Corpse Husband’s Times Square billboard reveal goes viral

Corpse husband billboard on Times SquareCorpse Husband/Unsplash: MateusMaia

In February, Gymshark set up a Twitter competition. They promised to put the most liked reply up on a billboard in Times Square and, of course, Corpse Husband and his fans came out in full force. Now it’s finally been unveiled.

Corpse has become one of the biggest internet sensations of the last year. Shrouded with mystery, the deep-voiced YouTuber has collaborated with some of the biggest names and has a passionate following of fans behind him.

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There is no better proof of that than the insane numbers Corpse gets on social media, and now he’s proving it with a billboard on one of the biggest advertising markets in the world.

Corpse Husband trending after Times Square reveal

Gymshark streamed the Corpse Husband billboard reveal live on Twitch.

In the morning, on Saturday, March 6, the full billboard was shown to the world – telling people to stream Corspe’s song ‘E-Girls Are Ruining My Life’.

Of course, Corpse Husband’s raving community absolutely flipped out after they saw their favorite YouTuber’s message shining in the big lights.

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corpse husband trending nyc times square1Twitter
Corpse was quickly trending after the Gymshark livestream of NYC’ Times Square.


How did the Corpse Husband billboard happen?

On February 11, Corpse won the ad spot with a tweet asking fans to stream his latest single, ‘E-Girls are ruining my life.’ Talk about taking your opportunities…

His response was by far the most-liked to Gymshark’s original tweet, with over 550k likes at the time of writing. He completely blew the competition out of the water.

With support from other top creators such as Karl Jacobs, Dream, and Mr Beast, there really was no hope for any of the other entrants, despite their best efforts.

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We’ve already seen Corpse use his Twitter clout for immense gain in the past. Back in October 2020, Mr Beast offered $10,000 to whoever could “ratio” him the hardest, a challenge perfectly set up for Corpse. Of course, he won, and decided to donate his $10k to charity.