Tyler1 blasts “awful” League Season 12 in yearly recap


Twitch star streamer Tyler ‘Tyler1’ Steinkamp blasted League of Legends Season 12 on the final day of the season, pointing out how many trials and tribulations he went through as an avid broadcaster of the game.

Tyler1 has never held back when it comes to putting his favorite game, League of Legends, on full blast.

He’s roasted the popular MOBA and developers Riot Games many times in the past, even slamming his keyboard to bits in a moment of rage.

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Now, as Season 12 has come to a close, Tyler has once again put the game on blast for having one of, if not the, worst seasons so far.

Tyler1 slams “awful” League Season 12

The 27-year-old broadcaster was live on November 14, the last day of Season 12, when he went through a recap of everything bad that happened throughout the year while streaming the game.

“This season was trash, bro. From start to finish it was terrible. I think Riot knows it, too. They did a lot to try to make it better, but this was bad.”

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T1 went on to blame players who abused normal game MMR manipulation as well as transfer account MMR abusers, hurting the quality of the ranked ladder.

He also pointed to how poorly his trip to Korea went, where he was unable to reach Challenger rank.

Although he overall has a negative view of the season it wasn’t entirely a lost cause.

He managed to hit Challenger on the Support role, completing his quest to reach the highest rank on all five roles in the game. Tyler also hit 1,000 LP on the ranked ladder, which is a huge accomplishment.

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Despite those feats, Season 12 will best be left in the past, and hopefully, Season 13 will treat him a bit better.