How to get the cartoon filter on TikTok

Syeda Khaula Saad/Bustle/TikTok

The Cartoon filter has become the newest trend to rise to prominence on TikTok, with users flocking to use it. If you don’t know how to get it, but want to, simply follow the steps below. 

TikTok is, for the most part, all about jumping on a trend. Be it a dance routine, reacting to another uploading, or dueting with someone, the social media app is dominating by trends. 

Some of the most popular trends have come from being able to add a filter. We’ve seen filters that make TikTokers look like an Anime character, some that turn everything black and white, as well as others that turn you into a Disney character of your choosing. 

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A handful of these filters are built into TikTok, and it’s just a case of adding them to your video, but others – like the new, incredibly popular Cartoon filter – require you to go elsewhere. 

Trends have played a huge role in TikTok’s success.

Where to get the Cartoon filter for TikTok

In the case of the Cartoon filter, it’s exactly what it sounds like – it’ll make you look like a cartoon character. A few of these have popped up previously, but the new one is the best of the lot. 

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However, for this one, you will need to go into Snapchat to get in. Simply head over there, add the filter to your face, take a photo or video, and then save it to your camera roll.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll then be able to upload it to TikTok and share it with the world. It’s a simple enough process once you’ve jumped through the first few Snapchat-related hurdles to get it.

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  1. Open Snapchat and click the smiley face on the right-hand side
  2. Click explore, again in the bottom right 
  3. Search ‘Cartoon’ and select ‘Cartoon by Snapchat’
  4. Take your photo or video
  5. Save it to your Camera Roll
  6. Upload to Tiktok and away you go!

How long this filter trend sticks around on TikTok remains to be seen, so you’ll want to get your videos recorded and get them out before everyone moves on to the next one.

What that’ll be, though, who knows. We’re approaching the holiday season and new years, so maybe it’ll be related to that.