Pokemon Go trainers nearly crash wedding ceremony


Pokemon Go trainers found themselves in a battle on October 12 and it was nothing to do with Pokemon, but a wedding of all things!

Trainers from Loveland, Colorado were out enjoying the Pokemon Go October Community Day which featured the ground-type Trapinch. Their destination was a particular park in Loveland as these types of areas are known to spawn a lot of Pokemon.

This type of outing happens in parks all over the world, particularly on community days. However, what should have been an innocuous event clashed with a wedding that was occurring in the same place.

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@PokemonGoAppPokemon Go trainers often gather in large numbers for the monthly community days…

A report from the Reporter Herald says the Pokemon Go trainers caused disruption at the pre-booked wedding. In addition to a parking shortage for wedding guests, the reports claims: “People were walking amidst the area reserved for the wedding and not looking up from their phones (one of our employees saw someone literally run into the wall of the bathroom because they were distracted and not watching where they were going).”

The Pokemon Go trainers disagree that they did anything wrong, though. They claim that parking spaces cannot be reserved and that their appearance at the park was merely spontaneous — a place to go and make the most of the community day.

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They also claim that the wedding hadn’t even started by the time their gathering finished. “I wandered into an area still being roped off and some woman snapped at me,” one of the trainers claimed.

A follow up post from the City of Loveland website seems to agree that the trainers were perfectly within their rights to be there, stating that it “was not a traditionally organized event and would not be subject to the local event permit process.”

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Regardless, it does seem their presence had a somewhat negative effect on the wedding. More than anything it looks like one of those situations where neither party did anything wrong and it was more an unfortunate incident. Let’s hope it didn’t ruin the happy couples’ day.