Every Dragon’s Dogma 2 Augment: Vocation, cost, effects

Dragon's Dogma 2 AugmentsCapcom

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Augments are incredibly useful passive abilities that play a major role in buildcrafting. We’ve got a complete list of every Augment in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and their most important details.

If you want to get the most out of your Dragon’s Dogma 2 character, you’ll want to get your head around Augments. Each of the game’s ten vocations has its own set of Augments that afford them massive boosts in effectiveness.

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Like most things, Dragon’s Dogma 2 doesn’t outright explain this system in a whole lot of detail. It was fairly intuitive in our experience but there was some experimentation involved.

For that reason, we’ve put together a quick guide on Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2. This includes how they work and a list of every Augment in the game so you can plan your build accordingly.


Dragon's Dogma 2 Mystic Spearhand VocationCapcom via Dexerto
Augments will make hunting down monsters in Dragon’s Dogma 2 a breeze.

How to unlock Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Augments are unlocked fairly passively by ranking up a Vocation. This can be done by simply playing the game.

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Most Vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2 have five Augments but the late-game Warfarer Vocation only has two. You can unlock and equip Augments to your Arisen and Main Pawn at the Vocation Guild or Inns. This is done by spending Discipline Points (Dcp).

Once you have purchased an Augment, you can equip it to your character regardless of their current Vocation. For instance, you can equip an Augment from the Warrior that increases max health onto a Sorcerer to make them less squishy.

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With that in mind, below is a list of all of the Augments in the game, separated by Vocation. Take a look and use this to decide which Augments you want for your character.

Archer Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
AmbuscadeIncreases damage dealt by your attacks when targets are not in battle stance.2300
EnduranceIncreases your maximum Stamina.4900
RadianceCauses your lantern to consume less oil and illuminate a wider area.61,800
LethalityIncreases damage dealt when striking a target’s vitals.83,000
AvidityEnables you to clamber up cliffs and scale foes and other surfaces more quickly.95,000

Fighter Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
MettleIncreases your physical defense.2300
ProvocationIncreases the likelihood of being targeted by foes.4900
ThewEnables you to carry additional weight.61,800
DominionAllows you to lift up and pin down foes for an extended duration.83,000
DiligenceHastens recovery when downed or crawling.95,000

Mage Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
ApotropaismIncreases your Magick defense.2300
BeatitudeIncreases the amount of Health recovered by curatives and curative magicks.4900
InterventionReduces the duration of debilitations you are afflicted with.61,800
PerpetuationExtends the duration of enchantments and invigorations.83,000
ExaltationIncreases your Stamina recovery speed.95,000

Thief Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
SubtletyDecreases the likelihood of being targeted by foes.2300
GratificationSlightly restores Health when you deliver a killing blow to a foe.4900
PoiseReduces the Stamina consumed when struggling in a foe’s grip.61,800
VigorReduces the Stamina consumed when clinging to or pinning down foes.83,000
VerveIncreases your Strength95,000

Sorcerer Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
AsperityIncreases the likelihood of inflicting debilitations with your attacks.2300
StasisReduces the rate at which items deteriorate.4900
ConstancyIncreases your Knockdown Resistance.61,800
CatalysisIncreases damage dealt when exploiting a hostile target’s elemental weakness.83,000
SagacityIncreases your Magick95,000

Warrior Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
VitalityIncreases your maximum health.2300
ImpactImproves your ability to push and pull targets when grabbing hold.4900
PertinacityImproves your ability to break through an opponent’s guard.61,800
DominanceIncreases your Knockdown Power.83,000
IntrepidityReduces cumulation of the loss gauge when receiving damage.95,000

Magick Archer Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
SustainmentIncreases the physical Defense and Magick Defense of pawns in your party.2300
VoracityRecovers a small amount of Stamina when you deliver the killing blow to a target.4900
ProlificityIncreases the likelihood that smaller targets will drop items.61,800
AscendancyIncreases the Strength and Magick of pawns in your party.83,000
AmeliorationReduces the amount of time taken for fallen pawns to revive.95,000

Mystic Spearhand Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
ConveyanceHastens movement speed while carrying or lifting.2300
OpulenceIncreases gold obtained when acquiring coin pouches.4900
PolarityAugments your Strength during the day and your Magick at night.61,800
RefulgenceIncreases the amount of rift crystals obtained when acquiring rift fragments and the like.83,000
AthleticismReduces Stamina consumed while dashing.95,000

Trickster Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
DetectionAlerts you to the presence of any Seeker’s Tokens or Wakestone shards in the vicinity with sound and blinking light.2300
EnlightenmentYou have a chance of creating one more of the resulting product when combining materials.4900
FugacityDecreases the likelihood of being beset by hostile targets while camping or riding in an oxcart.61,800
ObfuscationDecreases the likelihood that hostile targets will detect you when you are not in battle stance.83,000
AllureEnables you to raise your affinity with people more easily.95,000

Warfarer Augments in Dragon’s Dogma 2

AugmentEffectUnlock LevelDcp Cost
ZealReduces the Stamina consumed when performing a weapon skill.61,800
DynamismReduces the amount by which weight affects your movement speed.95,000