Jake Paul “arrested” in YouTube prank following ‘looting’ charges

Jake Paul

UPDATE 2:15PM PST June 14: The 23-year-old has now cleared up the mystery surrounding his alleged “arrest,” revealing in a YouTube upload that he was actually the victim of a prank set up by friends, and wasn’t in fact taken into custody by real police.

After finding out he’d fallen for the joke while in the back of the fake cop car, he expressed frustration over being punk’d, and explained why he was “sick” of being “made an example of” for content. “And the f**ked up part, bro? I might still go to jail, so this is like f**king funny, but it’s not. F**k you guys!”

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(Topic starts at 7:57.)

Original story below.

YouTuber and Team 10 owner Jake Paul was allegedly “arrested” on June 13, following criminal charges filed against him for criminal trespassing and unlawful assembly on June 4 – but is it real?

The 23-year-old came under fire after videos were posted online of him being present during riots in Scottsdale, Arizona on May 30. He responded to the accusations, and claimed that while he was indeed there, he didn’t participate in any illegal activities himself.

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Law enforcement didn’t see it that way though, and ruled him as somewhat complicit just by being in attendance, handing him criminal charges of criminal trespassing and unlawful assembly. Now, on June 13, a video has surfaced online of the YouTube star allegedly being “arrested” by police – but a lot of people have doubts surrounding the legitimacy of it.

Was Jake Paul arrested?

The video appears to show Jake getting put into the back of a police car outside his house by two male officers while the person recording it exclaims “We’re on it, we’re on it, dude!” as though to reassure him they’d get him out of custody as soon as they could.

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“Jesus, bro…” they continue, as they pan the camera around to show another law enforcement vehicle parked next to the first one. “Bro, this is f**ked.”

The legitimacy of the “arrest” appears to be doubted by many online, especially due to the fact that neither cars have license plates on the front, or state a town or city on the side as is common with US police vehicles.

Twitter user ‘@Hey_Byrd’ also pointed out that the cars “look awfully similar” to fake ones hired actors use when performing stunts – indicating that this could all be just an act for an upcoming video about the charges.

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It’s currently unclear at the time of writing as to whether the content creator was actually brought into custody or not, or whether it was simply staged for a future project. Jake was pranked by being “arrested” by fake cops for Curtis Lepore’s YouTube channel in 2017, which also adds to the speculation.


Neither Jake or his brother Logan have spoken out about the incident on social media, leaving fans confused as to whether he’s actually in custody or not.

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According to Sgt. Benjamin Hoster from the Scottsdale PD, the YouTube star is due to appear in court “in a month” over the charges, so it’s a mystery as to why they’d be arresting him now – if he actually was, of course.