Who is holoAdvent? New Hololive EN Gen 3 explained

holoAdvent, Hololive EN gen 3 reveal trailer.Hololive EN

Hololive EN Gen 3 has finally debuted introducing five new talents for fans to follow. Named holoAdvent, this new group brings a whole new line-up to Cover’s evergrowing roster and even introduces some company firsts with ideas we’ve never seen done before.

Hololive is no stranger to new waves having introduced a wide range of new talents since its operations began in June 2016, employing over 70 talents across the company.

However, Hololive EN had seen an unusual dry streak with holoCouncil being the last new addition, debuting in August 2021. A near two-year gap between waves is practically unheard of and it had fans wondering if Gen 3 would ever arrive.

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Thankfully, those concerns have been put to rest as holoAdvent is here to end the dry streak once and for all.

Who is holoAdvent?

holoAdvent is the latest generation of Hololive EN, an English-speaking female-only branch. It is the third Hololive EN gen and the 21st wave overall for Cover Corporation across all its groups.

They are a group of fugitives arrested for various crimes though not all of their imprisonments were just. The trailer revealing their identities was uploaded to the official Hololive English YouTube channel on July 26.

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Hololive EN Gen 3: All holoAdvent members

holoAdvent is made up of five members across four different channels: Fuwamoco (Fuwawa Abyssgard & Mococo Abyssgard), Koseki Bijou, Nerissa Ravencroft, and Shiori Novella.


Fuwamoco are the first Hololive members to share a channel. These twins are demonic guard dogs, with Fuwawa Abyssgard being the elder sister and Mococo Abyssgasrd the younger sister. They are codenamed The Fluffy One,” and “The Fuzzy One,” respectively.

Fuwamoco, Hololive EN Gen 3 vtuber twins.Hololive EN
Fuwamoco will be the first Hololive idols to share a YouTube channel.

Koseki Bijou

Also known as “The Jewel of Emotions,” Koseki is the crystallization of all human emotion that is said to shine brightly when interacting with positive-minded people. Humans once fought over her eventually leading to her imprisonment in an attempt to keep her hidden away from the wider world.

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Koseki Bijou, Hololive EN Gen 3 crystal.Hololive EN
Koseki is said to have unmatched brilliance as the crystallization of all human emotion.

Nerissa Ravencroft

Titled “The Demon of Sound,” Nerissa is a powerful being whose singing is said to have the power to send the entire world mad. Frightened by her powers, the gods sealed her away but those shackles wouldn’t last forever.

Nerissa Ravencroft, Hololive EN Gen 3 demon.Hololive EN
Nerissa is a demon whose beautiful voice was enough to strike fear in the gods.

Shiori Novella

Shiori is “The Archiver,” an individual who has a strong thirst for knowledge. She can turn her favorite stories and memories into bookmarks to save them forever. It’s this that led to her discovery of forbidden knowledge and eventual imprisonment.

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Shiori Novella, Hololive EN Gen 3 novelist.Hololive EN
Shiori is the leader of holoAdvent and responsible for the group’s prison break.

When will holoAdvent debut?

holoAdvent debuts took place on July 29 and continued on July 30. The debut times for each talent were as follows:

Following the debuts, a full generation collab stream took place on Shiori’s channel on July 31, 9:30 PM PDT.

As per Hololive tradition, holoAdvent will undergo a one-month collab ban where they won’t stream with members outside of their own wave for the given period. Once this period passes all five members will be free to stream with all Hololive and Holostar members.

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That’s everything you need to know about Hololive EN Gen 3, holoAdvent. If you haven’t already be sure to check out their debut streams and show the girls plenty of love and support!