All Pokemon missing from Pokemon Legends Arceus

missing pokemon in pokemon legends arceusGame Freak / The Pokemon Company

With the Hisui region featuring ‘mon from almost every Gen, some didn’t make the cut. Here’s who is missing from Pokemon Legends Arceus.

Despite being wished for by many, the Sinnoh origins title doesn’t have the National Pokedex, instead opting to pick select characters from almost every Generation.

Though the game does bring new forms and Pokemon, there are some classics missing from the Hisui region entirely.

Hisuian Zorua in Pokemon legends ArceusGame Freak / The Pokemon Company
Some Pokemon like Zorua have new Hisuian forms.

All Pokemon missing from Pokemon Legends Arceus

As expected, the game features all of Gen IV’s Pokedex. Unfortunately, there are no Gen 8 Pokemon at all aside from the new additions in Legends Arceus.

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Here’s all the Pokemon not included in the Hisui region:

Generation I:

  • Bulbasaur
  • Ivysaur
  • Venusaur
  • Charmander
  • Charmeleon
  • Charizard
  • Squirtle
  • Wartortle
  • Blastoise
  • Caterpie
  • Metapod
  • Butterfree
  • Weedle
  • Kakuna
  • Beedrill
  • Pidgey
  • Pidgeot
  • Pidgeotto
  • Rattata
  • Raticate
  • Spearow
  • Fearow
  • Ekans
  • Arbok
  • Sandshrew
  • Sandslash
  • Nidoran
  • Nidorina
  • Nidoqueen
  • Nidoran
  • Nidorino
  • Nidoking
  • Jigglypuff
  • Wigglytuff
  • Oddish
  • Gloom
  • Vileploom
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Diglett
  • Dugtrio
  • Meowth
  • Persian
  • Mankey
  • Primeape
  • Kanto Growlithe
  • Kanto Arcanine
  • Poliwag
  • Poliwhirl
  • Bellsprout
  • Weepinbell
  • Victreebel
  • Slowpoke
  • Slowbro
  • Farfetch’d
  • Doduo
  • Dodrio
  • Seel
  • Dewgong
  • Grimer
  • Muk
  • Shellder
  • Cloyster
  • Drowzee
  • Hypno
  • Krabby
  • Kingler
  • Kanto Voltorb
  • Kanto Electrode
  • Exeggcute
  • Exeggutor
  • Cubone
  • Marowak
  • Hitmonlee
  • Hitmonchan
  • Koffing
  • Weezing
  • Kangaskhan
  • Horsea
  • Seadra
  • Goldeen
  • Seaking
  • Staryu
  • Starmie
  • Jynx
  • Pinsir
  • Tauros
  • Lapras
  • Ditto
  • Omanyte
  • Omastar
  • Kabuto
  • Kabutops
  • Aerodactyl
  • Articuno
  • Zapdos
  • Moltres
  • Dratini
  • Dragonair
  • Dragonite
  • Mewtwo
  • Mew
charizard in pokemon sword & shieldThe Pokemon Company / Game Freak
Sorry, Charizard fans. It isn’t in Hisui.

Generation II:

  • Chikorita
  • Bayleef
  • Meganium
  • Johto Typhlosion
  • Totodile
  • Croconaw
  • Feraligatr
  • Sentret
  • Furret
  • Hoothoot
  • Noctowl
  • Ledyba
  • Ledian
  • Spinarak
  • Ariados
  • Chinchou
  • Lanturn
  • Igglybuff
  • Natu
  • Xatu
  • Mareep
  • Flaaffy
  • Ampharos
  • Bellossom
  • Marill
  • Azumarill
  • Politoed
  • Hoppip
  • Skiploom
  • Jumpluff
  • Sunkern
  • Sunflora
  • Wooper
  • Quagsire
  • Slowking
  • Wobbuffet
  • Girafarig
  • Pineco
  • Forretress
  • Dunsparce
  • Snubbul
  • Granbull
  • Johto Qwilfish
  • Shuckle
  • Slugma
  • Magcargo
  • Corsola
  • Delibird
  • Skarmory
  • Houndour
  • Houndoom
  • Kingdra
  • Phanpy
  • Donphan
  • Smeargle
  • Tyrogue
  • Hitmontop
  • Smoochum
  • Miltank
  • Entei
  • Raikou
  • Suicune
  • Larvitar
  • Pupitar
  • Tyranitar
  • Lugia
  • Ho-Oh
  • Celebi
lugia pokemon mystery dungeon dx recruitNintendo / The Pokemon Company
There are many Legendary Pokemon in the Hisui region, but Lugia isn’t one of them.

Generation III:

  • Treecko
  • Grovyle
  • Sceptile
  • Torchic
  • Combusken
  • Blaziken
  • Mudkip
  • Marshtomp
  • Swampert
  • Poochyena
  • Mightyena
  • Zigzagoon
  • Linoone
  • Lotad
  • Lombre
  • Ludicolo
  • Seedot
  • Nuzleaf
  • Shiftry
  • Nincada
  • Ninjask
  • Shedinja
  • Taillow
  • Swellow
  • Shroomish
  • Breloom
  • Spinda
  • Wingull
  • Pelipper
  • Surskit
  • Masquerain
  • Wailmer
  • Wailord
  • Skitty
  • Delcatty
  • Kecleon
  • Baltoy
  • Claydol
  • Torkoal
  • Sableye
  • Luvdisc
  • Corphish
  • Crawdaunt
  • Feebas
  • Milotic
  • Carvanha
  • Sharpedo
  • Trapinch
  • Vibrava
  • Flygon
  • Makuhita
  • Hariyama
  • Electrike
  • Manectric
  • Numel
  • Camerupt
  • Cacnea
  • Cacturne
  • Lunatone
  • Solrock
  • Azurill
  • Spoink
  • Grumpig
  • Plusle
  • Minun
  • Mawile
  • Meditite
  • Medicham
  • Swablu
  • Altaria
  • Wynaut
  • Slakoth
  • Vigoroth
  • Slaking
  • Gulpin
  • Swalot
  • Tropius
  • Whismur
  • Loudred
  • Exploud
  • Clamperl
  • Huntail
  • Gorebyss
  • Absol
  • Shuppet
  • Banette
  • Seviper
  • Zangoose
  • Relicanth
  • Aron
  • Lairon
  • Aggron
  • Castform
  • Volbeat
  • Illumise
  • Lileep
  • Cradily
  • Anorith
  • Armaldo
  • Bagon
  • Shelgon
  • Salamence
  • Beldum
  • Metang
  • Metagross
  • Regirock
  • Regice
  • Registeel
  • Kyogre
  • Groudon
  • Rayquaza
  • Latias
  • Latios
  • Jirachi
  • Deoxys
Metagross in Pokemon GoNiantic / The Pokemon Company
Metagross can’t be found in Pokemon Legends Arceus.

Generation V:

  • Victini
  • Snivy
  • Servine
  • Serperior
  • Tepig
  • Pignite
  • Emboar
  • Unovan Samurott
  • Patrat
  • Watchog
  • Lillipup
  • Herdier
  • Stoutland
  • Purrloin
  • Liepard
  • Pansage
  • Simisage
  • Pansear
  • Simisear
  • Panpour
  • Simipour
  • Munna
  • Musharna
  • Pidove
  • Tranquill
  • Unfezant
  • Blitzle
  • Zebstrika
  • Roggenrola
  • Boldore
  • Gigalith
  • Woobat
  • Swoobat
  • Drilbur
  • Excadrill
  • Audino
  • Timburr
  • Gurdurr
  • Conkeldurr
  • Tympole
  • Seismitoad
  • Throh
  • Sawk
  • Sewaddle
  • Leavanny
  • Whirlipede
  • Scolipede
  • Cottonee
  • Whimsicott
  • Unovan Lilligant
  • Sandile
  • Krokorok
  • Darumake
  • Darmanitan
  • Maractus
  • Dwebble
  • Crustle
  • Scraggy
  • Scrafty
  • Sigilyph
  • Yamask
  • Cofagrigus
  • Tirtouga
  • Carracosta
  • Archen
  • Archeops
  • Trubbish
  • Garbodor
  • Unovan Zorua
  • Unovan Zoroark
  • Minccino
  • Cinccino
  • Gothita
  • Gothorita
  • Gothitelle
  • Solosis
  • Duosion
  • Reuniclus
  • Ducklett
  • Swanna
  • Vanillite
  • Vanillish
  • Vanilluxe
  • Deerling
  • Sawsbuck
  • Emolga
  • Karrablast
  • Escavalier
  • Amoonguss
  • Frillish
  • Jellicent
  • Alomolola
  • Joltik
  • Galvantula
  • Ferroseed
  • Ferrothorn
  • Klink
  • Klang
  • Klinklang
  • Tynamo
  • Eelektrik
  • Eelektross
  • Elgyem
  • Beheeyem
  • Litwick
  • Lampent
  • Chandelure
  • Axew
  • Fraxure
  • Haxorus
  • Cubchoo
  • Beartic
  • Cryogonal
  • Shelmet
  • Accelgor
  • Stunfisk
  • Meinfoo
  • Mienshao
  • Druddigon
  • Golett
  • Golurk
  • Pawniard
  • Bisharp
  • Bouffalant
  • Unovian Braviary
  • Vullaby
  • Mandibuzz
  • Heatmor
  • Durant
  • Deino
  • Zweilous
  • Hydreigon
  • Larvesta
  • Volcarona
  • Cobalion
  • Terrakion
  • Virizion
  • Reshiram
  • Kyurem
  • Keldeo
  • Meloetta
  • Genosect
Shiny Reshiram appearing in Pokemon GoNiantic
The last time Reshiram was in a Pokemon game was Sword & Shield’s Crown Tundra DLC.

Generation VI:

  • Chespin
  • Quilladin
  • Chenaught
  • Fennekin
  • Braixen
  • Delphox
  • Froakie
  • Frogadier
  • Greninja
  • Bunnelby
  • Diggersby
  • Fletchling
  • Fletchinder
  • Talonflame
  • Scatterbug
  • Spewpa
  • Vivillon
  • Litleo
  • Pyroar
  • Flabebe
  • Floette
  • Florges
  • Skiddo
  • Gogoat
  • Pancham
  • Pangoro
  • Furfrou
  • Espurr
  • Meowstic
  • Honedge
  • Doublade
  • Aegislash
  • Spritzee
  • Aromatisse
  • Swirlix
  • Slurpuff
  • Inkay
  • Malamar
  • Binacle
  • Barbaracle
  • Skrelp
  • Dragalge
  • Clauncher
  • Clawitzer
  • Helioptile
  • Heliolisk
  • Tyrunt
  • Tyrantrum
  • Amaura
  • Aurorus
  • Hawlucha
  • Dedenne
  • Carbink
  • Kalos Sliggoo
  • Kalos Goodra
  • Klefki
  • Phantump
  • Trevenant
  • Pumpkaboo
  • Gourgeist
  • Kalos Avalugg
  • Noibat
  • Noivern
  • Xerneas
  • Yveltal
  • Zygarde
  • Diancie
  • Hoopa
  • Volcanion
Greninja isn’t in the game.

Generation VII:

  • Alolan Dedidueye
  • Litten
  • Torracat
  • Incineroar
  • Popplio
  • Brionne
  • Primarina
  • Pikipek
  • Trumbeak
  • Toucannon
  • Yungoos
  • Gumshoos
  • Grubbin
  • Charjabug
  • Vikavolt
  • Crabrawler
  • Crabominable
  • Oricorio
  • Cutiefly
  • Ribombee
  • Rockruff
  • Lycanroc
  • Wishiwashi
  • Mareanie
  • Toxapex
  • Mudbray
  • Mudsdale
  • Dewpider
  • Araquanid
  • Fomantis
  • Lurantis
  • Morelull
  • Shiinotic
  • Salandit
  • Salazzle
  • Stufful
  • Bewear
  • Bounsweet
  • Steenee
  • Tsareena
  • Comfey
  • Passimian
  • Wimpod
  • Golisopod
  • Sandygast
  • Palossand
  • Pyukumuku
  • Type: Null
  • Silvally
  • Minior
  • Komala
  • Turtonator
  • Togedamaru
  • Mimkyu
  • Bruxish
  • Drampa
  • Dhelmise
  • Jangmo-o
  • Hakamo-o
  • Tapu Koko
  • Tapu Lele
  • Tapu Fini
  • Cosmog
  • Cosmoem
  • Solgaleo
  • Lunala
  • Nihilego
  • Buzzwole
  • Pheromosa
  • Xurkitree
  • Celesteela
  • Kartana
  • Guzzlord
  • Necrozma
  • Magearna
  • Marshadow
  • Poipole
  • Naganadel
  • Stakutaka
  • Blacephalon
  • Zeraora
  • Meltan
  • Melmetal
  • Alolan Rattata
  • Alolan Raticate
  • Alolan Raichu
  • Alolan Sandshew
  • Alolan Sandslash
  • Alolan Meowth
  • Alolan Persian
  • Alolan Geodude
  • Alolan Graveler
  • Alolan Golem
  • Alolan Grimer
  • Alolan Muk
  • Alolan Exeggutor
  • Alolan Marowak
New Pokemon Snap Alolan RaichuNintendo
There is one Alolan form in Legends Arceus, but it isn’t Raichu.

Now that you know which Pokemon are missing in the Hisui region, take a look at our other Pokemon Legends Arceus guides:

Best starter Pokemon | All Hisuian forms | Hisuian Pokedex | How to catch Darkrai | How to catch Shaymin | All Noble Pokemon | How to beat Frenzied Noble Pokemon | All Gift Pokemon | Mystery Gift codes | Agile & Strong Styles | Alpha Pokemon | How to get Garchomp | How to catch Lucario | All Unown locations | How to catch Eevee | Where to find Pikachu | Hisuian Growlithe & Arcanine location | How to evolve Kleavor | Sylveon evolution guide | Hisuian Voltorb location | How to get Hisuian Sliggoo & Goodra | Where to find Hisuian Zorua & Zoroark | Hisuian Braviary location | How to evolve Overqwil | How to get Hisuian Sneasel & Sneasler | Shiny hunting guide | How to get all three starters without trading

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