All Tonics in Destiny 2 Episode Revenant & how to unlock them

destiny 2 tonics episode revenantBungie

Destiny 2 Episode Revenant introduces a new system called Tonics, each providing buffs intended to complement various playstyles and boost rewards from activities.

An important distinction to be aware of off the bat is that Tonics come in two flavors: Volatile and Enriching. The former provides combat buffs and boosts to Revenant’s Artifact perks, while the latter boosts rewards from defeating enemies and activity completions.

Only one Tonic of each type can be active at a time, with duration dependent on the rarity of each Tonic. The full suite of magical drinks your Guardian will be guzzling won’t be available until all three Revenant Acts are available, but these are all of the Tonics we know of so far and how to unlock them.

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How to unlock and discover new Tonics

At first glance, the process of unlocking additional Tonics in Destiny 2 can be a little obtuse. In-game, Eliksni Scribe Eido encourages Guardians to keep brewing Tonics to discover new recipes, but there’s a little more to the process than that.

The process of discovering new Tonics requires you to brew four or five Tonics of a specific rarity to unlock the higher-rarity version of that same tonic.

For example, brewing five Uncommon Tonic of Brawling will reveal the recipe for the Rare Tonic of Brawling. Repeating this process with the latter will then yield the recipe for the Legendary Tonic of Brawling, with this same pattern being true of all Tonic types.

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Volatile Tonics

destiny 2 volatile tonics

Volatile Tonics provide combat buffs and boosts to Revenant’s Artifact perks. These buffs last either 20, 40, or 60 minutes depending on the rarity of the Tonic, with these durations being increased if you have completed Eido’s Fieldwork.

Here are all of the Volatile Tonics that are available in Revenant Act 3:

Uncommon Volatile Tonics

TonicEffect(40 Minutes)Boosted Artifact PerksRequired Reagents
Diluted Tonic of Protecting FrostWhile Frost Armor is active, Primary ammo Stasis weapons deal bonus damage.Wind ChillVolatile Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Diluted Tonic of Stasis CrystallizationShattering a Stasis Crystal grants you a small amount of class ability energy.Crystalline ConverterVolatile Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Diluted Tonic of Renewing FinishersFinishers grant a small amount of health.Debilitating WaveVolatile Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Diluted Tonic of Weakening VoidWhile Devour is active, Special ammo Void weapons deal bonus damage.Power From PainVolatile Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Diluted Tonic of Amplified ArcWhile you are amplified, Primary ammo Arc weapons deal bonus damage.Trace EvidenceVolatile Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Diluted Tonic of BrawlingReduces incoming damage from combatants that are at point-blank range.The Thick of ItVolatile Power: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Diluted Tonic of Void ShrapnelGain bonus Intellect.Void RenewalVolatile Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5

Rare Volatile Tonics

TonicEffect(60 Minutes)Boosted Artifact PerksRequired Reagents
Potent Tonic of Amplified ArcWhile you are amplified, Primary ammo Arc weapons deal bonus damage.Retinal BurnVolatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Potent Tonic of Weakening VoidWhile Devour is active, Special ammo Void weapons deal bonus damage.Concussive ReloadVolatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Potent Tonic of Renewing FinishersFinishers grant you a small amount of health.Conductive Cosmic CrystalVolatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Potent Tonic of Stasis CrystallizationShattering a Stais crystal grants you a small amount of class ability energyHail the StormVolatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Potent Tonic of Protecting FrostWhile Frost Armor is active, Primary ammo Stasis weapons deal bonus damageArmor of EramisVolatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Potent Tonic of BrawlingReduces incoming damage from combatants that are at point-blank range.Curative OrbsVolatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Potent Tonic of Void ShrapnelGain bonus IntellectOld God’s RiteVolatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10

Legendary Volatile Tonics

TonicEffect (80 minutes)Boosted Artifact PerksRequired Reagents
Refined Tonic of Protecting FrostWhile Frost Armor is active, Primary ammo Stasis weapons deal bonus damage.Wind ChillArmor of EramisVolatile Nugget: x2Volatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Refined Tonic of Stasis CrystallizationShattering a Stasis crystal grants you a small amount of class ability energy.Crystalline ConverterHail The StormVolatile Nugget: x2Volatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Refined Tonic of Renewing FinishersFinishers grant you a small amount of health.Debilitating WaveConductive Cosmic CrystalVolatile Nugget: x2Volatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Refined Tonic of Weakening VoidWhile Devour is active, Special ammo Void weapons deal bonus damage.Power From PainConcussive ReloadVolatile Nugget: x2Volatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Refined Tonic of Amplified ArcWhile you are Amplified, Primary ammo Arc weapons deal bonus damage.Trace EvidenceRetinal BurnVolatile Nugget: x2Volatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Refined Tonic of BrawlingReduces incoming damage from combatants that are at point-blank range.The Thick of ItCurative OrbsVolatile Nugget: x2Volatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Refined Tonic of Void ShrapnelGain bonus IntellectVoid RenewalOld God’s RiteVolatile Nugget: x2Volatile Flake: x1Volatile Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20

From the examples above, it’s clear Bungie intends to make each Tonic appeal to users of specific builds rather than conferring blanket buffs to Guardians’ power.

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As only one drink can be used at a time, players will have to choose which Tonic they want to brew before heading into battle. At least as far as weaker versions of Tonics are concerned, you may find yourself having to top up any desired effects in lengthy content such as Raids and Dungeons.

Enriching Tonics

destiny 2 revenant enriching tonics

Enriching Tonics provide buffs to rewards from defeating enemies and activity completions. These buffs include additional weapons, armor, Glimmer and even crafting resources, with each lasting either 20, 40, or 60 minutes depending on the rarity of the Tonic.

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Here are all of the Enriching Tonics that are available in Revenant Act 3::

Onslaught Tonics

TonicRarityEffectRequired Reagents
Tonic of Onslaught GearUncommonRewards Shadestalker Armor, Onslaught Weapons, and Vintage Onslaught weapons.Enriching Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Tonic of Onslaught: WeaponryRareRewards Onslaught: Salvation weapons.Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Tonic of Vintage Onslaught WeaponryRareRewards Vintage Onslaught weapons.Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Tonic of Vantage PointLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Vantage Point after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of InsurmountableLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Insurmountable after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of ExuviaeLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Exuviae after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of LiturgyLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Liturgy after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of SovereigntyLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Sovereignty after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Bitter/SweetLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Bitter/Sweet after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Ignition CodeLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Ignition Code after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Chroma RushLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Chroma Rush after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Sojourner’s TaleLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Sojourner’s Tale after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20

Tomb of Elders Tonics

TonicRarityEffectRequired Reagents
Tonic of Tomb GearUncommonRewards Shadestalker Armor, Tomb of Elders weapons, and Vintage Tomb of Elders weapons.Enriching Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Tonic of Tomb WeaponryRareRewards Tombs of Elders weapons.Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Tonic of Vintage Tomb WeaponryRareRewards Vintage Tombs of Elders weapons.Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Tonic of Noxious VetiverLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Noxious Vetiver after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of ExuviaeLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Exuviae after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Scavenger’s FateLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Scavenger’s Fate after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Bitter/SweetLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Bitter/Sweet after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Chroma RushLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Chroma Rush after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Sojourner’s TaleLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Sojourner’s Tale after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of GridskipperLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Gridskipper after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20

Kell’s Fall Tonics

TonicRarityEffectRequired Reagents
Tonic of Kell’s Fall GearUncommonRewards Shadestalker Armor, Kell’s Fall Weapons, and Vintage Kell’s Fall Weapons.Enriching Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Tonic of Kell’s Fall WeaponryRareRewards Kell’s Fall weapons.Reflective Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Tonic of Vintage Kell’s Fall WeaponryRareRewards Vintage Kell’s Fall weapons.Reflective Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Tonic of Red TapeLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Red Tape after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Reflective Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of InsurmountableLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Insurmountable after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Reflective Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of SovereigntyLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Sovereignty after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Reflective Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Heretic’s FervorLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Heretic’s Fervor after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Reflective Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Sojourner’s TaleLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Sojourner’s Tale after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Reflective Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of GridskipperLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Gridskipper after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Reflective Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Ignition CodeLegendaryRewards a guaranteed Ogmotopm Code after completing an activity.Enriching Nugget: x2Reflective Flake: x1Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20

World Gear Tonics

TonicRarityEffectRequired Reagents
Tonic of Worldly GearUncommonRewards World Weapons and World Armor.Enriching Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Tonic of Wordly WeaponryRareRewards World Weapons.Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Tonic of Worldly ArmorRareRewards World Armor.Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Tonic of Kinetic WeaponryLegendaryRewards World Loot Pool Kinetic weapons.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Energy WeaponryLegendaryRewards World Loot Pool Energy weapons.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Power WeaponryLegendaryRewards World Loot Pool Power weapons.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Worldly Head ArmorLegendaryRewards World Loot Pool Head armor.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Worldly Arms ArmorLegendaryRewards World Loot Pool Arms armor.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Worldly Chest ArmorLegendaryRewards World Loot Pool Chest armor.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Worldly Leg ArmorLegendaryRewards World Loot Pool Leg armor.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20

Shadestalker Tonics

TonicRarityEffectRequired Reagents
Tonic of Shadestalker ArmorRareRewards Shadestalker Armor.Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Tonic of Shadestalker’s Head ArmorLegendaryRewards Shadestalker Armor with increased odds of Shadestalker Helmets.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Shadestalker’s Chest ArmorLegendaryRewards Shadestalker Armor with increased odds of Shadestalker Chests.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Shadestalker’s Arm ArmorLegendaryRewards Shadestalker Armor with increased odds of Shadestalker Arms.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Tonic of Shadestalker’s Leg ArmorLegendaryRewards Shadestalker Armor with increased odds of Shadestalker Legs.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20

Resource Tonics

TonicRarityEffectRequired Reagents
Small Tonic of GlimmeringUncommonRewards additional Glimmer for 40 minutes.Enriching Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Small Tonic of Enhancement CoresUncommonRewards additional Enhancement Cores for 40 minutes.Enriching Powder: x1Reclaimed Vitality: x5
Medium Tonic of GlimmeringRareRewards additional Glimmer for 60 minutes.Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Medium Tonic of Enhancement CoresRareRewards additional Enhancement Cores for 60 minutes.Enriching Powder: x2Reclaimed Vitality: x10
Large Tonic of GlimmeringLegendaryRewards additional Glimmer for 80 minutes.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20
Large Tonic of Enhancement CoresLegendaryRewards additional Enhancement Cores for 80 minutes.Enriching Nugget: x2Enriching Powder: x3Reclaimed Vitality: x20

Exotic Tonics

Tonic of Ascendant AlloysExoticChance to drop an Ascendant Alloy from completing activities and defeating enemies.
Tonic of Ascendant ShardsExoticChance to drop an Ascendant Shard from completing activities and defeating enemies.
Tonic of Exotic CiphersExoticChance to drop an Exotic Cipher from completing activities and defeating enemies.

December 17 Tonic changes

Bungie rolled out a handful of changes to Tonics with a December 17 patch, improving their effectiveness and duration. As a result, the following now applies to Enriching Tonics, with Legendary variants specifically receiving the biggest boosts.

  • Legendary Tonics now 100% guarantee their specific reward.
  • Legendary Tonics now increase the chances of obtaining the specified gear from the activity they are made for.
    • For instance, Tonic of Vangate Point (Onslaught) will increase the chances of that weapon dropping from Onslaught: Salvation chests.
  • Increased the base duration of Tonics across the board.
    • Uncommon: 40 minutes
    • Rare: 60 minutes
    • Legendary: 80 minutes

With the release of Revenant Act 3 on January 7, all Tonics are now unlockable. It remains to be seen if Bungie will add additional recipes in the future, but as seasonal content, this is unlikely, unless the system is decoupled from Revenant and becomes a permanent feature.

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In the meantime, you can brush up on all the content added with Destiny 2’s second Episode by checking out our dedicated hubs for Revenant and the upcoming dungeon Vesper’s Host, which brings back beloved Exotic, Ice Breaker.