TFT Patch 10.12 to remove Valkyries, Voids, add Astros, Battlecast, more

Riot Games

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Patch 10.12 is just over the horizon, and oh boy is it a doozy ⁠— Riot is set to overhaul the auto battler in a big way in the first Mid-Set Update: Valkyries and Voids will be removed from the title, and a host of new units and traits will take their place.

TFT Galaxies is approaching its halfway point, and Riot has decided to deliver players a big mid-season shakeup to “keep things fresh.” The mid-season update, the very first of its kind, will add 14 new champions, and two new traits.

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On top of that, a whopping nine champs, including every Valkyrie and Void unit, as well as Lux, Sona, and Kassadin, are all being benched in Patch 10.12. In their place, two brand-new traits will be making their TFT debut in the June 10 update.

Everything leaving in TFT Patch 10.12 update

These huge arrivals in Teamfight Tactics mean, of course, some of the already established picks have to make way. For those TFT fans who love picking Valkyries and Voids each and every round, there’s some bad news: they’re gone.

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Kai’Sa, Kayle, and Miss Fortune are the departing Valkyrie units, while Void-aligned monsters Kha’Zix, Vel’Koz, and Cho’Gath will also be dumped from the auto battler in the mid-set switch up. Sona, Kassadin, and Lux will also be removed.

Lux was one of champs cut from the TFT unit roster in the Patch 10.12 mid-set update.Riot Games
Lux was one of champs cut from the TFT unit roster in the Patch 10.12 mid-set update.

Sona was removed because her crowd-control cleanse “left little room for counterplay,” dev Mortdog said of her removal. Lux was bumped because Riot needed to clear out space in the 3-cost list. Kassadin was simply “powerful” and “undervalued.”

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Lilac Galaxy is also being hooked from the live star charts rotation, and no new galaxy will be added in Patch 10.12 so the new champs and traits can shine. Starting from 10.13, however, Riot will add and remove a galaxy every fortnight.

Everything being added in TFT Patch 10.12

There are two new traits being added in TFT Patch 10.12: Astros and Battlecast. These new class sets will bring a host of new units, including Nautilus, Cassiopeia, Viktor, and the dreaded yordle scout Teemo.

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Battlecast’s trait bonus will activate at 2/4/6. When these units take 10 instances of damage, they will heal 60/125/250 if below half HP, or deal 60/125/250 damage to nearby enemies if above half. Astro champs have 30 reduced mana cost.

Four new units not in those traits will also be joining or re-joining the roster in TFT Patch 10.12. These include Zed (Rebel/Infiltrator), Vayne (Cybernetic/Sniper), Riven (Chrono/Blademaster), and Janna (Star Guardian/Paragon).

Zed spent a bit of time on the Teamfight Tactics sideline recently, but the Master of Shadows is back in Patch 10.12.Riot Games
Zed spent a bit of time on the Teamfight Tactics sideline recently, but the Master of Shadows is back in TFT Patch 10.12 alongside 13 other new arrivals.

There are also a host of changes coming in the new bumper Teamfight Tactics patch. These include tweaks for nearly every trait remaining in the title post-10.12, and updates for nearly a dozen units from Annie to Aurelion Sol.

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Here are the full TFT Patch 10.12 mid-season update notes:

TFT Patch 10.12: Galaxies Mid-Set Update

New Champions & Traits


Nautilus (Astro/Vanguard)

Nautilus erupts the ground beneath his target, knocking them up and stunning them for 3/3.5/4 seconds, and dealing 100/200/400 magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the target receive half of this effect.

Bard (Astro/Mystic)

Passive: Bard gains an additional 5/20/90 mana each attack. On cast: Bard spawns a meep on his owner’s bench which can be sold for 1 experience.

Gnar (Astro/Brawler)

Gnar leaps towards his target and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing 200/300/1500 magic damage and stunning them for 2 seconds. While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee and gains 750/1250/2500 Health and 100/175/400 Attack Damage.

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Teemo (Astro/Sniper)

Teemo scatters 3 traps around the nearest enemy. When an enemy nears a trap (or after 3 seconds), it explodes on nearby enemies dealing 175/250/600 magic damage, knocking them down, and slowing them for 4 seconds.

Battlecast (2/4/6)

Battlecast champions, upon dealing or taking 10 instances of damage, heal for 60/125/250 if below half health, or deal 60/125/250 magic damage to the nearest enemy if above half.

Illaoi (Battlecast/Brawler)

Illaoi slams a tentacle in a line in front of her, dealing 125/200/325 damage and stealing 15/25/40% Armor and Magic Resist from each target hit for 4 seconds.

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Nocturne (Battlecast/Infiltrator)

Nocturne terrifies his target, causing them to be stunned with fear for 2/2.5/4 seconds and dealing 150/200/300 magic damage over the duration.

Kog’Maw (Battlecast/Blaster)

For 3 seconds, Kog’Maw gains infinite Attack Range and 90% attack speed, and his auto attacks deal 5%/7%/9% of the target’s maximum Health as magic damage.

Cassiopeia (Battlecast/Mystic)

Cassiopeia launches her fangs at the nearest unpoisoned enemy, causing them to take 800/1500/3000 damage over 12 seconds, and reducing the effectiveness of shields used on them by 50%.

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Viktor (Battlecast/Sorcerer)

Viktor burns a path between the two enemies most distant from one another, initially dealing 40/50/100% max Health magic damage, then 1 second later dealing 250/400/1000 magic damage in an explosion along the same path.

Urgot (Battlecast/Protector)

Urgot fires a drill at the farthest enemy in his Attack Range, reeling them in and dealing 2000 true damage repeatedly until they reach him and die. After his first successful cast, Urgot’s Mana Cost is reduced by 10/20/60.

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Trait Adjustments


  • 350/650 >>> 350/600 Bonus HP


  • Celestial (6) is now only attainable via Celestial Orb
  • Trait (4) is Gold & Celestial (6) is Chromatic
  • 15/35/60% >>> 15/40/99% Healing from Damage


  • Added Chrono (8): 0.75 seconds


  • 350&35/700&70 >>> 350&50/600&90 HP & AD

Dark Star

  • 3/6/9 >>> 2/4/6/8
  • 20/25/30 >>> 12/25/35/60 Bonus AD & AP
  • Whenever a Dark Star Champ Dies >>> Whenever any ally dies.


  • 50/75/120% >>> 40/70/120%

Mech Pilot

  • Pilots Health on Eject: 100% >>> 35%
  • Mech Health: 1500 + 45% of Pilots >>> 1500 + 60% of Pilots
  • Mech AD: 90 + 45% of Pilots >>> 100 + 60% of Pilots
  • Mech AS: 0.75 >>> 0.85
  • Mech Cleave Damage: 100% of AD >>> 80% of AD
  • Mech Mana: 0/225 >>> 0/200
  • Mech Armor: 30 >>> 70
  • Mech Magic Resistance: 20 >>> 70


  • 35/105 >>> 40/105 Magic Resistance


  • 25/30/40 >>> 30/40/60%


  • Sniper (2): 15% >>> 12% Bonus Damage per hex.
  • Added Sniper (4): 20% Bonus Damage per hex.


  • Removed Sorcerer (8)
  • 20/40/75 >>> 20/45/80% Bonus Spell Power

Star Guardian

  • Now properly gives the correct amount of mana of casts after the first one. This results in a buff for the trait. (Thanks TOO)
  • Added Star Guardian (9): 70 Mana


  • Added Vanguard (6): 750 Armor
  • 125/250 >>> 125/300 Armor 

Champions Balance Changes



  • Mana: 75/150 >>> 70/140
  • Spell Damage: 150/200/300 >>> 250/350/500
  • Spell Shield: 270/360/540 >>> 350/450/600



  • Mana: 50/125 >>> 50/100
  • Spell Damage: 250/350/700 >>> 200/275/550
  • Missile Speed increased by 50%


  • Mana: 50/125 >>> 50/80
  • Attack Speed: 0.7 >>> 0.75
  • Spell Damage: 200/300/600 >>> 100/150/400


  • HP: 800 >>> 900
  • Spell Damage: 350/500/1000 >>> 500/750/1500


  • Spell AD Bonus: 200/225/250% >>> 250/275/300%


  • Mana: 0/65 >>> 0/60
  • Spell Damage: 100/150/250 >>> 100/125/200
  • Syndra will now pick additional targets if she’s dealing more than enough damage to kill her target



  • HP: 600 >>> 700
  • Attack Speed: 0.8 >>> 0.85
  • Mana: 80/150 >>> 60/120
  • Spell Damage: 350/500/2000 >>> 450/600/5000


  • Base Attack Speed :: 0.9 >>> 0.85 / 0.95 / 1.25 by star level


  • Rocket Damage: 125/200/750 >>> 125/200/1500


Aurelion Sol

  • Mana :: 40/120 >>> 120/120
  • Damage per fighter :: 100/150/750 >>> 60/110/750
  • NEW: Fighters drain 10/20/50 mana from their targets
  • NEW: First cast launches 4 fighters. Subsequent casts launch 2 additional.
  • Taken together, he’ll deal more damage through the first 10 seconds of the fight, then fall behind from there, relative to live.


  • Mana: 50/150 >>> 80/150
  • Spell Damage: 225/400/2000 >>> 100/200/2000
  • Targets: Hits every enemy once >>> Hits 5/7/20 times.
  • NEW: Slows the Attack Speed of all enemies hit by 50% for 7 seconds.


  • Lilac Galaxy has been removed from the star charts.
  • No new galaxies this patch to give the spotlight to the new champs & traits.
  • Starting Patch 10.13, each patch will add a new galaxy and remove an existing galaxy.
  • Galaxies odds have been adjusted:
  • Littler Legends – 10% of games
  • The Neekoverse – 10% of games
  • Medium Legends – 10% of games
  • Superdense Galaxy – 10% of games
  • Trade Sector – 10% of games
  • Treasure Trove – 10% of games
  • Star Cluster – 10% of games
  • Galactic Armory – 10% of games
  • Normal Game – 20% of games

System Changes

  • The number of 3-cost champions in the pool: 16 >>> 18
  • All champions now sell back for their full gold value at all star levels and costs. (Example: 2-star 3cost champ sell value: 5 >>> 9)
  • Drop Chance Changes: Level 4: 60/30/10/0/0% >>> 55/30/15/0/0%
  • Kayn will no longer drop a Spatula item if you have 0 of that trait on the board.
  • Neeko’s help now always works, even if there are no more copies in the bag. (The extra champ generated is extra, and when sold or the player is defeated does not go back into the bag.)


  • Chalice of Harmony has been renamed and redesigned. Its new name is Chalice of Power. Chalice of Power (Tear + Cloak): At start of combat, the holder and their left and right neighbors gain 30 AP for 10 seconds.
  • New icon will arrive soon!
  • Deathblade: 30 >>> 25 AD per stack.
  • Demolitionist’s Charge has been removed. Replaced with Battlecast Armor (same recipe: Spatula + Rod). Battlecast Armor: This champion is now Battlecast.
  • Giant Slayer: Effect changed to: “Deal 25% bonus true damage. If enemy max HP is over 1500, deal 100% bonus true damage instead.”
  • Hextech Gunblade: 25% healing from all damage dealt >>> 35% healing from spell damage.
  • Infinity Edge: +100% Critical Strike Damage >>> +100% Critical Strike Chance and +20% Critical Strike Damage.
  • Jeweled Gauntlet: Holder’s spells can crit >>> Holder’s spells can crit and holder gains +20% Critical Strike Damage.
  • Luden’s Echo: Star scaling removed. Now deals 200 magic damage per bounce.
  • Rapid Firecannon: +200% Range >>> +200% Range and holder’s attacks can’t miss.
  • Seraph’s Embrace has been removed. Replaced with Blue Buff. Blue Buff: After casting a spell, set your mana to 20. Unique. New icon will arrive soon!
  • Warmog’s Armor: 5% Missing Health Regen >>> +600 HP. (The item now grants exactly 1000 HP and nothing else.)

Bug Fixes

  • The Super Mech’s Spell should no longer fizzle if the primary target dies.
  • Aurelion Sol now stops moving immediately when Ekko ults.
  • Aurelion Sol no longer gains mana from the Starship trait while Ekko is ulting, and can no longer cast during Ekko ult.”