Woman kicked off plane after spitting on other passengers

Woman being dragged though a plane by two flight attendantsTikTok: @itshaleynothailey

TikToker Itshaleynothailey went viral after uploading a video showcasing a woman spitting at other passengers and being dragged through a plane’s alley by flight attendants.

TikTok featuring a highly unusual situation from June 4 has picked up over 7.6 million views. In the footage, a woman is being dragged through a plane’s alley by two flight attendants, which doesn’t stop her from spitting on passengers along the way.

The video does not feature a caption or commentary overlaid on the video, but its description reads: “Flight with mental and intoxicated person. Had to emergency land to stay safe! How crazy!!! #southwestairlines.”

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The flight attendants dragging the supposedly intoxicated woman reprimanded her that “she cannot spit at people,” and even at one point covered her mouth.

This happened after the woman clearly spat at two different passengers to her sides, presumably more passengers were being spat at previously, but the video only captured those two particular instances.

TikTok reacts to woman spitting at passengers while being dragged

TikTok users in the comments were mostly just confused by the outlandish situation, with many of them wondering what even started the altercation.

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A very simple “what the hell” and “what the…” are the two most liked comments under the video, highlighting just how confusing this 13-second slice of clearly a larger situation truly is.


Others were also praising the attendants’ efforts to keep other passengers safe and how they dealt with the situation in general.

“These flight attendants don’t get paid enough,” wrote one user. And another agrees by stating: “Give those fight attendants a raise.”

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The author of TikTok claims the woman getting dragged off by staff was intoxicated but no official confirmation of that statement was provided as of the time of writing.