All CoD Vanguard killstreaks: New streaks & classic streaks return

Vanguard KillstreaksActivision

Call of Duty Vanguard is almost upon us and we’ve got an early rundown on every confirmed Killstreak that you’ll be able to use across multiplayer at launch. From how much they cost to what they do, here’s everything you need to know.

As with any new CoD title, Vanguard comes with a full set of extremely powerful Killstreaks. Some returning classics are in the mix this year along with some innovative new streaks to push your playstyle in new directions.

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Veterans will feel right at home with how Killstreaks work in Vanguard. As the name implies, the more kills you secure without dying, the better streaks you’ll have access to.

Up to three can be equipped at any given time to reward your hottest multiplayer streaks. If you’re stumped on which to pick or want just the lowdown on how they work, here’s an in-depth breakdown of every Killstreak in CoD Vanguard.

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Every Killstreak in CoD Vanguard

3 Kills – Intel

Killstreak Intel

As the first new Killstreak in Vanguard, Intel is a personal boost that can be activated after 3 kills. This unique ability acts as a close-range Spy Plane but only for the player that called it in.

Your teammates won’t benefit from the Intel Killstreak in any way. Moreover, it comes with a smaller radius compared to the Spy Plane that sweeps a full map. 

If you’re in a tough spot, suspicious of campers nearby, or just want a cheaper alternative to the Spy Plane, Intel could be the pick for you.

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4 Kills – Care Package

Care Package

If you’ve played any CoD title over the years, you’ll know exactly how the Care Package functions. At 4 kills, you can call in a handy delivery that provides a randomized Killstreak.

As always, Care Packages have to be called in manually, meaning you’ll have to guard its position for a few seconds. Once it lands on the map, enemies or even pesky teammates can snag the random Killstreak if you’re not quick enough to grab it yourself.

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4 Kills – Spy Plane

Spy Plane

Also coming in at 4 kills in Vanguard is the Spy Plane. Once again, this Killstreak works exactly as players have grown accustomed to over the years in CoD.

Upon activating the streak, a Spy Plane circles overhead, revealing enemy positions on the minimap for your entire team. No different from usual, these planes can indeed be shot down from the sky if enemies go out of their way.

4 Kills – Counter Spy Plane

Counter Spy Plane

Serving as the direct shutdown of a Spy Plane, the Counter Spy Plane is back once again in Vanguard. With 4 kills to your name, you can activate this Killstreak to completely block out the minimap for opposing players.

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Everyone on the enemy team will be left with static covering their minimap, negating any intel from active Spy Planes. In the same vein as its positive counterpart, this streak can also be blown out of the sky.

5 Kills – Glide Bomb

Glide Bomb

As the first 5-cost Killstreak, the Glide Bomb is your standard explosive streak in Vanguard. Akin to Predator Missiles of years prior, the Glide Bomb can be controlled as it plummets to the ground, allowing you to control where it detonates.

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The Glide Bomb is lethal to enemies in a close range, instantly killing targeted foes if they’re caught in the blast.

5 Kills – Deathmachine


The Deatmachine is back in CoD Vanguard as a devastating 5-cost Killstreak. Unlike previous titles, this version of the powerful weapon carries through multiple lives until all of its ammo is gone.

Therefore, if you die with the Deathmachine in your hands, fear not. You’ll respawn right away with ammo still ready to unload.

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This instance of the Killstreak comes equipped with brutal explosive rounds as well. These apply damage in a wider cone to standard bullets. But be warned, they also deal damage to you if you’re up close.

5 Kills – Mortar Barrage

Mortar Barrage

Another new Killstreak in Vanguard, the Mortar Barrage can be called in after 5 kills, unleashing a repeated mortar strike on a specific part of the map.

You’ll first have to throw a flare on the ground to mark your desired target. Shortly after, mortar fire will rain down from above, wiping out anyone in the vicinity. This streak can be ideal in objective-based game types when you need to clear a specific zone.

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7 Kills – Warmachine


The Warmachine is back for another year as players can equip this explosive grenade launcher at 7 kills. 

Similar to the Deathmachine, this streak carries on through death. If you fall with grenades still left to use, you’ll respawn right away with the weapon still available.

9 Kills – Flamenaut


As one of the more expensive streaks in Vanguard, the 9-cost Flamenaut comes with multiple benefits. First, players equip a devastating flamethrower upon activation. Second, the streak also comes with a unique protective suit to keep you alive through extraordinary amounts of damage.

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Following in the footsteps of the Juggernaut, for instance, the Flamenaut can be a huge problem to deal with on any given map.

10 Kills – Attack Dogs

Attack Dogs

The current top streak in Vanguard is none other than the classic Attack Dogs Killstreak. At 10 kills, players can call in a group of not-so-friendly dogs to chomp through the competition.

These AI companions automatically seek out the nearest targets, helping you rack up even more kills once they’re on the map.

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That’s a complete overview of every confirmed Killstreak in Vanguard. It’s worth noting that these streaks are just from the first batch available in the Beta test. It’s more than likely the full release will have even more Killstreaks available on day one.

We’ll be sure to keep you posted right here with all the latest as new streaks are revealed.