League of Legends patch 13.22 notes: Mage attack speed update, Janna changes, more

Prestige Cyber Halo Janna Splash ArtRiot Games

The next patch for League of Legends brings about a huge update to mage attack speeds, a Janna revamp, and further changes to the game’s balance.

Patch 13.22 is coming soon to the PBE, bringing more changes to the ever-popular League of Legends. With Worlds sufficiently on its way, the developers are still looking to make more experimental changes to the game leading up to the preseason of 2024.

Of course, this has resulted in a bit of whacky hijinks, like the K’sante rework completely breaking the character. However, Riot is still chugging on with making new changes that hopefully shake up the Rift.

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When does LoL Patch 13.22 go live?

League of Legends Patch 13.22 is expected to go live on 8th November 2023, according to Riot’s patch schedule. Patch 13.22 will head to Oceanic servers first, with other servers slowly receiving it throughout the day.

Here are the key timings of Patch 13.22 for your server:

  • 3 AM PT (NA)
  • 5 AM GMT (EUW)
  • 3 AM CET (EUNE)
  • 8 AM KST (Korea)

There’ll be a few hours of downtime when patching begins, and matchmaking queues will be taken offline about three hours beforehand.

What’s changing in LoL Patch 13.22?

Mage Attack Speed Update

It appears Riot is taking a stab at giving mages some quality-of-life buffs in patch 13.22. According to lead gameplay designer Riot Phroxzon, the slow attack frames of mages have become outdated and are an “unnecessary barrier of entry to their satisfaction.” This means Riot is bumping out attack speed for several mid-lane mages in the coming patch.

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Final Boss Veigar Splash ArtRiot Games
Riot is looking to buff up many mages’ attack speeds so that their auto attacks feel more satisfying.

Janna Revamp

Wind enchanter Janna is receiving another revamp in Patch 13.22. The developers aren’t happy with how satisfying her gameplay has become and want to move her back towards her more W-orientated style of play. This means reverting some recent changes to bring her more in line with her past self.

League of Legends Patch 13.22 early notes



E: Conflagration

  • Damage adjusted: 65 – 165 +( 50% AP) >>> 60 – 180 + (60% AP)


Q: Head Rush

  • Damage reduced: 60 – 220 >>> 60 – 200
  • Armor shred reduced: 10 – 26% >>> 10 – 20%

R: Certain Death

  • Damage reduced: 150 – 500 (+110% bonus AD) >>> 150 – 450 (+75% bonus AD)

Dr Mundo

E: Blunt Force Trauma

  • Bonus AD: 2-3% HP >>> 2-3.4% HP


E: Body Slam

  • Cooldown refund changed: 3 seconds >>> 40% of cooldown

R: Explosive Cask

  • Travel time decreased: 0.55 seconds >>> 0.5 seconds


E: Quickdraw

  • Bonus armor reduced: 4 – 16 >>> 2 – 14


Base Stats

  • Health growth increased: 84 >>> 90
  • Base mana increased: 350 >>> 360
  • Mana growth reduced: 64 >>> 50
  • Base AD reduced: 52 >>> 47
  • AD growth reduced: 3 >>> 2.5
  • Armor growth reduced: 5 >>> 4.5
  • Attack range increased: 500 >>> 550
  • Attack windup reduced: 22% >>> 20%

Passive: Tailwind

  • No longer grants movement speed toward allied champs (still gives allies 6% movement speed towards Janna)
  • Now deals 20% – 35% bonus movement speed (1/6/11/16) magic damage on basic attacks and W

Q: Howling Gale

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  • Minimum damage changed: 60 – 160(+35% AP) >>> 55 – 195(+50%)
  • Cooldown increased: 12 >>> 14 seconds
  • Mana cost increased: 60 – 100 >>> 90 – 110

W: Zephyr

  • Movement speed bonus is no longer lost when on cooldown
  • Cooldown reduced: 12 seconds flat >>> 8 – 6 seconds
  • Mana cost reduced: 50 – 90 >>> 50 – 75
  • Base damage reduced: 80 – 200 >>> 55 – 195
  • Slow duration reduced: 3 seconds >>> 2 seconds

E: Eye of the Storm

  • No longer gains bonus heal or shield power upon applying movement impairments to enemy champions
  • Now refunds 20% cooldown upon applying movement impairments to enemy champions
  • No longer decays
  • Duration reduced: 5 seconds >>> 4 seconds
  • Base shield increased: 75 – 175 >>> 80 – 220
  • Cooldown increased: 15 – 9 seconds >>> 16 – 12 seconds
  • Mana cost reduced: 70 – 110 >>> 70 – 90


E: Void Pulse

  • AP ratio reduced: 85% >>> 80%

R: Voidwalk

  • AP ratio reduced: 60% >>> 50%


Q: Formless Blade

  • Bonus attack speed reduced: 10 – 60% >>> 10 – 50%

R: Apotheosis

  • Damage over time ratio reduced: 112% bonus AD >>> 80% bonus AD
  • Total damage reduced: 185 – 505 (+232% AD) >>> 185 – 505 (+200% AD)


W: Defensive Ball Curl

  • Bonus armor increased: 30 >>> 40


Q: Piercing Darkness

  • Damage decreased: 30 – 170 >>> 30 – 150
  • Healing decreased: 40 – 100 >>> 40 – 80


Passive: Stage Presence

  • Damage changed: 4 – 25 (+7% AP) >>> 5 – 30 (+5% AP)

Q: High Note

  • Damage amp threshold increased: 75% >>> 85%

W: Surround Sound

  • Shield decreased: 50 – 150 (+25% AP) >>> 50 – 150 (+20% AP)

Tahm Kench

Passive: An Acquired Taste

  • Bonus health ratio reduced: 5% >>> 4%


Base Stats

  • Base armor reduced: 22 >>> 18


Mage Auto Attack Changes


  • Rumble, Singed, Heimerdinger, Ziggs, Xerath, Ivern, Neeko, Ahri, Twisted Fate, Teemo

Missile Speed

  • Karthus, Cassiopeia, Annie, Veigar, Teemo, Orianna

Attack Speed

  • Singed, Heimerdinger, Annie, Vel’Koz, Xerath, Lissandra, Zilean, Anivia, Zoe, Ryze , Syndra, Taliyah, Ahri, LeBlanc