Destiny 2 in-game teaser reveals The Darkness have arrived at Jupiter


The Darkness may have finally arrived in Destiny after years of anticipation, with a new in-game teaser revealing new animations around Jupiter just hours after Bungie dropped their new Season 11 teaser.

Bungie has laid out dozens of intricate storylines over the years in Destiny though a large majority of them remain in limbo. As The Almighty approaches The Tower for a leaked catastrophe, the developers haven’t quite forgotten about one key story thread, however. The Darkness draws near.

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Following a head-scratching Shadowkeep conclusion with dozens of pyramid ships hovering over the Black Garden, the unknown race has finally made its next move. Now it looks like at least one of the enemy ships has made it to Jupiter.

The Darkness was teased long before the first version of Destiny was even released.

A leaked Year 4 trailer revealed Eris Morn pushing through the snowy landscape of what appears to be Europa. A long-rumored destination that could soon have players flying closer than ever to Jupiter.

Before Eris makes her way there, and before Guardians put on winter clothing, a new in-game sighting may have revealed the arrival of The Darkness.

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Staring at Jupiter from Io, Reddit user ‘Dopmeister’ spotted a bright glint. This glint – which hasn’t been replicated since – could be the first appearance of pyramid ships around Jupiter.

This in-game sighting also coincides with a brand new cutscene. For the first time since Shadowkeep, The Darkness and its pyramid ships are back in focus. Its first point of impact could be Europa, as the cutscene subtly revealed a ship in close proximity to Jupiter.

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As Year 4 approaches, it seems more and more likely that the new race will finally make its mark. Perhaps they are what draw Eris to Europa. After all, she has perhaps the closest connection to The Darkness of any major NPC in the history of Destiny.

Following on from a failed venture into the Hellmouth long before The Dark Below, she was inextricably bound to The Darkness, as her bond with the Traveller was severed. This could explain why Eris is making her way to Europa alone.

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Plenty of story threads could soon be tied together as the fourth year of Destiny comes to a head. Before we get there, however, there is a more imminent threat barrelling towards us.

Season 11’s update appears to focus on the aftermath of The Almighty’s crash course with Earth. A handful of teasers and leaks have already uncovered what that might look like — now we’re just waiting.