League Patch 10.7 to feature Star Guardian Urgot, Galio buffs, more

Riot Games
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League of Legends Patch 10.7 is on the horizon, and it’s noticeably smaller than the last few. That doesn’t mean big changes aren’t on the way though, with buffs to Akali, Kai’Sa, Galio, and more, as well as the Fiddlesticks rework release, and Star Guardian Urgot — kind of.

After a few massive patches in recent weeks, League players will be given a slight reprieve in Patch 10.7. While less changes are touted for the April 1 update, they will still have an impact on the meta.

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Lead gameplay designer Mark ‘Scruffy’ Yetter ran through what League players should expect from Patch 10.7 on March 23 with a general preview of the update.

Silverfang Akali splash art for League of LegendsRiot Games
Could Akali make a return to the meta on Patch 10.7?

The return of the Season 9 meta?

At the top of the list, some of Season 9’s most obnoxious champions could be making a return to the Rift in the upcoming patch. Buffs to Akali, Kai’Sa, Galio, and Corki are all in the pipeline after they were all gutted in some fashion by the start of Season 10.

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Some of the buffs aren’t that major ⁠— like Akali’s Shuriken Flip being moved into magic damage instead of physical ⁠— but others could bring some champions back into the mix.

For example, Galio’s ultimate, Hero’s Entrance, will now grant all allies a magic damage shield, equal to that of his W passive, for five seconds. It brings back a bit more defensive utility to his ultimate after it was nerfed in Patch 8.24.

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Nasus, Riven, Ivern, and Xin Zhao are also in line for buffs on Patch 10.7.

Wukong nerfed yet again

On the other end of the spectrum, three champions will have a bit of their power cut in some much-needed nerfs. The newly-released Wukong rework will have to survive another set of changes, while directed changes at Nocturne mid, Talon, and Garen are also in planning.

Wukong was the subject of a hotfix immediately after the release of his Patch 10.6 rework, having power stripped from his passive, base health regeneration, and W clone damage. His Patch 10.7 nerfs are specifically targeting his late game tankiness and his E burst damage.

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The other three champions might come as a surprise, however all picks have proven to be strong in the right hands. Nocturne has found himself in the mid lane more than jungle as of late, while Garen is too tanky for his own good in the top lane after his Patch 10.4 buff.

On top of that, Talon has been dominating high-elo solo queue, and was a late addition into the patch after Riot analyzed his power in the upper echelons of play.

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Wukong is getting nerfed once again.

Star Guardian Urgot is here — finally

The 2020 April Fools skin set is also to be released, which is good timing given the patch’s release date. And yes, Star Guardian Urgot is now official.

League players across the globe finally getting their wishes fulfilled with a Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot skin based on the popular skin line. While it’s not a fully-fledged Star Guardian Urgot skin, the pedantics of it shouldn’t wind anyone up.

Veigar and Tristana also received new cosmetics for April Fools, cosplaying Furyhorn and Pengu respectively. Maokai, Malzahar, and Sion will also be getting new skins in the Worldbreaker line for Patch 10.7.

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Finally, the Fiddlesticks VGU will be hitting live servers in the upcoming update. His kit has undergone a major rework to give him more relevancy in the modern game, and his visuals have been updated to fit his terrifying nature.

League of Legends Patch 10.7 will be released on April 1. You can find a preview of all the changes below.

League of Legends Patch 10.7 preview notes



  • Passive cooldown: 7 seconds > 8 seconds
  • Q movement speed duration: 1.5-3.5 seconds > 1-3.6 seconds


  • Base health regen: 8.5 > 7 (every 5 seconds)
  • Magic resist per level: 1.25 > 0.75


  • W initial damage: 50-110 (+40% bAD) > 45-105 (+45% bAD)
  • W return damage: 70-130 (+60% bAD) > 45-125 (+65% bAD)


  • Passive armor: 5-11 > 5-9 (based on level)
  • E damage: 80-240 > 70-210



  • E damage type: Physical > Magic


  • Package direct hit damage over time duration: 1.5 seconds > 2 seconds


  • Hero’s Entrance now grants allies in the area a percentage of Galio’s max HP as a magic shield for six seconds.


  • E damage: 60-140 > 70-170
  • R cooldown: 160-120 seconds > 140-120 seconds


  • E cooldown: 16-14 seconds > 16-12 seconds


  • W range: 600 > 700
  • E armor shred: 15-35% > 25-45%


  • Base health regen: 7 > 8.5 (every 5 seconds)

Xin Zhao

  • Passive heal: 10-68 > 10-112 (by level)


Conditioning (Resolve rune)

  • Activation time: 10 minutes > 12 minutes


  • Rework to be pushed live

Phase Rush (Sorcery keystone)

  • Movement speed for melee users: 30-50% > 40-60%