Fullmetal Alchemist cosplayer shapeshifts into jealous homunculus Envy

Bones / Instagram: @kuramachaan, @flurmyshoot

A skilled cosplayer has created the perfect look for Fullmetal Alchemist’s jealous homunculus Envy, turning them into a chilling re-creation of the formidable foe.

Fullmetal Alchemist is regarded as one of the best anime series of all time, thanks to its dark themes of loss, death, murder, and loneliness. It follows the story of siblings Ed and Alphonse Elric after they attempt to bring their mother back from the dead and fail, leaving the younger brother without a body and the oldest without an arm and a leg.

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A big part of the plot centers on the homunculus – a set of artificial “humans” created by alchemy. A talented fan decided to cosplay Envy – the embodiment of one of the seven deadly sins – and pulled it off to perfection.

Envy is a homunculus.

Chilling Envy cosplay

German cosplayer Kurama shared her take on the FMA villain, and it’s so realistic, it looks as though they’ve jumped right out of the TV screen itself.

The foe infamously sports a black headband across his forehead with a red pattern on it – something the artist mimics perfectly in her re-design of the creepy character.

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She also nails the antagonist’s hair, which is long, black, and straggly and reaches down to their waist, and is one of Envy’s most striking features.


In another shot, the artist poses menacingly, and really brings out the character’s jealous spirit. She also gives another look at the homunculus’ clothing, which consists of a cropped, high-neck shirt and a kilt-like pair of shorts.

Their gloves are also shown, which Envy wears to match his clothing and headband, tying the whole look together for the perfect take on the villain.

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In the show, the antagonist can shapeshift into other forms, and can replicate other human beings to become almost like a clone – something the cosplayer pulls off by looking exactly like the menace itself.


Fullmetal Alchemist first aired in 2003, and was later remade as a second, updated series called Brotherhood in 2009 which gave a more in-depth yet streamlined look at the Elric brothers’ journey.

For those who have yet to watch it, both versions can be viewed in their entirety on streaming service Netflix.

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