Escape From Tarkov drop April 12 update to fix performance issues

Battlestate Games

While some games are plagued by the same bugs for months on end, Battlestate Games, developers of tactical FPS Escape from Tarkov, are striving to make sure their game does not follow suit. 

Escape from Tarkov has recently experienced a surge in popularity thanks to a number of household content creators playing it. In the last few months we’ve seen the likes of summit1g and TimTheTatman try their hand at the tactical title.

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Some players have since moved on to Warzone or Valorant, but EFT remains a popular FPS title for a large group of gamers. However, since the game’s last update a variety of players have been reporting issues with the game’s stability and performance.

Battlestate Games
EFT originally released back in 2017, but has become more popular with age.

Despite the issues, in an April 12 update, one Battlestate Games’ developer provided a lengthy update for fans, explaining exactly what caused the issues and what they’ve done to fix them.

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“We just released small technical update related to boot.config issue,” the dev said. “It looks like the Unity incorrectly set some parameters in the config file during project build (it was found that instead of “1” there was blank value in some parameters).”

They went on to explain that they have altered this config file and added a couple of fixes, and are welcoming player feedback to confirm the patch has done what was intended.

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“Also thanks to u/lowsisback for pointing to this potential problem!” they concluded. “We hope that the fix will work (so far we checked and don’t have any noticeable boost in performance). But we need a massive test to collect statistics and possible new issues.”

The EFT developer’s attitude is a welcome departure from development companies occasionally ignoring smaller fixes, or removing posts that point out issues in their respective titles.

It remains to be seen whether the fix has ironed out the relevant performance issues but, as Battlestate Games are encouraging, hop in and find out!