T3 Arena hero tier list: Best characters ranked

some heroes fighting in T3 ArenaXinDong Entertainment Pte Ltd

It’s quite an uphill task to choose the right hero as T3 Arena brings new characters regularly – so, our tier list has everything needed so you can prioritize the best heroes for ranked mode.

T3 Arena is a fast-paced arena shooter in a 3v3 format that gives you an Overwatch-like experience on mobile devices. Developed by XD Entertainment, it’s now available for Android after being exclusive to The App Store for a while.

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Currently, there are over 30 characters in the game, and you need to spend hours in it to unlock all of them. However, the roster is fairly sizable so prioritizing the right heroes can give you a huge advantage in your matches.

With that said, if you’re wondering which characters to choose in T3 Arena, keep reading as our tier list has everything you need to know.

an image of some heroes in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
T3 Arena has multiple heroes to choose from.

T3 Arena character tier list

Currently, in Super Season 4 – Lunar Royale (SS4), the roster size has increased to a total of 31 heroes. The latest character to have joined the hero pool with the new season is Tigris.

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This season update brings a new feature called Royale Arena where ten heroes will clash in Frontierland, and survival is key. Some heroes have undergone balancing as well like last season. You can read more about the updates here.

Since you have to grind to unlock all the characters in the game, it only makes sense to unlock the best ones first. In our tier list below, we have sorted all of these characters from S-tier to C-tier, helping you choose your characters easily.

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TierCharacters (Heroes)
SChemist, Diggy, Gloria, Hua Ling, Iris, Labula, Neon, Tigris, Victor
ACristina, Daimon, Fade, Fort, Gatlyn, Judex, Mark, Ossas, Shell, Skadi
BHunter, Johnny Jet, Lacia, Ono, Ruby, Sindri, Vincent, Zero-Kelvin
CAleta, Jabali, Kazama, Yaa

T3 Arena: S-Tier heroes


an image of Chemist in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Chemist can heal teammates in T3 Arena.
  • Active Ability 1: Rapid-shot
  • Active Ability 2: Life-Blocking Cannon
  • Passive Ability: Improved Compound
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Potent Trigger
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Life Resonance

Chemist is one of those characters who can both inflict damage and heal her teammates at the same time. She carries a biotic grenade launcher that allows her to do the same.

Her first Active Ability fires multiple grenades at once while the second Active Ability fires a blocking cannon preventing opponents from healing temporarily. Her Ultimate ability can boost one of her teammate’s combat effectiveness for a short amount of time.


an image of Diggy in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Diggy is highly dangerous at close range.
  • Active Ability 1: Illusory Touch
  • Active Ability 2: Submarine
  • Passive Ability: Particle Mending
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Illusory Blast
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Cosmo Barrier

Diggy is all about firepower in T3 Arena. Her shotgun can deal an insane amount of damage in close-quarter combat and she also has the ability to turn into a shark!

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Her first Active Ability transforms her into a shark while the second one opens a submarine via which she can teleport to a different location after a slight delay. The Passive ability helps to regain some of her lost health. Her Ultimate ability does the same with the bonus of extra damage inflicted and stunning her enemies at the same time.


an image of Gloria in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Gloria can switch to her automatic shotgun for close-quarter combat.
  • Active Ability 1: ZMR Assault Rifle
  • Active Ability 2: Air Blast Mine
  • Passive Ability: Dashing
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Quicksand Bomb
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Amplifier Module

Gloria is one such character who is efficient in both close and long-range combat. Her ZMR Assault Rifle acts like a shotgun at close range while zooms in with 30 bullets when you try to take down an enemy from a distance. Air Blast Mine is the second Active Ability that tosses an invisible mine that can explode twice and knock enemies away.

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Her passive ability gives her a movement boost and can be quite useful when chasing down opponents or running away from intense moments.

Hua Ling

an image of Hua Ling in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Hua Ling is very similar to Hanzo from Overwatch.
  • Active Ability 1: Snare Bomb
  • Active Ability 2: Petal Out
  • Passive Ability: Infrared Scan
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Blast Arrow
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Whirlwind

Introduced in Season 1, Hua Ling is the master of archery in the game. When she combines her Snare Bomb with Blast Arrow, it becomes almost impossible for the enemy to survive.

Her second Active Ability allows her to jump backward and turn invisible. She’ll be visible after firing a weapon, much like Sombra from Overwatch 2.

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an image of Iris in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Iris can also heal teammates in the game.
  • Active Ability 1: Pie-Bot
  • Active Ability 2: Bursting Electric Arc
  • Passive Ability: Med Sampling
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Healing Field
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Blinding Orb

Iris’s abilities make her the ideal healer in the game. Her active abilities involve a Pie-Bot and Bursting Electric Arc that can inflict additional damage upon taking damage. Her ultimate ability deploys a healing drone that can help to restore the HP lost.

Her passive ability makes knocked-out opponents drop health pickups. This can be crucial for her teammates when the fight gets intense and the healer is not nearby.


an image of Labula in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Labula possesses alien weaponry that shoots high-velocity explosive spores.
  • Active Ability 1: Bouncy Spores
  • Active Ability 2: Eternal Generator
  • Passive Ability: Charging Barrier
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Coral Blast
  • Ultimate Ability 2: La La Pop!

Labula is one such character in the game who can take down an enemy almost in an instant. His Bouncy Spores inflict a good amount of damage when hit, both in close and long-range fights. The second Active Ability summons an Eternal Generator that prevents allies from dying, but it’s limited to a certain range.

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His ultimate deploys a non-moving clone but can double down on the damage where Labula is aiming at.


an image of Neon from T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Neon is a healer in the game.
  • Active Ability 1: Floral Radiance
  • Active Ability 2: Floral Repay
  • Passive Ability: Floral Gale
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Floral Wall
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Wrath of the Blossom

Neon is a healer introduced in Super Season 1. Her Active Abilities include Floral Radiance and Repay which allows her to heal and also teleport to allies. The Floral Gale ability gives her a move speed boost when she’s using Floral Radiance.

The ultimate makes her and the targetted ally’s first active ability temporarily invincible. These abilities make her one of the best active healers across the entire roster.

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an image of Tigris in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
  • Active Ability 1: Charged Guard
  • Active Ability 2: Shield Slam
  • Passive Ability: Charged Shield
  • Ultimate Ability: Decisive Cast

Tigris was added in January 2024 and you may say this character is the Captain America of T3 Arena. It throws a charged shield at opponents that ricochets and explodes on contact. The ultimate ability goes a level beyond where the shield automatically seeks out opponents and stuns them.


an image of Victor in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Victor has a powerful shotgun that is highly dangerous up close.
  • Active Ability 1: Tackle Charge
  • Active Ability 2: Well-built
  • Passive Ability: Speed Loading
  • Ultimate Ability 1: M.G.P
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Ramming Speed

Victo, using his powerful shotgun, hits heavy in the game. He has a whopping 6600 HP and 4200 Shield counts, which can prove to be a nightmare when going head-to-head against the enemy team.

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T3 Arena: A-Tier heroes


an image of Cristina in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Cristina has a grenade launcher that fires bouncy projectiles.
  • Active Ability 1: Sticky Bomb
  • Active Ability 2: Blasting Jump
  • Passive Ability: Incendiary Casing
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Cluster Grenade
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Trap Blossom

Cristina carries a grenade launcher that shoots projectiles, much like Junkrat from Overwatch. These projectiles can deal some severe damage when hit, which means the accuracy needs to be very precise.


an image of Daimon in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Daimon is a genetically modified human.
  • Active Ability 1: Greedy Leap
  • Active Ability 2: Lazy Bomb
  • Passive Ability: Arrogant Shield
  • Ultimate Ability: Glutton Beam

Daimon was introduced to the game with Super Season 3 – War of Gods. A genetically modified human, you can unlock this character after reaching Level 30 of the Premium Battle Pass. Daimon’s Wrath Cannon is capable of insane damage while the active abilities allow her to reposition herself and deal additional damage.

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Fade in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Fade was introduced with Season 5 in March 2023.
  • Active Ability 1: Plunder Rush
  • Active Ability 2: Quantum Shield
  • Passive Ability: C-Conversion
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Atom Fade
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Naval Bombardment

Fade is the 26th hero in T3 Arena and his main weapon, Quantum Cannon, can deal massive damage to opponents in close range. His first active ability allows him to dash forward aggressively, and if an opponent gets stuck along the way, they get damaged heavily and also become immobile for a moment.

The second active ability casts a Quantum Shield that blocks the attacks of the opponent.


an image of Fort in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Fort is also known as the Ironclad Juggernaut in the game.
  • Active Ability 1: Antimatter Barrier
  • Active Ability 2: Antimatter Armor
  • Passive Ability: Impact Shield
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Gravity Swirl
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Annihilation Bomb

Fort is the antimatter king as his primary weapon can shoot four missiles that can stick to surfaces. He can also act like a tank as his active ability brings out a deployable barrier that can stop the incoming fire.

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an image of Gatlyn in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Gatlyn has a machine gun with a high rate of fire.
  • Active Ability 1: ÜberCharge
  • Active Ability 2: Restriction Lifter
  • Passive Ability: Force Field
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Crippling Rounds
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Armor Warp

Gatlyn is quite versatile when it comes to her usage of weapons in the game. Her XM2140 Rotary Gun shoots at a very high rate, while her active ability wraps her with a shield to minimize damage intake.


an image of Judex in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Judex lever-action rifle excels in mid-to-long-range gunfights.
  • Active Ability 1: FS-105 Stunner
  • Active Ability 2: G10 Stun Grenade
  • Passive Ability: Tenacity
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Dragonbreath Bomb
  • Ultimate Ability 2: SD60 Energy Suppression

Judex is a fierce heroine in T3 Arena, rocking a powerful lever-action rifle. This rifle is effective in both mid-to-long range gunfights and when combined with her FS-105 Stunner, enemies get blinded and don’t get to stand a chance against her.

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an image of Mark in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Mark’s passive ability slowly restores HP.
  • Active Ability 1: Seeker Rocket
  • Active Ability 2: Blasting Surfing
  • Passive Ability: Proximity Sensor
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Battle-Hardened
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Optic Disrupt

After serving in the military, Mark has now taken the responsibility of dealing with the agitators in T3 Arena. His auto rifle is efficient at both mid-to-close range gunfights and his passive ability can restore his lost health after disengaging.


an image of Ossas in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Ossas’s sniper rifle can be charged to inflict increased damage.
  • Active Ability 1: Shadowfall
  • Active Ability 2: Shadow Jump
  • Passive Ability: Whispers in the Night
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Dark Surge
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Teleporter

The only thing that you should avoid against Ossas is peeking! Being the only sniper in the game, his rifle can one-shot most enemies when fully charged. The only reason that puts him in this tier instead of S is that his learning curve is relatively steeper when compared to the rest of the characters.

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an image of Shell in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Each hit of Shell’s passive ability restores HP.
  • Active Ability 1: Shadow-Walk
  • Active Ability 2: Dimension Blast
  • Passive Ability: Energy Resonance
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Dimension Rift
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Mass-Nullify

Shell is more like an all-rounder in the game. She can deal damage and restore her lost HP with each hit, thanks to her passive ability.

While she has activated her Shadow-Walk, she becomes invincible for a short period of time, much like Reaper’s ‘Wraith Form’ from Overwatch.


an image of Skadi in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Skadi’s passive ability gets a damage boost after three rounds.
  • Active Ability 1: Dub-STOP
  • Active Ability 2: Low Altitude Climb
  • Passive Ability: Amped-Shot
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Rock Blast
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Wanna-Dance

Skadi rocks a large-caliber pistol that is capable of melting down opponents from a distance. Her abilities mostly deal with sonic waves that can be used as surprise attacks when situations get intense.

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T3 Arena: B-Tier heroes


an image of Hunter in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Hunter’s Active ability throws a device that detects nearby opponents.
  • Active Ability 1: Flare Round
  • Active Ability 2: Healing Field
  • Passive Ability: Rotation Runner
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Charged Shot
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Phantom Light

Unlike the S-tier and A-tier characters, Hunter is quite situational. His primary weapon is a 3-round burst assault rifle while his abilities provide a speed boost and increase damage.

Johnny Jet

an image of Johnny Jet in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Johnny Jet’s Ultimate ability deploys a device that can slow down opponents within its range.
  • Active Ability 1: Veil of Chaos
  • Active Ability 2: Auto-Spray Can
  • Passive Ability: Blending-in
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Jet-Stim
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Safe-Jar

Johnny Jet is mostly viable in close-quarter combats as his rapid-firing spray gun will trigger a critical hit only on multiple successful hits. His active ability can make him invisible and also recover HP while his passive ability gives a speed boost.


an image of Lacia in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Lacia is a DPS character in T3 Arena.
  • Active Ability 1: Wind Evasion
  • Active Ability 2: Galeshadow Kunai
  • Passive Ability: Reincarnation
  • Ultimate Ability: Secret Art : Void Bolt

Lacia is the second character introduced in Super Season 3 – War of Gods. Her gravity-defying active abilities allow her to gain an advantage over enemies in unexpected ways and also deal additional damage on the way.

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an image of Ono from T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Ono has a three-star difficulty in the game.
  • Active Ability 1: Portable Barrier
  • Active Ability 2: Furious Slash
  • Passive Ability: Enhanced Blade
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Shock Beam
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Battlefield Rebirth

Ono is the 28th hero in the game and specializes in damage. His Storm Blades can vandalize enemies but you’ll need to master the throws, which can be a bit difficult during intense combat.


an image of Ruby in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Ruby can launch powerful tracking projectiles in 3-round bursts.
  • Active Ability 1: Mystic Shields
  • Active Ability 2: Blast Card
  • Passive Ability: Reflux Barrier
  • Ultimate Ability: Seeker Bolt

The reason Ruby is in this tier is that she is quite difficult to master. She fires three light bolts in a horizontal line and her activity ability brings out a three-piece barrier that moves forward.


an image of Sindri in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Sindri can fire three flying and exploding projectiles at a time.
  • Active Ability 1: Rage Ball: Deploy
  • Active Ability 2: Light of Rage
  • Passive Ability: Rage Ball: Assist
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Rage Ball: Upgrade
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Rage Ball: Drop-Pod

Sindri’s Plasma Drill has the ability to fire three flying and exploding projectiles at a time. One of her active abilities deploys a Rage Ball that automatically starts to fire at enemies. It also helps to restore HP over time while her passive ability gains a temporary shield upon retrieving it.

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The second active ability, Light of Rage, upon activation, boosts the recovery effect significantly.


vincent in t3 arenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Vincent can become invisible for a while.
  • Active Ability 1: Mater of Disguise
  • Active Ability 2: Disguise Core
  • Passive Ability: Opportunistic
  • Ultimate Ability: Optimal Cloaking

Vincent is a pistol expert in T3 Arena. His active ability allows him to take the form of an opponent while his ultimate ability makes him invisible for a short time.


zero-kelvin in t3 arenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Zero-Kelvin has a portable blizzard launcher.
  • Active Ability 1: Snowball
  • Active Ability 2: Fro-yo
  • Passive Ability: Icy Healing
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Snowballing Effect
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Zero Zone

Zero-Kelvin is a tank in the game, carrying a portable blizzard launcher. His first active ability summons a snowball that can block damage and you can make it roll forward with the hockey stick and inflict damage. The second one, Fro-yo, turns him into an invincible snowman temporarily, which restores his health.

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His passive ability restores HP while his ultimate ability summons three snowballs that can bounce off and inflict damage multiple times.

T3 Arena: C-Tier heroes


an image of Aleta in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Aleta has dual-wielding auto pistols.
  • Active Ability 1: Holo-Dash
  • Active Ability 2: Image Return
  • Passive Ability: Duble-Jumper
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Decoy-Bomb
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Holo-Burst

Aleta is very similar to Tracer from Overwatch, She has dual-wielded pistols and can dash fast but comes at a cost of inaccuracy. Her Image Return ability allows her to teleport back to the position she was in three seconds ago, also recovering her HP to the highest level during that period.


an image of Jabali in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Jabali is quite hard to take down in matches.
  • Active Ability 1: Energy Barrier
  • Active Ability 2: Thunder Impact
  • Passive Ability: Electro-Feedback
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Arc Storm
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Pulsar Response

Jabali is more of a tank in this game as he boasts a massive 7200 HP count along with an active shield that can block any attack from the enemy team. However, this comes at the cost of slowed movement speed.

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an image of Kazama in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Kazama boasts a rocket launcher in T3 Arena.
  • Active Ability 1: Flight Mode
  • Active Ability 2: Blasting Flight
  • Passive Ability: Munition Pack
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Cannonball Dive
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Orbital Strike

Kazama’s rocket launcher can explode enemies on impact while also having the ability to hover in the air for a short while. His passive ability helps to restock one round to his weapon upon hitting opponents.


an image of Yaa in T3 ArenaXD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Yaa’s Passive ability gives her a shield for three seconds after dashing through an opponent.
  • Active Ability 1: Windshift
  • Active Ability 2: Counterattack Storm
  • Passive Ability: Stormward
  • Ultimate Ability 1: Breezeblast
  • Ultimate Ability 2: Tempestwalker

Yaa is swift and flows like the wind while shooting down enemies using her wind-energy pistol. Her first active ability helps her to dash forward and escape intense gunfights, while Counterattack Storm generates a shield and the blade launches a counterattack.

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Her passive ability gives her a temporary shield for three seconds after dashing.

So, that’s our T3 Arena tier list with all the best characters you should be using right now.