Ninja celebrates one year on Fortnite by re-watching hilarious first game


It has now been a year since Twitch superstar Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins first starting streaming Fortnite, and he’s celebrated it by re-watching his first ever streamed match.

Live on stream, the gaming icon turned on a video of his very first game, and provided commentary as he and his audience marveled at how much Fortnite has changed since then.

The game looks completely different – the visual graphics were not nearly as sharp, the colors nowhere near as vivid and saturated, and there was an overall vibe of antiquity. 

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Perhaps the thing that stood out the most had nothing to do with the visuals, but rather the actual gameplay. Anyone who has watched Fortnite in the past year knows the game has become extremely building oriented, with Ninja considered as one of the greatest in-game architects.

And yet, in his first streamed match, Ninja and his enemies almost never built during gunfights; he essentially only reserved the structures for when he needed to reach higher locations. 

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Regardless, Ninja foreshadowed the greatness he would achieve in Fortnite by dropping eight eliminations in his very first streamed game, a number which would have been considered to be impressive at the time. 

However, it’s still funny to watch his reaction’s and listen to his commentary as he critiqued his own first gameplay, albeit with a year’s worth of hindsight at his disposal.