Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: How to complete all World Intel objectives

Cloud with Tifa and BarretSquare Enix

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth features a lot of side content to do while out exploring the world. Here are all the World Intel tasks you’ll need to complete as you explore.

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake introduced us to a character known as Chadley, a robotic former Shinra employee who tasked Cloud and the gang to gather battle intel for him. In return, Chadley would provide Materia and even help our summons grow more powerful. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Chadley is back in a big way – and so is his list of demands. This time, the little robot boy, and his new AI sidekick Mia, want to us explore the world and complete a variety of World Intel tasks for him.

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The good news is that most of these tasks are fairly straightforward and fun, rarely feeling like open-world busywork or outstaying their welcome. These tasks need to be completed in every region of the game and generally don’t take that long to complete. Each also helps build up the party’s level and individual stats without the need to grind. We found engaging in the World Intel content in each region kept our characters well-leveled and was a great way to explore. Each task also tended to flow into the next without much aimless wandering.


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FF7 rebirth open worldSquare Enix
Exploring the world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is never a chore.

All world intel objectives in FF7 Rebirth

Bear in mind, that you’ll need to complete these tasks in each of Final Fantasy 7’s main explorable regions, but luckily each is a bitesize task that only needs to be completed a few times per region:

Activation Intel

This is the classic “complete the tower to open up a section of the map” quest that we see in so many open-world games. The good news is these are all pretty simple to do, while they do get slightly harder as the game goes on, they’re never that taxing. Each region has around five or six of these towers to be activated. We recommend doing these first as then you’ll have a clearer idea of your surroundings.

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All you need to do is climb the tower, activate the console, and collect any items that may be stashed on the various levels. Doing so will activate several other areas of interest on your map including many of the below tasks. Towers are normally guarded by a few fiends, but these shouldn’t give you much trouble.

Expedition Intel

You’ll come across roughly five or six of these tasks per region and each one will open up more information about the area you’re exploring. They’ll each give you a nice horde of resources too so you’ll be able to transmute some new items. Each quest essentially involves scanning a crystal that’s grown out of the lifestream.

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To do so, you’ll just need to complete a very quick mini-game where you scan some rings and hit the button when the prompt encourages you to. It gets progressively harder as the game goes on but will never take you more than a couple of tries. You’ll also be guided to each crystal by an owl so be on the lookout for these guys flying around and hooting.

cloud and sephiroth in final fantasy rebirth remakeSquare Enix
Every region of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth feels distinct and unique.

Chocobo Intel

You’ll need to complete a side quest in each region to unlock the region-specific chocobo for that part of the world. Every region has unique Chocobos who each have their own special skill. These skills will help you traverse the world, such as climbing rock faces or swim across a swamp. We’d recommend unlocking every region’s chocobo as soon as you can.

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You’ll also come across Chocobo Stops while out exploring the world. You’ll need to repair each one by raising the sign, and can then use them as fast-travel points. You can also use a cushion to rest at each stop, replenishing your HP and MP. You’ll sometimes come across a Chocobo chick out in the wild who’ll guide you to the nearest rest stop that needs to be repaired.

Excavation Intel

Once you’ve unlocked that region’s Chocobo, you’ll be able to take part in one or two excavation quests. This essentially involves using your Chocobo to sniff out essential upgrades for your transmutation chip, allowing you to craft more items.

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First, you’ll need to sniff out the item and follow the prompts until you get closer to the item. Once you find it, you’ll need to use the Chocobo to then dig it out of the ground. There are usually three separate items to be located per Excavation quest.

Fiend Intel

These tasks just involve killing some elite fiends somewhere on your map while Mia gives you a commentary about what they are and why we need to thin their numbers. These fiends are usually tougher than your average monsters so make sure you go into every fight at full health. There are usually about five of these mini-quests per region.

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Each Fiend Intel quest will come with some optional objectives such as needing to pressure, stagger, or kill the enemies within the time limit. You don’t need to do this to progress, but it will increase the reward you get at the end. You can even replay each fight to make sure you hit every goal, should you want to.

Classified Intel

The Classified Intel quest kicks in once you’ve completed all of the Fiend Intel quests in a region. This mostly involves killing a boss enemy that’s terrorizing the region while Mia explains the lore behind the encounter. These fights can be difficult be lead to some nice rewards. It was also fun to learn about the local legendary beasts – then to destroy them. There are also no optional objectives here, just slay the creatures.

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Cloud visiting Nibelheim in FF7 RebirthSquare Enix
Cloud will get to visit some classic locations from the original FF7 while completing World Intel tasks.

Moogle Intel

There’s only one Moogle Intel quest per region, and once completed, you’ll get access to the Moogle store and be able to trade your Moogle Medals for unique and helpful upgrades/items. You’ll need to enter the Moogle’s mushroom home then round up the Mooglets into their pen.

You can do this simply by running at them and herding the naughty Mooglets until they’ve been corralled in their pen. They will shoot random magic spells at you while you work to gather them, and you need to be careful not to be hit three times, as then you’ll need to start again. Rounding up the Mooglets gets harder by the region, but never caused us too much difficulty.

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Divine Intel

You’ll find roughly four Divine Intel quests per region and each involves smashing some crystals to learn the lore of that region’s “Divine” or summonable diety. Once you’ve smashed one or two crystals, you’ll be led into a cave where you need to complete a mini-game. This involves memorizing the location of the prompts, and then hitting the same buttons when required.

It sounds a lot harder than it is and the game gives some leeway if your timing is a little bit off. Completing each of these improves the power of your summons, making tough boss battles much easier. Each region corresponds to a different summon, so be sure to use the summons you’ve upgraded for the best results.

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Phenomenal Intel

The Phenomenal Intel is different per region, each one offering a unique questline that’s specific to that area and where you are in the story. The first region, the Grasslands, involves you beating up some thugs you met in Midgar during the FF7 Remake, while the next region will see Cloud and the gang sucked into a boardgame for a Final Fantasy Tactics-style mini-game.

Every region will mix it up with the Phenomenal Intel missions, so treat it as a unique quest line each time rather than part of the World Intel tasks. However, each one you complete will contribute to your World Intel for that region.

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