Immortality Field saves Overwatch player from dead controller


Baptiste’s Immortality Field is easily one of the most powerful non-ultimate abilities in Overwatch, and as one Hanzo player found out, it even has the capacity to keep him alive through a dead controller.

Taking to Reddit, user “BreakfastMargs” posted a video of his Xbox One gameplay on the King’s Row hybrid map. While defending the third and final point, an enemy Hanzo was Nano Boosted by his Ana, and proceeded to pop his Dragon Strike ultimate.

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Unfortunately for BreakfastMargs, his controller died right as he jumped off the high ground and directly into the enemy dragon coming straight for him.

“Please reconnect the Xbox One wireless controller,” a message prompt read, blocking both the incoming action and red dragon being summoned before his very eyes.

While this attack would normally have been enough to completely wipe his mere 200 HP, BreakfastMargs was in luck, as his allied Baptiste tossed out an Immortality Field to keep the archer alive in the fight. He then either activated another controller or found more juice in his existing one, because he was back in the fray shortly thereafter.

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Not wanting to put his new chance at life to waste, the Hanzo player took advantage of his Zarya’s Gravitational Surge, which locked the enemy in place by firing his own Ultimate down the middle and scored a triple kill in the process.

The Hanzo player then capped the play off with an arrow right to the skull of his fellow bowman, leading to a fourth kill and halting the enemy’s advances.

Blizzard EntertainmentDead controller? No problem.

Immortality Field has been nerfed in the past, with its health dropping from 250 to 200 – but that hasn’t stopped players from continuing to make good use of the ability with the second longest cooldown in the game.

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At 20 seconds, the only ability with a longer cooldown is Mercy’s Resurrection at a whopping 30 seconds.

Of course, the cooldown and value isn’t the only controversy surrounding Immortality Field: as shown by South Korea in the Overwatch World Cup, players can reset the cooldown by changing heroes in spawn and then swapping back to Baptiste when the drone is destroyed.

Blizzard EntertainmentYou don’t need Seven Dragon Balls to summon this beast.

Only time will tell if Blizzard wants to further evaluate the life-saving Frisbie, as its value remains undeniably high to the point where even dead controllers can be saved.

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Until then, Baptiste’s kit remains one of the strongest in the entire game.