Adept roasts xQc for “embarrassing” H3H3 flex & viral maid situation

xqc and adeptTwitch: xQc / Adept

Adept has mocked her ex-partner xQc for his “embarrassing” flex on H3H3’s Ethan Klein along with the recently viral maid clip in a scathing livestream. 

xQc has found himself embroiled in drama over the past week. It started when criticisms were thrown at xQc regarding his reaction content and how it was potentially harmful to the creators of the original videos. 

Following days of back and forth online, xQc asked to be on H3H3’s live YouTube show on August 7 to discuss the controversy and apologize to smaller creators. However, the conversation was cut short after the two got into a heated argument. 

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The fallout saw H3H3’s Ethan Klein leak DMs he got from the streaming superstar, with xQc attempting to justify his react content and flexing his expensive watch and wealth.

Adept mocks xQc in scathing stream amid H3H3 feud

Adept, an ex-partner of xQc, both of whom are embroiled in divorce proceedings, mocked him and the drama he has been the center of during an impromptu August 8 Twitch stream titled: “Wrist, house, whatever, definitely not a narcissist”. 

Through various clips from the broadcast which is now only viewable for subscribers, we can see Adept mock xQc’s flexing of his wealth while mimicking xQc showing off his watch and criticizing Klein’s appearance. 

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In addition to mocking xQc’s flex, she then made fun of the viral clip of xQc’s maids cleaning up his streaming room while he was live, a moment he himself admitted was “embarrassing”. 

Adept mimicked xQc saying, “People don’t deserve us, and when they lose us they’re mad bro, because I got their net worth on my necklace bro.” 

Adept continued to say, all while mimicking xQc, “I was so in love, I was so lied to. Everything in my life, I lie and I manipulate and I avoid all accountability, but me though? I was lied to.” 

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It appears she was mocking a tweet xQc made hours before the stream which read, “Now, imagine that every day for years you are made to believe that everything you lived was a lie and that it’s your fault someone is living in a fantasy.” 

To which he added to the tweet in the middle of Adept’s stream, “You know a heavy amount of Ls are coming when you act this way.”