ICE_POSEIDON shot at live on IRL stream after a bomb hoax donation alert – [UPDATED]

UPDATE 2 (12PM ET – November 10, 2018)

It has now been confirmed that a shot was not fired in the incident, rather the man was simply walking with a gun. The incident was discussed by Denino and a friend on a later stream (see below).

UPDATE (7am ET – November 9, 2018)

In the hours after the incident aired live on his stream, Denino took to Twitter and assured his fans that he is indeed doing okay. 

Controversial live streamer Paul ‘ICE_POSEIDON’ Denino crashed his car after being shot at during a broadcast in the early hours of Friday, November 9.

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Streaming on his YouTube channel, Denino was on a trip to Alaska when he checked into a one-star motel with a friend.

While he was looking for a member of staff at the front desk, he received a text to speech donation alert, which read out a message that said he had a bomb. Following the donation alert, the sound of a gun could be heard cocked behind the door in the reception, which prompted the pair to promptly leave. 

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The streamer left and got into his car, but the staff member allegedly followed them with a gun and proceeded to fire at the car.

After driving a short distance, Denino crashed his car in a ditch, before getting out and starting to run as he screamed that it was fake (in reference to the bomb hoax).

The distressing footage shows ICE in clear panic after having a weapon fired at him, before the stream eventually was shut down.

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While the controversial personality has been accused of faking content in the past, the sheer panic in his voice after he crashes the car leaves no doubt the incident was real.

In the video below the sound of the gun being cocked can be heard at around the one-minute mark, with the gunshot being heard just after four minutes.

Update: The video has now been removed from YouTube.

At the time of writing, it is unconfirmed whether the streamer was injured, but a friend of Denino’s Tweeted out to claim he’d spoken to him and that he’s ok and with the police.

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It has now been confirmed that a shot was not fired in the incident, rather the man was simply walking with a gun. The incident was discussed by Denino and a friend on a later stream.