with its eagerly-anticipated Star Wars-branded FPS title.

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But, of course, Apex Legends has proven integral to keeping the lights on over the last several years. It makes sense, then, that Respawn and EA have chosen to invest even more resources into the IP’s future.

Respawn establishes new studio for Apex Legends support

Respawn has cut the ribbon on its third development house. Based out of Madison, Wisconsin, the new satellite team will be helmed by “veteran AAA battle royale and FPS developers.”

Its primary focus will revolve around building content for Apex Legends, which now counts as Electronic Arts’ marquee shooter series.

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Respawn brought in Epic Games and Raven Software veteran Ryan Burnett to serve as the new firm’s Studio Director. Game Director Steven Ferreira said of the news (via

new apex legends studioElectronic Arts
Apex Legends

“Building the live service of Apex is a constant cycle of trying new things and experimenting, and that’s what Wisconsin is going to give us – that capacity to do more of that, pushing into new area[s] like Legend classes and trying to do things we haven’t done before.”

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Respawn’s announcement of a new Apex Legends studio comes not even a month after EA laid off 200 Apex QA testers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

And the companies confirmed even earlier in the year that support for Apex Legends Mobile will cease on May 1, 2023.