What is the Cookielol drama about? League streamer allegations explained

cookielol apology videoCookieLoLxx | Twitch

On April 12, 2023, a 90-page document was published, lobbying a series of allegations against League of Legends streamer CookieLoL. These include accusations of scamming viewers out of money, lying to sponsors, making inappropriate posts in his own community Discord server toward viewers, and “flirting” with minors. He has since released an apology video.

CookieLoL has amassed a large following over the course of his time as a Twitch streamer. He’s mainly been focused on streaming League of Legends and built his following based on educational content for the game.

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He’s also a former LoL pro player and though he’s long since retired, he’s remained near the top of the ranked ladder and built his brand on being a high-level player. However, a recent set of allegations have put the streamer in hot water.

A document put together by several former and current community members alleges that Cookie has “betrayed and lied to community members, friends, and employees,” “made his Discord server an unsafe place for his younger audience,” and “scammed” viewers and sponsors. This document has stirred up drama around the streamer, and he’s since replied to the allegations.

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CookieLoL allegedly “flirted” with minors

The document contains dozens of screenshots alleging Cookie’s behavior toward underage community members in his community and other Discord servers.

These screenshots include him allegedly referring to a minor from IKeepItTaco‘s (another League of Legends streamer and former friend of CookieLoL) Discord server as a “sexual freak”, referring to himself as “daddy” and the minor as a “pet,” and offering to pay her for pictures of herself once she turned 18.

The document also has screenshots of a conversation where Cookie admits to sexually assaulting someone he was in a relationship with, saying that he “made that mistake” when he was 16 years old. Cookie later backed up this claim in his response and said that the content shown in the screenshot was true.

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This led to IKeepItTaco confronting the streamer directly on January 3, 2021, according to the document. The transcription of their voice call has Cookie vehemently denying any allegations raised against him about flirting with minors, but he did admit to flirting with viewers at the time, according to the document’s transcription.

Cookie also allegedly posted pornographic images and sex toys in the public channels of his Discord, with his moderators having to take action to get those images deleted. Cookie’s very own server has rules against posting sexual content in general chats.

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The document further alleges that Cookie lied to viewers and sponsors in regard to finances as well, with even his own employees accusing the streamer of being late on payments.

Other screenshots purport to show that Cookie had talked about buying a new car and renting a new apartment while still owing people money.

Additionally, Cookie allegedly scammed multiple sponsors. Screenshots of group DMs show Cookie saying, “We are currently hijacking billionaire money” and orchestrating a fleet of bots to fulfill sponsorship quotas for the mobile game Rise of Kingdoms, a strategy he allegedly replicated for Raid: Shadow Legends.

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There are also screenshots of a group DM that allege he tried to do the same thing with a Manscaped sponsorship by purchasing products using his own discount code and reselling them to make a profit. The writers of the document have stated that they’re working to make Cookie’s prior sponsors aware of these accusations.

Cookie also had a raffle system in his Discord that incentivized viewers to stick around by giving away skins, with those who are subscribed to his Twitch channel getting additional chances to walk away with some free skins. However, the documents claim that some viewers approached moderators about not getting skins that they won.

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CookieLoL responds to the allegations

Following the release of the document, CookieLoL released a statement addressing some of the allegations put up against him.

Though Cookie says he feels “disgusted and absolutely ashamed” for not making sure that one of the minors he talked to wasn’t 18 before discussing sexual acts with her, he also claimed that, due to the legal age of consent in Sweden being 15, he didn’t think it was wrong at the time.

“At the time, I had just turned 20, and she was about to turn 17, and I did not think there was anything wrong with sexually flirting with her.”

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He also admitted to being “extremely creepy” when looking back on the way he interacted with viewers. Cookie addressed the conversation he had about sexually assaulting someone he was in a prior relationship with, admitting that he made a mistake.

“I consider this rape. There is no excuse for this, it was on me to make sure that it was consensual, and I failed to do so. I am ashamed to this day. As the screenshot says, I would never make that mistake again.”

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Cookie concluded by speaking briefly about being “extremely bad with payments” and making promises he couldn’t keep in regards to payment, though he’s yet to comment on the allegations about him scamming sponsors.

CookieLoL then announced he was going to go live and discuss the situation on-stream on April 15, 2023.

CookieLoL’s apology stream

CookieLoL’s Twitch channel went live at the promised time, but the Twitch VoD was then deleted immediately after he went live. Fortunately, some of the over 11,000 live viewers he had were streaming his apology to their own Twitch channels, with his full apology starting at the 1-hour mark in Sanchovies’ VoD.

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He outright denied any sexual interaction with the 13-year-old mentioned in the document. “I was never sexual with that 13-year-old. I would never do that. That goes against anything that I live for. I would rather die than ever, ever do anything to someone that young.”

He then addressed the flirting he did with a member of IKeepItTaco’s community, admitting that he said “very creepy, horrible, cringe, disgusting things to her.” This was followed by him saying he “hates” who he was in the past and vowing to “never, ever, until the day I don’t exist anymore, I will never talk to anyone underage ever sexually like that, never.”

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Cookie continued, “Ever since 2020, I’ve never had a sexual connection to anyone below the age of 18.” Cookie’s birthday is June 9, 2000, meaning that he was above the age of 18 in many of the alleged interactions with underage community members.

He reiterated multiple times through the apology that he “never meant to hurt” moderators, fans in his community, and other close friends he had in the past. He also promised to pay back everyone who was owed money, saying that he’s already paid back most of the people who he owed money.

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“I made a lot of mistakes, and I’m sorry. I don’t expect anything. I want to pay for my sins and… yeah. You guys are right to hate me. It’s disgusting. But I promise that I will never do anything like that again, I promise. I’ll be a better person. I’ll go to therapy so they can help me. I will write down things I’ll share with my community. I’ll be better for you guys and for me. I’m sorry to everyone I hurt. It was not my intention to. Sorry.”

His stream then went offline.

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IKeepItTaco wasn’t satisfied with the apology and also claimed that it wasn’t pre-recorded despite it seeming like it was from the perspective of many live viewers.

Cookie also garnered a great deal of criticism for keeping his chat on sub-only during his explanation stream, with 100s of people dropping their Twitch Prime subs to talk in his chat even with the stream only lasting 7 minutes.

He’s since announced that he’ll be swapping to educational video uploads on YouTube and will be staying away from other forms of social media for the time being, saying that he’ll be coming back to his Patreon Discord server before anything else.

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Many are accusing him of taking advantage of the situation to make money off of the drama between the sub only chat and locking his Discord behind Patreon. Gaining access to his Discord requires the highest pledge he has available at $10.50 a month.