How to complete Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus main story Easter Egg

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Terminus Easter Egg GuideDexerto

Out of the two main story Easter Eggs available on launch for Black Ops 6, Terminus’ is definitely the harder of the two. On top of the map being more difficult in general, its also got significantly more steps that’ll take you on an adventure trotting from island to island and discovering every secret the map holds.

Black Ops 6’s zombies mode has been incredibly well-received, and complex challenges like this one are a huge part of the reason why.

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From crafting a wonder weapon that’s entirely new to the series to completing literal dozens of objectives to fight one big boss at the end, there are a ton of steps to follow here. Be aware that, if you’re trying to complete this Easter Egg in its entirety for the first time, you’ll want to set aside a couple hours to get the job done. It’s a long one.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to complete the Terminus main story Easter Egg in Black Ops 6:

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Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Easter Egg explained


There are a few things you’ll want to know before getting started with this one. The Liberty Falls Easter Egg isn’t exactly easy, but you won’t need a huge amount of preparation to get through it. You could load up a fresh save file and feasibly get through everything without breaking much of a sweat.

Terminus is a different story.

Terminus Easter Egg Patient 13Dexerto
Terminus’ Easter Egg has some huge hurdles you’ll have to overcome

So, here are a few things you should know before embarking on the journey to complete this Easter Egg.

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  • Chopper Gunners are extremely helpful when trying to complete this Easter Egg for the sake of getting yourself some much-needed breathing room in tense fights. They also absolutely shred Elite zombies where normal weapons feel like they just bounce off of them. It’s highly recommended you get to level 39 before attempting this Easter Egg so you can craft Chopper Gunners at the workbench, or, at the very least, go into the fight with a Mutant Injection.
    • The a final boss at the end of this Easter Egg is very, very difficult to kill. Do yourself a favor and give yourself the lowest chance possible of wasting two hours only to die at the last leg.
  • You’ll want to focus on Pack-a-Punching one main weapon. The Easter Egg relies partially upon crafting a Wonder Weapon, the DRI-11 Beamsmasher. One player will need to leave a spot open to equip this weapon, so the player who does this will want to focus on Pack-a-Punching one main weapon. It’s recommended to do this with a gun that has a ton of reserve ammo.
  • As we hinted at earlier, this Easter Egg takes a long time to complete, roughly 2-3 hours depending on how fast you can get through it the first time around. Set aside enough time to get it done.
  • You’ll want to be done with the Easter Egg by roughly round 25. Killing the last boss is hard enough as it is, but there’s a stark difficulty spike once you get past round 25 that’ll make your life that much harder. Use your time wisely.
  • This Easter Egg can be completed solo, but it’s a lot easier with friends. Many of the sections require you to do things that’ll take you out of combat entirely, leaving you a sitting duck. Without friends, getting through these parts is much harder.

Step 1: Turn on the Power

This is pretty straightforward, as the map will guide you along to each of the three AMP generators.

AMP generators terminusDexerto

Activate these generators, kill all the zombies that spawn in while defending it and keeping it alive, and you’ll be good to go. This’ll also get you access to the Pack-a-Punch lift, something you’ll need later. However, while you’re powering up these generators, there’s something you’ll want to look out for.

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Step 2: Activate the three laptops

Three laptops are scattered around the map that’ll be necessary later on. They aren’t highlighted in any way, but, if you walk up and interact with them, they’ll activate.

The first laptop is just up the stairs next to the room Stamin-Up is in, overlooking the center of the map:

First Laptop Terminus Easter EggDexerto

The second laptop is just outside the Quick Revive room. Go out the door facing away from spawn when you walk into the room, and it’ll be sitting right in front of you when you walk out.

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Second laptop terminus easter eggDexerto

The third laptop is a bit trickier. It’s down by the docks, up the stairs from the Arsenal station that’s sitting next to the water:

third laptop terminus easter eggDexerto

Nothing will happen upon activating these laptops at first, but they’ll be essential later. Best to get them out of the way early on while you’re walking by them.

Step 3: Open the door to the research lab

In order to do this, you’ll need to ride the Pack-a-Punch elevator up to the surface with a weapon that has the Dead Wire mod.

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Dead Wire mod Black Ops 6Dexerto

Just grab Dead Wire from an Arsenal for 500 scrap and you’ll be all set. This’ll work on any gun that shoots actual bullets.

From there, you’ll have to shoot a series of generator boxes leading up to the Research Lab, the first of which is the biggest pain of the lot.

generator box terminus easter eggDexerto

This generator box lies opposite the Pack-a-Punch machine. Once you shoot this one, sparks will fly out and you’ll be shown which generator box you need to shoot next to power the door to the Research Lab. Shoot all those boxes and you’ll be in.

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Kill the zombie struggling beneath rubble in that room and they’ll drop an EMF FOB. Grab that, and you’ll be ready for the next step.

Step 4: Retrieve and calibrate the Multiphasic Resonator

There’s a briefcase in the Sea Tower, the tower that overlooks the ocean and has two metal bridges leading to it. You’ll know you’re in the right place if you hear a scary, bass-heavy growling while you’re in there.

Walk up to a briefcase with a severed hand clutching the handles, open it, and grab the Multiphasic Resonator.

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multiphasic resonator black ops 6 easter eggDexerto

From there, you’ll have to take a hike back to the Research Lab and do some algebra. No, seriously.

This is where you’ll be happy you activated those laptops.

algebra terminus black ops 6 easter eggDexerto

This is a lot to take in if you don’t know what you’re looking at, but this puzzle isn’t too hard if you know what you’re doing and paid attention in middle school algebra.

Each of those three laptops you activated earlier will show up as a sticky note here displaying which symbol corresponds to which variable in the equations. The total you get upon plugging each variable into the three math problems and solving them will give you your three totals.

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However, the symbols you get to represent each variable change every match you play, meaning you’ll have to go through this process every time you attempt the Easter Egg.

As for how to actually solve, here’s an example of how you’d find the total for the third equation above, the one that contains all three variables.

Each symbol’s position on the chart will give you which number it is with the numbers on the left being the first digit and the numbers on the bottom being the second. So, in the above example, each variable is as follows:

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  • x=10
  • y=20
  • z=22

And, if you were to plug those numbers into the third equation, it’d look like this:

  • |(y+z) – x| >>> |(20+22) – 10|
    • The solution here is 32, making the last two digits of the number you need to enter 32

You’ll get a few minutes to solve these equations, and zombies won’t try to kill you while you’re putting the numbers in, so you’ve got some time to think. Though, if you’re not math savvy, definitely bring along someone who would know how to solve these equations quickly.

Once you’ve got all six digits correct, you’ll be able to grab the Resonator (make sure not to leave it behind) and move on to the next step.

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Step 5: Feeding the Orbs

You’ll have to take to the seas and grab a boat to travel between islands for this step. After leaving land behind, travel on out to Castle Rock Island. You’ll find this on the right side of the map and, if you’ve done everything correctly, you’ll be able to identify it by the big glowing blue orb on its shore.

big blue orb terminus easter eggDexerto

Make landfall and hold interact on the orb to get started with your first quest in Step 5. Zombies will begin spawning around the orb, and they’ll occasionally get zapped by lightning. Killing these zombies will drop a ball of lightning you have to pick up and carry to the main orb, keeping you from running, ADSing, reloading, or using equipment.

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orb in hand terminus easter eggDexerto

It’s a huge pain, especially if you’re playing solo, which is why grabbing a gun with a big magazine will do wonders for you on this section. I chose the PP-919 since it’s got a huge mag and good hipfire, but the choice is up to you on this one.

Once you grab three small orbs and chuck them in the big orb, you’ll have to do that same quest another two times on two different islands. After the blue orb, you’ll be heading to Crab Island, the southmost island on the map, to do this with a green orb.

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Once you get the green orb charged, you’ll head to Temple Island (an island located in the top left corner of the map) to do this with a purple orb.

Order does matter on these, as you’ll have to do blue > green > purple every time you attempt this Easter Egg. Going through these three quests will give you the AMP Munition, the last component you need to craft the DRI-11 Beamsmasher.

Step 6: Getting and using the DRI-11 Beamsmasher

Once you go back to the Research Lab, you’ll be able to immediately craft the DRI-11 Beamsmasher. It’s essentially a laser gatling gun that fires a potent laser beam that’ll fry zombies. You’ll want to have a bunch of spare essence stacked up to Pack-a-Punch this thing twice or even three times if you plan on holding on to it.

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However, you can drop it for something else if you want once you complete the next step.

Scattered around the map are Tentacle Traps, four in total. One of them will drop a Hard Drive after you shoot at it for a few seconds with this wonder weapon. Those traps look like this:

tentacle trap terminus easter eggDexerto

You can usually spot them in doorways that have broken vents on top of them.

There are two in the underground lab, one next to Juggernog, and one near spawn where Peck resides. Once you get this Hard Drive, you’ll need to deliver it to Peck by holding interact while standing next to the small delivery slot on the wall.

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Delivery slot terminus easter eggDexerto

Step 7: Finding the code and killing Nathan

Once you deliver the Hard Drive, you’ll have to discover a three digit code that gets randomized between each run. There are three locations where you’ll need to find the numbers:

First up is a clock in the Quick Revive room, with the first digit of the code being the hour hand on that clock:

clock terminus easter eggDexerto

It can be sort of hard to tell which side of the hand the number lies on depending on perspective. I originally thought the hand was on 7 here, but it turned out to be 6. If you get the code wrong, this is probably where the error is, so just try the next closest number on the clock.

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Next up is the second digit, a number from a playing card pinned to a board in the Mess Hall. This’ll be the building to your right coming out of the Quick Revive room, the one that has an Arsenal in it:

playing card terminus easter eggDexerto

The third digit is in Engineering, it’ll be straight ahead through the Juggernog room from the Mess Hall. You’ll find this number close to the crafting table, and it’ll be whatever number is marked down on the “Days Since Last Injury” counter:

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injury sign terminus easter eggDexerto

Once you’ve got these three numbers, head on down to the Underground Lab and go to the chamber at the middle of the lab.

There, you’ll see Nathan trapped within the chamber and a keypad under it. I’m assuming you can guess what comes next.

code input nathan terminus easter eggDexerto

Putting in the correct combination will immediately initiate a boss fight with Nathan, so make sure you’re ready. That said, he’s a bit of a pushover.

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This boss is essentially an Amalgamation with some extra health and the ability to heal from eating other zombies. You can burst him down pretty quickly if you’re focusing him down properly.

Once Nathan’s dead, you’ll need to grab a Golden Keycard before moving on from this lab. You’ll find it located underwater beneath one of the bridges.

golden keycard terminus easter eggDexerto

With the keycard in hand, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

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Step 8: Repairing the Node Connectors

Your first step here will be actually obtaining the Node Connectors before you can use them. You’ll want to drive your boat out to the wrecked ship to the left side of the map and drive through one of the holes in the side of the boat.

You’ll see a ladder leading up to a different part of that ship. You’ll need to climb that, but make sure you’re prepared first; once you enter that room, you’ll be stuck there for a bit.

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node connectors terminus easter eggDexerto

Once you grab one of these, you’ll have to fight off a horde in this small room until the latch below unlocks, allowing you to escape with your Node. You won’t be able to sprint with this equipped, and you can only hold one at a time.

So, yes, if you’re playing solo, you’ll have to repair one of the nodes with this, return, grab the other one, and find the other node. Yes, it’s a pain, but it’s doable. This step is definitely easier with friends, though.

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There are three locations where you may have to put the Node Connector in.

One of them is right next to the crafting table on the southmost island on the map:

node connector 1 terminus easter eggDexerto

One of them is next to the Speed Cola machine in the caves:

node connector 2Dexerto

And one of them is under the Sea Tower near the docks:

node connector 3 terminus easter eggDexerto

Once you’ve got these nodes repaired, head back to Peck near spawn to start the last leg of your journey.

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Step 9: Hack the Buoys and Defuse the Nukes

This is the beginning of the end for this Easter Egg, the last hurdle before your final showdown. Once you head back to Peck, you’ll see a Hacking Device in the delivery slot.

hacking device terminus easter eggDexerto

Grab it, drive your boat out to the edges of the map, and find a buoy with a satellite dish on it. You won’t get an on-screen prompt for it, but driving up next to one of these buoys and holding the interact button will allow you to hack it.

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hacking buoy terminus easter eggDexerto

Once you hack this first one, a timer for two minutes will start. You’ll have to drive around and find the other two buoys before time runs out. The window on timing here is pretty short.

Important: Before you complete this step and hack all three of these terminals, make sure you have a few monkeys or at least enough salvage to craft them. If you’re playing solo, you will absolutely 100% need monkeys to survive the next step. And, once you hack these buoys, there’s no going back.

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After you successfully complete this objective within the time limit, nuclear bombs planted in the Underground Lab will begin ticking down, and you’ll only have 5 minutes to defuse them. And defusing these things takes a while.

So, your best bet is to toss a monkey as far away from you as physically possible and pray if you’re playing solo. Monkeys won’t last long enough to defuse, so you’ll be cutting it close every time you try to keep one of these bombs from blowing up. This is yet another step that’s much easier with friends.

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defusing bombs terminus easter eggDexerto

Three of these bombs will deploy from within the walls of the lab, lit up brightly with green lights and a bulb filled with purple lightning. They’re hard to miss but, again, take forever to defuse.

Once you’ve defused the bombs, the map goes back to normal until you choose to fight the final boss.

final boss door terminus easter eggDexerto

After going through this door in the Underground Lab, there’s no going back, and you’re in for one hell of a fight.

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Step 10: Kill Patient 13

Patient 13 is an absolute raid boss. This fight has multiple stages, a huge health bar, attack patterns, and pretty much all the things you’d expect from an incredibly difficult boss fight. You’re probably not gonna win this fight the first time you attempt it.

Use the time you’ve got before the boss fight wisely to prep for it, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got as much equipment as you can get without grinding too far into the later rounds. Here are a few tips that’ll help you get through the fight:

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patient 13 terminus easter eggDexerto
You’re gonna be seeing this death animation a few times.
  • Running circles around the arena won’t work. Patient 13’s weak spots are the only way to do substantial damage to him, and they take a bit to open up. Juke his hits instead and focus down those weak points.
  • He disappears for a bit between stages. If you’re going to use a chopper gunner or mutant infection, make sure it’s not when he’s about to evolve into the next stage. His break points are segmented into thirds for three stages, so keep that in mind.
  • The water is safer than you’d think, taking a dive is a great way to regen health
  • Watch out for his last stage, he has a sort of energy burst that will genuinely one shot you regardless of how much armor you have. Avoid it at all costs
  • Zombies Patient 13 kills won’t drop loot. You won’t get perks from normal enemies anyways, but you’ll want armor plates and ammo drops from zombies, so make sure you’re killing some zombies yourself.

I’ll leave the actual final cutscene spoiler free so you can see it for yourself when you complete the Easter Egg. Good luck out there, and don’t be discouraged if you aren’t able to get through this in your first attempt. Give it a few tries, grab a good group of friends, and keep at it. You’ve got this.

If you beat this Easter Egg and are looking for a new challenge, check out our Liberty Falls Easter Egg guide.

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