Best TikTok personality quizzes: Human Feeling, Mental Age & more

Hands pointing at a laptop screenUnsplash: John Schnobrich

People are constantly discovering new ‘personality quizzes’ online that claim to give users an insight into themselves, which often end up going viral on TikTok — here are some of the most popular tests to take off on the app.

Just about everyone is partial to the occasional online personality quiz, whether it’s something as simple as finding out what kind of animal you are, or something a bit more complex like your Myers-Briggs personality type.

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These types of quiz are often the subject of viral trends on TikTok, which see thousands of users take a certain quiz, and share their results with their followers, garnering millions of views.

We’ve collated six of the most popular quizzes that have sparked viral trends over the years, which claim to tell you anything from what your mental age is, to how angry you are.

Note: These quizzes are just for fun, so it’s not recommended that you take your results too seriously.

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Mental Age Quiz

The viral Mental Age quiz claims to do exactly as its name suggests — approximate how old you are mentally, or how old you act based on your personality and habits.

The test can be taken on ‘A Real Me’, where they explain: “For the purpose of this test, we define Mental Age as a measure of a person’s psychological abilities in comparison to the number of years it takes for an average child to reach the same level.”

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When taking the test, you will need to respond to what extent you agree with statements such as “I have my principles” and “I don’t want to think about complicated things.”

Once you’ve answered all the questions you will be given a “mental age” which you can then screenshot and share on TikTok to see if your friends and followers agree with the result.

Multidimensional Anger Test

IDR Labs’ ‘Multidimensional Anger Test’ claims to draw on the work of Dr. Judith M. Siegel to, “map your experience of anger along multiple empirical dimensions.”

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The test presents you with 38 statements under which you can use a slider to indicate how much you agree or disagree, with the prompts including things like, “I get angry when someone embarrasses me,” and, “my friends and loved ones know that I have the capacity to become angry.”

Question on the anger
You’ll need to respond to a series of statements to get your score.

Once you’ve answered all the questions, it will take you to a results table that gives you a score for things like ‘Anger Spectrum’ and ‘Hostile Outlook,’ while allowing you to compare your personal results to the population average.

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If you scroll down, you are also able to view explanations for each facet.

Human Feeling Quiz

One test that exploded in popularity on TikTok in June 2022 was the ‘Human Feeling’ quiz. This is slighty more abstract than something like the Multidimensional Anger Test, as it will tell you what kind of human emotion your answers represent.

You can access it through the uquiz website, but as the page is originally in Russian, you will need to use your browser to translate the page into whatever language is most comfortable for you in order to interpret the questions and results.

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Questions include, “what would you like right now?” and, “is it okay to have feelings?” and you are given a range of different answers to choose from for each one.

In TikTok users’ viral videos, they shared their results which ranged from ‘humility’ to ‘sincere love,’ with each result giving a short explanation underneath.

Color Personality Test

In 2021, TikTok users garnered hundreds of thousands of likes for sharing their results to a color personality test by

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Much like the other quizzes on this list, you will need to work your way through a series of questions about the kind of person you are, what you like to do in your free time, whether you plan ahead, etc.

At the end of the quiz you will be presented with a specific color that supposedly matches your personality and a fairly detailed explanation of what that color means about you. It will give you both positives and negatives, and also tell you the kind of person you would match well with.

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TikTok color personality test
The test became a huge hit on TikTok.

The results people received included colors like dandelion and sweet pink, and many users went viral for letting their followers know about this interesting personality test with different creative edit videos.

Reality Check Quiz

If you’re looking for a quiz to humble you rather than compliment you, then the Reality Check quiz is going to be your best bet.

The longer title of this test is ‘Let me f***ing destroy you by giving you a reality check,’ and was created by user tiredluvs on uquiz.

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In this quiz, you’ll need to respond to a series of prompts including, “pick a character that everyone loves,” and, “pick a zodiac sign group based off their vibes.” After responding to the 11 questions, you will be given a brutally honest assessment of your personality, and this quiz doesn’t hold back.

One popular result is, “you’re a whiny little b*tch and you need to shut the f**k up,” and users flocked to TikTok to share their similarly brutal results.

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These are by no means the only quizzes to have gone viral on TikTok, and there are bound to be more cropping up in the future, as it seems users on the app always enjoy an interesting new personality test.