Best Diablo 4 Companion Druid build in Season 6

Diablo 4 Druid standing with wolves in dark forestBlizzard Entertainment

Who wants to be alone in Sanctuary when you can have animal friends by your side instead? If you’re itching to play a Companion Druid in Diablo 4 Season 6, this guide should help you set up the most effective one available.

Following the introduction of Diablo 4’s 2.0 update and the Vessel of Hatred expansion that launched alongside it, it has never been easier to blast into the endgame. As a result, it’s the best possible time to try out a variety of builds for your favorite class.

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The Druid is one of the more versatile classes in the game with options for manifesting itself as a powerful elemental mage dedicated to lightning, earth, or a combination of the two. The druid is also a shapeshifter that can adopt the form of a quick and ruthless Werewolf or a brutal and powerful Werebear.

Finally, it can leverage its kinship with a variety of trained animals or creatures and that’s what this guide will focus on. Here’s everything you need to know about crafting the ideal Companion Druid build in Diablo 4 Season 6.

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Diablo 4 Druid standing with Wolf CompanionsBlizzard

Diablo 4’s Companion Druid is a single-target monster that overwhelms bosses by sticking more animal friends on them then they can handle. It does suffer a little bit with AOE and might not be the best for farming due to its reliance on cooldowns but once you’ve made it to the endgame, it’s more than worth swapping into.

As the name suggests, this build relies on damage from your pack of companions so maximizing their potential should be your primary focus. A number of different sources increase your amount of available companions and thanks to the Shepherd’s Aspect, they’ll all deal increased damage.

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The Aspect of the Alpha and Storm’s Companion will turn your Wolves into formidable, lightning-imbued Werewolves which benefit from some passive buffs to that particular element. As for your Druid themselves, they’ll be focused on swapping between shapeshifting abilities to generate increased damage for themselves and the pack.

Best Companion Druid skills

If you’ve ground up to the game’s new level cap of 60 and put the effort in to max out your renown, you should have a total of 72 skill points to work with. These are the investments we recommend for building out your Companion Druid in Diablo 4 Season 6.

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Active Skills

Active SkillUpgradesPoints Allocated
ShredEnhanced, Primal1
Blood HowlEnhanced, Preserving1
Wolf PackEnhanced, Ferocious5
RavensEnhanced, Brutal1
PetrifyEnhanced, Supreme5
Passive SkillPoints
Predatory Instinct3
Iron Fur3
Digitigrade Gait2
Ancestral Fortitude3
Call of the Wild3
Feral Aptitude3
Defensive Posture3
Heightened Senses3
One With NatureKey Passive

Best Spirit Boons for Companion Druid

Out of the 16 different Spirit Boons that Druids can unlock, you can only grab five. These are the Spirit Boons we recommend for your Companion Druid build in Diablo 4 Season 6.

  • Deer: Wariness
  • Eagle: Avian Wrath, Swooping Attacks
  • Wolf: Pack Leader
  • Snake: Masochistic

Wariness reduces your damage taken from Elites who will become one of your biggest problems in the endgame activities like The Pit and Infernal Hordes.

Selecting the Eagle as your bonded Spirit lets you select two of its Boons. We recommend Avian Wrath to increase your Critical Strike Damage and Swooping Attacks to boost your Attack Speed.

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Take Pack Leader for its chance to reset the cooldowns of your Companion Skills, and Masochistic for the chance to heal when landing Critical Strikes using Shapeshifting Skills.

Best Companion Druid rotation

Diablo 4 companion druid using PulverizeDexerto
  • Ravens
  • Wolves
  • Shred
  • Blood Howl
  • Maul
  • Petrify

Now that you have all your skills and Spirit Boons lined up, it’s time to go over how to use them. Open every encounter by popping Ravens’ Active skill which will deal some moderate AOE damage but, more importantly, boost your Critical Strike chance.

After you’ve hit your opener, activate your Wolf Pack’s Active skill. This is your primary damage dealer and with the right equipment and buffs, it should cool down within around three seconds meaning you can spam it fairly consistently.

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Shred into the center of groups and thanks to your One With Nature Key Passive, your Poison Creeper should allow your companions to deal increased damage from the Envenom passive. Between casts of your Companion Skills, alternate between Maul and Shred to activate all of your Shapeshifter passives.

When things get dicey, you can rely on Blood Howl to heal you and bolster your offense. Petrify can be used to calm down larger hordes of enemies and make them more vulnerable to Critical Strikes.

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Best Legendary Aspects for the Companion Druid

Your Companion Druid will have already picked up some great Legendary Aspects from leveling but there are still some incredible Aspects left to grab. Here are the recommended Legendary Aspects and where to find them:

Moonrage AspectKills have a small chance to summon a Wolf Companion temporarily. Extract from Legendary gearAll
Rapid AspectBasic Skills gain an attack speed boost.Buried HallsDry Steppes
Aspect of Inevitable FateWhen an enemy gets low on life while afflicted by a damage over time effect, an explosion periodically occurs.Extract from Legendary gearAll
Aspect of the AlphaYour Wolves are now Werewolves and can deal extra damage while spreading Rabies.Extract from Legendary gearAll
Edgemaster’s AspectSkills deal increased damage based on your available Primary Resource, with the highest benefit when full. OldstonesScosglen
Aspect of the WildrageYour Companions gain double the bonus from the Bestial Rampage Key Passive.Extract from Legendary gearAll

Companion Druid Paragon Boards and Glyphs

After you hit level 60, you’ll start to earn Paragon Points to invest in your Paragon Board. Alongside these points, you can slot Glyphs into the board for an improved endgame Companion Druid build.

Paragon Board progression

For your Landslide Druid build in Diablo 4 Season 6, you should unlock the following Paragon Boards in the indicated order:

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  • Starting Board
  • Untamed
  • Heightened Malice
  • Inner Beast
  • Ancestral Guidance

Best Glyphs

The Paragon Glyphs below are the best ones available for this particular build. We’ve outlined which Glyphs to slot into which of the above Boards.

  • Keeper Level 100 (Starting Board)
  • Wilds Level 100 (Untamed)
  • Spirit Level 100 (Heightened Malice)
  • Earth and Sky Level 100 (Inner Beast)
  • Headhunter Level 100 (Ancestral Guidance)

These are six incredible Glyphs to unlock and slot into your Paragon Boards. They’ll help you with the survivability and damage aspects of the build.

Best Companion Druid gear and Runewords

ItemSocketItem TypePower
Harlequin CrestTamKry – Invoke Spiritborn’s Vortext when you cast a Non-Channeled Core SkillHelmGain 20% Damage Reduction. In addition, gain +4 Ranks to all Skills.
Shroud of False Death2 SapphiresChest ArmorIf you haven’t attacked in the last 2 seconds, gain Stealth and 40%[+] Movement Speed.
Runic Gloves of the StampedeGlovesGain 1 additional Companion of each type. In addition, your Companion Skills deal [15-35%] bonus damage.
Storm’s Companion2 SapphiresPantsWolf Companions deal Lightning damage and gain the Storm Howl ability.
Runic Cleats of MetamorphosisBootsWhen you Evade you turn into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable for 2.5 seconds. Enemies along your path take 300 Physical damage and are inflicted with Vampiric Curse.Evade’s Cooldown is increased by [10.0 – 4.0] seconds.
Shepherd’s War CrestYulCeh – Summon an allied Spirit Wolf to attack enemies whenever you cast a Cooldown SkillPolearmCompanion Skills deal an additional [10-26%] damage per Companion you have.
Ocelot’s Eye of the AlphaSkullAmuletYour Wolf Companions are now Werewolf Companions. Werewolf Companions deal [100-140]%[+] additional damage and can spread Rabies.
Moonrage RingDiamondRingKills have a 5% chance to summon a Wolf Companion to your side for [20 – 35] seconds. This effect is a Lucky Hit against bosses. Maximum 3 additional wolves.In addition, gain +3 Ranks to Wolves.
Ring of Starless SkiesDiamondRingSpending your Primary Resource reduces the Resources cost of your Skills and increases your damage by 10%[x] for 3 seconds, up to 50%[x].

Alternate to Companion Druid build for PvP

Unfortunately, we would not recommend the Companion Druid build for PvP in the Fields of Hatred. This is because your Companions could easily be wiped out by an enemy player, leaving you stranded to fight for yourself.

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Instead of the Companion Druid, we recommend you try out the Boulder Druid build instead. It’s better suited for players who want to deal massive damage to targets without the need for Companions getting in the way.

Now that you know how to craft this top-tier Necromancer build, make sure to check out our guides for the Druid, Sorcerer, Rogue, Barbarian, and Spirtiborn. There’s also our Diablo 4 Class tier list so you can see where this build fits in the current meta.

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