Team Kaliber’s Fero Releases Apology Statement Following Criticizm For Racial Slur Clip


Pro CoD player Maurice “Fero” Henriquez has apologized for the clip which surfaced on June 5th, showing the Team Kaliber player using a racial slur, from over two years ago.

The clip was taken from a live stream on Fero’s Twitch channel sometime during 2016, and was posted on Twitter and later Reddit.

It contained vulgar racist comments and the use of the n-word, in an expletive filled rant as Fero became infuriated during an online match.

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While some were calling it inexcusable that he used the language, others were more sympathetic, highlighting the age of the clip and that Fero would have been between 16-17 years old at the time.

Fero has now released an apology statement, clarifying that the clip is indeed from two years ago, and does not reflect his current attitudes or mindset.

He also says he does not want to make any excuse for his words, but that he has now matured and can only ask for forgiveness.

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He posted his apology to his Twitter followers via a Twitlonger, and the response from the majority of his followers immediately after the post was generally sympathetic.

You can read Fero’s full statement below.


I want to start this off by saying how deeply sorry I am for what was said in the clip of my stream. I don’t stand by anything I said and that is not a reflection of me or my ideals. Racism of any kind, even as a “joke” is unacceptable.

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The clip in question was from Black Ops 3 when I was 16. At the time, I wasn’t yet mature enough to understand the severity that such insensitivity could have on my fans and the ramifications it could have on my future career.

I’ve grown a lot since then, both as an individual and as a professional. I’m not writing this post to make excuses, I’m writing it both as an apology to the community and to be an example to other up and coming players so that they can learn from my mistake and we as a collective can be better.

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I sincerely hope the fans and my fellow professional players can forgive me for my past actions. I am full of regret and I’m sorry.

– fero