Achieveminds partner with Dropi to give their players a boost in performance


Achieveminds, an agency with a focus on getting the most out of their players, have partnered with Dropi in an effort to find new ways to maximize their players’ performance.

In the grand scheme of things, esports is still a fairly young industry. While traditional sports trainers and coaches have decades worth of experience figuring out how to maximize their players’ performance, esports is a place where things haven’t quite been figured out yet.

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Finding ways to sharpen the mind rather than body is a bit more of an obtuse affair, with it being a bit more difficult to find ways to tell whether or not the mind is working better, and whether it’s a direct result of what you’ve changed.

Enter Achieveminds partnership with Dropi, a brand that’s taking a more tried-and-true route and creating a dietary supplement that’s easy to add to players’ routines: Fish oil.

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Achieveminds partners with Dropi to improve player performance

Though a number of ways to give competitors a performance boost have been pushed over the years, like EXCEL’s announcement to partner with a magnetic bracelet company that was almost immediately rescinded due to the backlash, Achieveminds partnership with Dropi goes back to a long-held belief in fish oil’s benefits.

Fish oil has been shown to give players benefits through granting the body a boost in omega-3 fatty acids, something that’s the human body doesn’t produce on its own yet can have a positive impact.

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Fish oil is often taken as an anti-inflammatory, something that can be a big boon for esports competitors working long hours and pushing themselves to the limit and has to contend with keeping themselves in fighting shape.

Achieveminds describes Dropi’s performance benefits as follows:

“We firmly believe that success in esports is not just about skill, but also about maintaining an optimal health and mental state. That’s why we chose to partner with Dropi, a company renowned for its premium Icelandic fish oil. Fish oil is recognized for its wide-ranging benefits, from boosting cognitive function and reducing stress to improving stamina and energy levels – all crucial elements for peak performance in high-stakes esports competitions.”

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While fish oil may not be as glamourous as, say, an energy drink sponsor, it certainly makes sense for someone trying to keep their players healthy and steadily improve their performance rather than having some sort of supplement that’s intended to give their performance a short-term spike on game days. That short-term boost has its place, but Dropi looks to take a different approach.

Ultimately, esports is an ever-evolving industry in its infancy, and an agency like Achieveminds who puts thought into how to make sure their players are in top shape is trying to find the best ways to enhance esports performance. In their mind, Dropi is the partner that can do just that.

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