DeKay’s Pre-Cologne CS:GO Mailbag, Part 2: FaZe Clan, Liquid ‘era’ and future of ex-OpTic


One of the biggest events of the CS:GO calendar each year, ESL One: Cologne, is right around the corner, so to make sure you’re in the know before the event begins here’s the answers to some of your burning questions.

This is part 2 of DeKay’s Pre-Cologne CS:GO mailbag – if you missed part one you can catch up here.

FaZe Clan roster moves?

I think they are going to monitor for who is available following the Major. I fully expect NEO to get replaced before the end of the year, as they even said adding him was a temporary move. My pick for that spot is flusha, but that is purely a guess.

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WESGFlusha’s future is up in the air – but FaZe Clan could be a potential move.

Which orgs are most respectful to journalists?

In my experience, North American orgs are the most respectable compared to anyone else. Some even go as far as saying they enjoy my work and to continue doing it, despite having done multiple reports that include them. Not that many are bad eggs, just the ones that call journalists out for not asking for comment or other mundane crap like that.

New ‘big’ orgs coming to CS:GO?

From what I know, there isn’t but there totally could be and I just don’t know. 

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Craziest moves that never happened?

I’ve written about most of them, so there aren’t any crazy moves that I know about that haven’t been mentioned already. The one that I heard about and have mentioned before that would have been crazy is shox replacing karrigan on FaZe Clan. Far fewer details exist about that potential move and it could totally have been just a crazy rumor and nothing legitimate. 

G2 EsportsShox replacing Karrigan on FaZe Clan was rumored – but nothing came of it.

What’s LUCAS1’s potential with MiBR?

I think they will show some improvement but I’m not convinced he is the fix long term. To make strides forward they need to make more than one move, in my opinion. It’s obvious they would prefer picking up a FURIA player or two in the long run so don’t think they’ll give up trying to make that happen. As always, it will come down to who is available at the time if they want to make another move or not retain LUCAS1.

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Is FURIA players’ salary the lowest of any top team?

With their base salary on their old contract, they probably were or very close to it. I’ve been assured that the salary on these new contracts is very respectable, they just have giant buyouts on top of them. What the organization doesn’t want you to know is that they don’t have work visas for the US yet. They got in trouble once already for it. Hopefully they get them soon.


A new Major qualification system needed?

I wouldn’t mind something like that because I’ve always believed Majors should have the top twenty four teams in the world, every single time. If a team is tearing up tournaments by placing really well and they fumble at a Major only to continue placing well after, I don’t think they should have to redo the entire qualification process for the next Major. They should be rewarded for their consistent high level of play, which in theory would keep the level of competition high at the most prestigious tournaments. 

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The important questions: Milk or cereal first?

People putting milk in their bowls first are absolute lunatics. 

Potential GeT_RiGhT replacements?

They still have time to figure that out, but it’s clear they’d be open to flusha joining. If not him, I can see them trying to steal another youngster. Nawwk is a prime candidate but he has a buyout now and I bet you it is pretty large. This is something with a wide range of possibilities right now so speculating will always be difficult. 

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Why are the Danes struggling?

I wouldn’t consider it a problem with Danish teams, it’s just that they have just so happened to struggle at the same time. Astralis has some ring rust and teams have all spent months adapting to their playstyle and analyzing their demos. I still think they are a strong team and they have the capability to bounce back if they are motivated enough. As for ex-OpTic, you can imagine not having an organization’s support has had an effect on them mentally. The lineup is still on the newer side, so if they can sort all of that out I think they will start placing well in qualifiers and eventual tournaments. 

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Where’s the competition in the CIS region?

At the moment AVANGAR has the best shot to give Na’Vi a run for their money with the addition of AdreN but expecting them to take over Na’Vi just isn’t realistic. The issue is that Na’Vi have s1mple and no one else does. When you have a generational talent like him, it will be difficult to beat his team on a regular basis. Long term though, I think AVANGAR will be the best they ever have as a team. AdreN fills a lot gaps in teams with his experience and adaptability. 

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StarLadderWill another CIS team ever rival s1mple’s Na’Vi?

Most likely to underperform in Cologne?

Fnatic has my pick. As I alluded to in Part 1, they were dealing with some issues leading up to the event. They spent most of their time practicing with Jumpy because JW was in the hospital. He is good to go now, but they won’t have had much practice together. If they play even decently well, I’ll be impressed. I didn’t plan on discussing it but JW replied in the thread for Part 1 on Reddit and explained the situation. If I was a Fnatic fan, I would be looking towards the Major as a real barometer for the level of this lineup.

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What does the future hold for Ex-Ghost?

I’m not entirely sure. Wardell would have already joined another team if he didn’t have such a large buyout, in my opinion. Many forget that he was the only one to sign a “multi-year” deal with them so who knows how much that will limit his opportunities. I think the other guys are just surveying their options. The most interesting aspect is that they had an ESL Pro League spot, so I wonder of one or two of them can convince ESL to let them retain it. I don’t think the org plans on picking up a new team for it. They also can’t sell it without the original majority lineup either.

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Nawwk to NiP?

Only if they want to pay a large buyout. Last I checked he was pretty committed to GamersLegion.

Future of (ex-)OpTic?

I have no news at all to report what will happen with the organization. As for the ex-OpTic players, I expect them to find an organization relatively easily. Those things just take some time.

DreamhackLiquid are on a run of impressive form, but how can they cement their legacy?

Criteria for a Liquid ‘era’?

They need to at least win the Major and some tournaments after, in my opinion. Winning both Cologne and the Major would jumpstart it even sooner, especially if they beat Astralis once or twice again in the process. I just don’t think any other team can hang with them when they are firing on all cylinders. Their best is better than everyone else’s right now.

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