Marvel Rivals Scarlet Witch guide: Abilities, ultimate, tips, more

Scarlet Witch announcement image in Marvel RivalsNetEase

As players check out Marvel RivalsClosed Alpha, you may have already noticed that Scarlet Witch is looking like one of the best Duelists in the game, with high damage potential and great mobility. 

So here is everything you need to know about Scarlet Witch, her abilities, and some tips on how best to play her. 

Scarlet Witch’s weapon in Marvel Rivals

Scarlet Witch’s primary weapon, Chaos Control, is fantastic as it doesn’t require a lot of aiming and deals a lot of damage. 

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Her secondary weapon, Chthonian Burst is another great damage ability that deals great AOE and single-target damage


Chaos Control

  • Use Chaos Magic to attack enemies and restore Chaos Energy

Chthonian Burst

  • Consume Chaos Energy to fire explosive magic missiles, damaging enemies

Scarlet Witch’s abilities in Marvel Rivals

Scarlet Witch’s abilities excel at giving her great mobility and initiation tools. Mystic Projection not only gives you invulnerability but lets you fly freely. 

Dark Seal deals single target damage and AOE stun, and her ult is an incredibly powerful AOE damage burst that also lets you free fly. 


Mystic Projection

  • Enter the Projection state for free flight. Press again to exit early

Dark Seal

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  • Land a hit on a target or the scene, or press again to generate a Force Field that periodically stuns enemies within range


  • Hold [SPACE] to fall slowly


Reality Erasure 

  • Engage in free-flight while charging energy, then unleash it to deal massive damage
Scarlet Witch in Marvel Rivals using her ultNetEase
Scarlet Witch using her Reality Erasure ultimate.

Tips to play Scarlet Witch in Marvel Rivals

Scarlet Witch deals a lot of damage, so take full advantage of it. Whenever you’re in range, always use your Chaos Control as it isn’t very aim-intensive, only needing to aim near the enemy’s general hitbox. 

Using Chaos Control often also allows you to build up plenty of Chaos Energy that lets you use Chthonian Burst for a good amount of AOE damage. 

Scarlet Witch is also ideal for flanking, as her great range of mobility lets her sneak into backlines and focus down targets easily, and get out practically scot-free with her Mystic Projection. 

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Reality Erasure is a great ult to start off team fights as the AOE damage it deals is massive, giving you an opportunity to pounce on a weakened enemy. But make sure you use the short period of free-fly to position yourself in a good spot.