New World players celebrate Christmas with hilarious conga line war strategy

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New World’s wars typically bring out varying strategies and ways for one Company to come out on top. Or, in the case of one Christmas war, things simply devolve into a conga line.

New World is currently in the midst of its Winter seasonal event, giving players the chance to complete limited-time quests and celebrate the holiday season in style.

But, that doesn’t mean the regular wars and invasions cease, with some Company’s even battling it out on Christmas day.

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In the case of one war on Kisha Sagara, this holiday brawl turned into full-on goofiness in a heartbeat, with one side opting to ride into battle as a… conga line.

Conga line Christmas war in New World

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Some New World players show their holiday festivity a little differently.

New World’s wars are one of its most distinctive aspects, giving players the chance to band together with their allies to duke it out against other player-run Companies.

This usually results in large-scale fights with players utilizing their builds to synergize as best as possible. Or, you form a massive conga line and crawl into battle.

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At least that’s what one Company did on Christmas day in a war on the Kisha Sagara server. The whole thing was perfect comedy and was a hilarious show of organized comradery.


The video, linked above from the original post, shows what looks like an entire Company’s worth of players crawling into combat with many decked out in holiday regalia.

When asked why such a thing happened, the OP replied in the comments saying, “War procked on Christmas. No one wants to fight on Christmas lol.”

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With many fewer people likely online, taking the war to goof around is a good sign of respect on the server and shows that not every war in New World has to be taken so seriously.

And while this battle was likely lost by the crawling faction, this likely won’t be the last time they conga line into the fray. Other players better beware of their cunning wartime strategies for next time.