Overwatch bug makes Mei summon a pathetic excuse for an Ice Wall


A bizarre bug in Overwatch played a crucial part in denying Twitch streamer ‘Fitzyhere’ a chance of getting to Grandmaster after Mei’s Ice Wall turned into a meager pillar.

The former Starcraft 2 pro was in a tight overtime match on King’s Row, and it was looking like one of those games where the smallest mistake would lead to a quick loss for either side.

Unfortunately, that mistake didn’t come from a user error, instead, a pivotal Ice Wall bug rendered the defensive ability completely useless since it didn’t cover nearly enough of the area it was meant to block.

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There’s been more than a few bugs with Mei throughout Overwatch history.

The battle over Objective A was heavily contested by both sides, and Fitzy was in the heat of it all to lay down some DPS as Mei. But the other team’s push quickly made the streamer the frontline of the attack.

As Mei, that’s fine. She has two abilities in her Ice Wall and Cryo-Freeze that lets her stay relatively safe even when getting focused down by an entire team.

The crux of her defense, however, is the reliance that those two abilities will go off without a hitch, something that didn’t exactly happen in Fitzy’s game.

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“Alright chat, you can’t tell me that Ice Wall isn’t bugged,” he said after only a portion of the Ice Wall came up from the ground. “You can’t tell me that Ice Wall isn’t bugged, right? Did you see that wall? It was one pillar.”

Apparently that’s not the first time he’s come across the bug either, saying: “How am I supposed to wall off my team so they don’t die. It’s happened plenty of times, it’s not like it’s a random fluke.”

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Following the bug’s appearance, his team crumbled from the pressure of the other team, leading to a quick 4-3 overtime loss.

Fitzyhere Twitch
Fitzy had no chance with the other team able to see through both sides of the single Ice Wall pillar.

At 3,983 SR after the loss, Fitzy was at the threshold of getting promoted into the next rank tier but was kept short after the botched Ice wall led to the defeat.

While disappointing for the streamer, the video could be a great clip for the Overwatch devs to look over to help with finding a fix.

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