Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex pack lists – All Charizard, Pikachu & Mewtwo exclusive cards

Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex card listsThe Pokemon Company/Dexerto

The first expansion of Pokemon TCG Pocket, Genetic Apex, is broken into three different pack lists. While several cards can be found in each set, others are exclusive and can be difficult to get ahold of.

With only two guaranteed packs a day in Pokemon TCG Pocket, unless you are paying for the Premium Pass, players need to plan wisely if they want to grab every card available in the Genetic Apex expansion.

Unlike the tabletop version of the TCG, Pocket players are pulling packs from three separate sub-card lists: Charizard, Pikachu, and Mewtwo. Each of these smaller lists offers exclusive pulls not available in the other packs.

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With so many players trying to make the best meta decks, or complete their full card list for a chance to get the secret Mew card, knowing which packs to focus on for missing cards is important. Below, we have broken down all the cards in each of the packs for Genetic Apex in Pokemon TCG Pocket, and the rarity of all cards in each of the three sets.

How do pull rates work in Genetic Apex

Before we dive into the lists below, it is important to go over how pull rates work in Pokemon TCG Pocket. First, there are two types of packs: Regular and Rare. Each card in these packs has a percentage of a chance to produce a certain type of card depending on the rarity, and the position of the card.

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Standard Packs

In standard packs, the first three card slots of the pack have a 100% chance of being a single Diamond rarity. This means that every single Diamond rare card from the card list for the pack has a 2% chance of appearing.

In the fourth slot, the breakdown is as follows:

  • Gold Crown – .040% (.013% chance per card)
  • Three Star – .222% (.222% chance per card)
  • Two Star – .500% (.050% chance per card)
  • One Star – 2.572% (.321% chance per card)
  • Four Diamond – 1.666% (.333% chance per card)
  • Three Diamond – 5.000% (.357% chance per card)
  • Two Diamond – 90.000% (2.571% chance per card)

In the fifth slot, the breakdown is as follows:

  • Gold Crown – .160% (.053% chance per card)
  • Three Star – .888% (.888% chance per card)
  • Two Star – 2.000% (.200% chance per card)
  • One Star – 10.288% (1.286% chance per card)
  • Four Diamond – 6.664% (1.332% chance per card)
  • Three Diamond – 20.000% (1.428% chance per card)
  • Two Diamond – 60.000% (1.714% chance per card)

Rare Packs

Rare Packs, otherwise known as “God Packs“, have a much smaller pool of cards, but all of them are going to be sought after.

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In slots one through five, the breakdown is as follows:

  • Crown – 5% (5% chance per card)
  • Three Star – 5% (5% chance per card)
  • Two Star – 50% (5% chance per card)
  • One Star – 40% (5% chance per card)

Will Genetic Apex packs still be available after new packs drop?

Thankfully, you won’t be expected to have to collect all Pokemon cards from Genetic Apex within a limited timeframe. The devs confirmed in a new X post (formerly Twitter) that you’ll still be able to open Genetic Apex packs even when new expansions come out.

“Are you all enjoying opening packs every day?” the translated X post reads. “Even after the next expansion pack is released, you can still open Genetic Apex, so enjoy opening it at your own pace!”

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Therefore, it’s likely that when each new Pack set is released, TCG players will be able to go back and open boosters from each different season of the game.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex Charizard card list

Charizard ex Pokemon TCG Pocket card list

The Charizard packs for Genetic Apex focus primarily on Fire-type Charizard. This is the set that offers the immersive art Charizard ex card among other excellent, powerful options. Below are the exclusive cards that can be pulled from these packs.

Charizard regular pack card list

Oddish genetic ApexOddishGrass1 Diamond
Gloom genetic ApexGloomGrass3 Diamond
Gloom Illustration Rare genetic ApexGloom (Illustration Rare)Grass1 Star
Vileplume genetic ApexVileplumeGrass1 Diamond
Bellsprout genetic ApexBellsproutGrass1 Diamond
Weepinbell genetic ApexWeepinbellGrass2 Diamond
Victreebell genetic ApexVictreebelGrass3 Diamond
Exeggcute genetic ApexExeggcuteGrass1 Diamond
Exeggutor genetic ApexExeggutorGrass3 Diamond
Exeggutor ex genetic ApexExeggutor exGrass4 Diamond
Exeggutor ex Full Art Rare genetic ApexExeggutor ex (Full Art)Grass2 Star
Tangela genetic ApexTangelaGrass1 Diamond
Skiddo genetic ApexSkiddoGrass1 Diamond
Gogoat genetic ApexGogoatGrass1 Diamond
Pinsir Illustration Rare genetic ApexPinsir (Illustration Rare)Grass1 Star
Charmander genetic ApexCharmanderFire1 Diamond
Charmander illustraion Rare genetic ApexCharmander (Illustration Rare)Fire1 Star
Charmeleon genetic ApexCharmeleonFire2 Diamond
Charizard genetic ApexCharizardFire3 Diamond
Charizard ex genetic ApexCharizard exFire4 Diamond
Charizard ex Full Art genetic ApexCharizard ex (Full Art)Fire2 Star
Charizard ex Immersive Rare genetic ApexCharizard ex (Immersive Rare)Fire3 Star
Vulpix genetic ApexVulpixFire1 Diamond
Ninetails genetic ApexNinetailsFire2 Diamond
Rapidash Illustration Rare genetic ApexRapidash Illustration RareFire1 Star
Magmar genetic ApexMagmarFire1 Diamond
Flareon genetic ApexFlareonFire3 Diamond
Moltres genetic ApexMoltresFire3 Diamond
Moltres ex genetic ApexMoltres exFire4 Diamond
Moltres ex Full Art genetic ApexMoltres ex (Full Art)Fire2 Star
Moltres ex illustration rare genetic ApexMoltres ex (Illustration Rare)Fire2 Star
Poliwag genetic ApexPoliwagWater1 Diamond
Poliwhirl genetic ApexPoliwhirlWater2 Diamond
Poliwrath genetic ApexPoliwrathWater3 Diamond
Staryu genetic ApexStaryuWater1 Diamond
Starmie genetic ApexStarmieWater2 Diamond
Starmie ex genetic ApexStarmie exWater4 Diamond
Starmie ex Full Art genetic ApexStarmie ex (Full Art)Water2 Star
Lapras genetic ApexLaprasWater3 Diamond
Lapras Illustration Rare genetic ApexLapras (Illustration Rare)Water1 Star
Ducklett genetic ApexDucklettWater1 Diamond
Swanna genetic ApexSwannaWater2 Diamond
Froakie genetic ApexFroakieWater1 Diamond
Frogadier genetic ApexFrogadierWater2 Diamond
Greninja genetic ApexGreninjaWater3 Diamond
Pyukumuku genetic ApexPyukumukuWater1 Diamond
Abra genetic ApexAbraPsychic1 Diamond
Kadabra genetic ApexKadabraPsychic2 Diamond
Alakazam genetic ApexAlakazamPsychic3 Diamond
Alakazam Illustration Rare genetic ApexAlakazam (Illustration Rare)Psychic1 Star
Slowpoke Illustration Rare genetic ApexSlowpoke (Illustration Rare)Psychic1 Star
Mankey genetic ApexMankeyFighting1 Diamond
Primeape genetic ApexPrimeapeFighting2 Diamond
Machop genetic ApexMachopFighting1 Diamond
Machoke genetic ApexMachokeFighting2 Diamond
Machamp genetic ApexMachampFighting3 Diamond
Machamp ex genetic ApexMachamp exFighting4 Diamond
Machamp ex full art genetic ApexMachamp ex (Full Art)Fighting2 Star
Machamp ex illustration Rare genetic ApexMachamp ex (Illustration Rare)Fighting2 Star
Hitmonchan genetic ApexHitmonchanFighting1 Diamond
Kabuto genetic ApexKabutoFighting2 Diamond
Kabutops genetic ApexKabutopsFighting3 Diamond
Mawile genetic ApexMawileSteel1 Diamond
Meltan genetic ApexMeltanSteel1 Diamond
Melmetal genetic ApexMelmetalSteel3 Diamond
Spearow genetic ApexSpearowColorless1 Diamond
Fearow genetic ApexFearowColorless1 Diamond
Meowth genetic ApexMeowthColorless1 Diamond
Meowth Illustration Rare genetic ApexMeowth (Illustration Rare)Colorless1 Star
Persian genetic ApexPersianColorless2 Diamond
Kangskhan genetic ApexKangaskhanColorless3 Diamond
Tauros genetic ApexTaurosColorless2 Diamond
Eevee genetic ApexEeveeColorless1 Diamond
Dome Fossil genetic ApexDome FossilItem1 Diamond
Erika genetic ApexErikaSupporter2 Diamond
Erika Full Art genetic ApexErika (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Blaine genetic ApexBlaineSupporter2 Diamond
Blaine full art genetic ApexBlaine (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Sabrina genetic ApexSabrinaSupporter2 Diamond
Sabrina full art genetic ApexSabrina (Full Art)Supporter2 Star

Charizard rare pack card list

Golden Charizard exFireCrown
Charizard ex (Immersive Rare)Fire3 Star
Exeggutor ex (Full Art)Grass2 Star
Charizard ex (Full Art)Fire2 Star
Moltres ex (Full Art)Fire2 Star
Starmie (Full Art)Water2 Star
Machamp (Full Art)Fighting2 Star
Erika (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Blaine (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Sabrina (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Moltres ex (Illustration Rare)Fire2 Star
Machamp ex (Illustration Rare)Fighting2 Star
Gloom (Illustration Rare)Grass1 Star
Pinsir (Illustration Rare)Grass1 Star
Charmander (Illustration Rare)Fire1 Star
Rapidash (Illustration Rare)Fire1 Star
Lapras (Illustration Rare)Water1 Star
Alakazam (Illustration Rare)Psychic1 Star
Slowpoke (Illustration Rare)Psychic1 Star
Meowth (Illustration Rare)Colorless1 Star

Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex Pikachu card list

Pikachu packs Pokemon TCG PocketThe Pokemon Company

The Pikachu packs in Genetic Apex have a well-balanced selection of cards to pull from. Alongside the coveted Piakchu ex, players can also score Blastoise ex, Arcanine ex, and Zapdos ex. Each of these has been spotlit in meta decks designed to carry players to victory in PvP. Below are all the cards exclusive to the Pikachu Genetic Apex packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

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Pikachu regular pack card list

Caterpie Genetic ApexCaterpieGrass1 Diamond
Metapod Genetic ApexMetapodGrass1 Diamond
Butterfree Genetic ApexButterfreeGrass3 Diamond
Paras Genetic ApexParasGrass1 Diamond
Parasect Genetic ApexParasectGrass2 Diamond
Growlithe Genetic ApexGrowlitheFire2 Diamond
Arcanine Genetic ApexArcanineFire3 Diamond
Arcanine ex Genetic ApexArcanine exFire4 Diamond
Arcanine full art Genetic ApexArcanine ex (Full Art)Fire2 Star
Squirtle Genetic ApexSquirtleWater1 Diamond
Squirtle illustration rare Genetic ApexSquirtle (Illustration Rare)Water1 Star
Wartortle Genetic ApexWartortleWater2 Diamond
Blastoise Genetic ApexBlastoiseWater3 Diamond
Blastoise ex Genetic ApexBlastoise exWater4 Diamond
Blastoise full art Genetic ApexBlastoise ex (Full Art)Water2 Star
Seel Genetic ApexSeelWater1 Diamond
Dewgong Genetic ApexDewgongWater2 Diamond
Horsea Genetic ApexHorseaWater1 Diamond
Seadra Genetic ApexSeadraWater2 Diamond
Goldeen Genetic ApexGoldeenWater1 Diamond
Seaking Genetic ApexSeakingWater1 Diamond
Magikarp Genetic ApexMagikarpWater1 Diamond
Gyarados Genetic ApexGyaradosWater3 Diamond
Gyarados illustration rare Genetic ApexGyarados (Illustration Rare)Water1 Star
Omanyte Genetic ApexOmanyteWater2 Diamond
Omastar Genetic ApexOmastarWater3 Diamond
Pikachu Genetic ApexPikachuElectric1 Diamond
Raichu Genetic ApexRaichuElectric3 Diamond
Pikachu ex Genetic ApexPikachu exElectric4 Diamond
Pikachu full art Genetic ApexPikachu ex (Full Art)Electric2 Star
Pikachu ex immersive rare Genetic ApexPikachu ex (Immersive Rare)Electric3 Star
Magnemite Genetic ApexMagnemiteElectric1 Diamond
Magneton Genetic ApexMagnetonElectric3 Diamond
Voltorb Genetic ApexVoltorbElectric1 Diamond
Electrode Genetic ApexElectrodeElectric2 Diamond
Electrode illustration rare Genetic ApexElectrode (Illustration Rare)Electric1 Star
Electabuzz Genetic ApexElectabuzzElectric1 Diamond
Jolteon Genetic ApexJolteonElectric3 Diamond
Zapdos Genetic ApexZapdosElectric3 Diamond
Zapdos ex Genetic ApexZapdos exElectric4 Diamond
Zapdos ex full art Genetic ApexZapdos ex (Full Art)Electric2 Star
Zapdos ex illustration rare Genetic ApexZapdos ex (Illustration Rare)Electric2 Star
Clefairy Genetic ApexClefairyPsychic1 Diamond
Clefable Genetic ApexClefablePsychic2 Diamond
Drowzee Genetic ApexDrowzeePsychic1 Diamond
Hypno Genetic ApexHypnoPsychic3 Diamond
Diglett Genetic ApexDiglettFighting1 Diamond
Diglett illustration rare Genetic ApexDiglett (Illustration Rare)Fighting1 Star
Dugtrio Genetic ApexDugtrioFighting2 Diamond
Geodude Genetic ApexGeodudeFighting1 Diamond
Graveler Genetic ApexGravelerFighting2 Diamond
Golem Genetic ApexGolemFighting3 Diamond
Onix Genetic ApexOnixFighting2 Diamond
Meinfoo Genetic ApexMienfooFighting1 Diamond
Mienshao Genetic ApexMienshaoFighting2 Diamond
Nidoran F Genetic ApexNidoran FDark1 Diamond
Nidorina Genetic ApexNidorinaDark2 Diamond
Nidoqueen Genetic ApexNidoqueenDark3 Diamond
Nidoqueen illustration rare Genetic ApexNidoqueen (Illustration Rare)Dark1 Star
Nidoran M Genetic ApexNidoran MDark1 Diamond
Nidorino Genetic ApexNidorinoDark2 Diamond
Nidoking Genetic ApexNidokingDark3 Diamond
Nidoking illustration rare Genetic ApexNidoking (Illustration Rare)Dark1 Star
Jigglypuff Genetic ApexJigglypuffColorless1 Diamond
Wigglytuff Genetic ApexWigglytuffColorless1 Diamond
wigglytuff ex Genetic ApexWigglytuff exColorless4 Diamond
Wigglytuff ex full art Genetic ApexWigglytuff ex (Full Art)Colorless2 Star
Wigglytuff ex illustration rare Genetic ApexWigglytuff ex (Illustration Rare)Colorless2 Star
Chansey Genetic ApexChanseyColorless2 Diamond
Eevee 2 Genetic ApexEeveeColorless1 Diamond
Snorlax Genetic ApexSnorlaxColorless3 Diamond
Snorlax illustration rare Genetic ApexSnorlax (Illustration Rare)Colorless1 Star
Helix Fossil Genetic ApexHelix FossilItem1 Diamond
Misty Genetic ApexMistySupporter2 Diamond
Misty full art Genetic ApexMisty (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Brock Genetic ApexBrockSupporter2 Diamond
Brock full art Genetic ApexBrock (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Lt Surge Genetic ApexLt. SurgeSupporter2 Diamond
lt surge full art Genetic ApexLt. Surge (Full Art)Supporter2 Star

Pikachu rare pack card list

Golden Pikachu exElectricCrown
Pikachu ex (Immersive Rare)Electric3 Star
Arcanine ex (Full Art)Fire2 Star
Blastoise ex (Full Art)Water2 Star
Pikachu ex (Full Art)Electric2 Star
Zados ex (Full Art)Electric2 Star
Wigglytuff (Full Art)Colorless2 Star
Misty (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Brock (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Lt. Surge (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Zapdos ex (Illustration Rare)Electric2 Star
Wigglytuff ex (Illustration Rare)Fighting2 Star
Squirtle (Illustration Rare)Water1 Star
Gyarados (Illustration Rare)Water1 Star
Electrode (Illustration Rare)Electric1 Star
Diglett (Illustration Rare)Fighting1 Star
Nidoqueen (Illustration Rare)Dark1 Star
Nidoking (Illustration Rare)Dark1 Star
Eevee (Illustration Rare)Colorless1 Star
Eevee (Illustration Rare)Colorless1 Star

Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex Mewtwo card list

Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex Charizard card list

The Mewtwo card packs in Genetic Apex will distribute powerful Psychic and Grass cards for players’ decks. This includes Venusuar ex, Mewtwo ex, and Gengar ex. Mewtwo is one of the most coveted cards for its powerhouse movesets, especially when paired up with Gardevoir. However, the pull rates for this list seem particularly frustrating. Below are all the exclusive pulls for the Mewtwo packs in Genetic Apex.

Mewtwo regular pack card list

Bulbasur Genetic ApexBulbasaurGrass1 Diamond
Bulbasur Illustration Rare Genetic ApexBulbasaur (Illustration Rare)Grass1 Star
Venusaur Genetic ApexIvysaurGrass1 Diamond
Venusaur 1 Genetic ApexVenusaurGrass3 Diamond
Venusaur ex 1 Genetic ApexVenusaur exGrass4 Diamond
Venusaur ex Full art Genetic ApexVenusaur ex (Full Art)Grass2 Star
Weedle Genetic ApexWeedleGrass1 Diamond
Kakuna Genetic ApexKakunaGrass1 Diamond
Beedrill Genetic ApexBeedrillGrass3 Diamond
Venonat Genetic ApexVenonatGrass1 Diamond
Venomoth Genetic ApexVenomothGrass2 Diamond
Scyther Genetic ApexScytherGrass1 Diamond
Salandit Genetic ApexSalanditFire1 Diamond
Salazzle Genetic ApexSalazzleFire1 Diamond
Tentacool Genetic ApexTentacoolWater1 Diamond
Tentacruel Genetic ApexTentacruelWater2 Diamond
Shellder Genetic ApexShellderWater1 Diamond
Cloyster Genetic ApexCloysterWater2 Diamond
Krabby Genetic ApexKrabbyWater1 Diamond
Kingler Genetic ApexKinglerWater2 Diamond
Vaporeon Genetic ApexVaporeonWater3 Diamond
Vaporeon Genetic ApexArticunoWater3 Diamond
Articuno ex Genetic ApexArticuno exWater4 Daimond
Articuno ex full art Genetic ApexArticuno ex (Full Art)Water2 Star
Articuno ex illustration rare Genetic ApexArticuno ex (Illustration Rare)Water2 Star
Tynamo Genetic ApexTynamoElectric1 Diamond
Eelektrik Genetic ApexEelektrikElectric2 Diamond
Eelektross Genetic ApexEelektrossElectric3 Diamond
Gastly Genetic ApexGastlyPsychic1 Diamond
Haunter Genetic ApexHaunterPsychic2 Diamond
Genger Genetic ApexGengarPsychic3 Diamond
Genger ex Genetic ApexGengar exPsychic4 Diamond
Gengar ex full art Genetic ApexGengar ex (Full Art)Psychic2 Star
Gengar ex illustration rare Genetic ApexGengar ex (Illustration Rare)Psychic2 Star
Mr. Mime Genetic ApexMr. MimePsychic2 Diamond
Jinx Genetic ApexJinxPsychic1 Diamond
Mewtwo Genetic ApexMewtwoPsychic3 Diamond
Mewtwo ex Genetic ApexMewtwo exPsychic4 Diamond
Mewtwo ex full art Genetic ApexMewtwo ex (Full Art)Psychic2 Star
Mewtwo ex immersive rare Genetic ApexMewtwo ex (Immersive Rare)Psychic3 Star
Ralts Genetic ApexRaltsPsychic1 Diamond
Kirlia Genetic ApexKirliaPsychic2 Diamond
Gardevoir Genetic ApexGardevoirPsychic3 Diamond
Cubone Genetic ApexCuboneFighting1 Diamond
Cubon Illustration Rare Genetic ApexCubone (Illustration Rare)Fighting1 Star
Marowak Genetic ApexMarowakFighting2 Diamond
Marowak ex Genetic ApexMarowak exFighting4 Diamond
Marowak ex full art Genetic ApexMarowak ex (Full Art)Fighting2 Star
Hitmonlee Genetic ApexHitmonleeFighting1 Diamond
Rhyhorn Genetic ApexRhyhornFighting1 Diamond
Rhydon Genetic ApexRhydonFighting2 Diamond
Zubat Genetic ApexZubatDark1 Diamond
Golbat Genetic ApexGolbatDark2 Diamond
Golbat Illustration Rare Genetic ApexGolbat (Illustration Rare)Dark1 Star
Grimer Genetic ApexGrimerDark1 Diamond
Muk Genetic ApexMukDark3 Diamond
Koffing Genetic ApexKoffingDark1 Diamond
Weezing Genetic ApexWeezingDark3 Diamond
Weezing Illustration Rare Genetic ApexWeezing (Illustration Rare)Dark1 Star
Dratini Genetic ApexDratiniDragon1 Diamond
Dragonair Genetic ApexDragonairDragon2 Diamond
Dragonite Genetic ApexDragoniteDragon3 Diamond
Dragonite Illustration Rare Genetic ApexDragonite (Illustration Rare)Dragon1 Star
Pidgey Genetic ApexPidgeyColorless1 Diamond
Pidgeotto Genetic ApexPidgeottoColorless1 Diamond
Pidgeot Genetic ApexPidgeotColorless3 Diamond
Lickitung Genetic ApexLickitungColorless2 Diamond
Ditto Genetic ApexDittoColorless3 Diamond
Ditto Illustration Rare Genetic ApexDitto (Illustration Rare)Colorless1 Star
Eevee 3 Genetic ApexEeveeColorless1 Diamond
Porygon Genetic ApexPorygonColorless2 Diamond
Porygon Illustration Rare Genetic ApexPorygon (Illustration Rare)Colorless1 Star
Aerodactyl Genetic ApexAerodactylColorless3 Diamond
Old Amber Genetic ApexOld AmberItem1 Diamond
Koga Genetic ApexKogaSupporter2 Diamond
Koga full art Genetic ApexKoga (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Giovanni Genetic ApexGiovanniSupporter2 Diamond
Giovanni full art Genetic ApexGiovanni (Full Art)Supporter2 Star

Mewtwo rare pack card list

Golden Mewtwo exPsychicCrown
Mewtwo ex (Immersive Rare)Psychic3 Star
Venusaur ex (Full Art)Grass2 Star
Articuno ex (Full Art)Water2 Star
Gengar ex (Full Art)Psychic2 Star
Mewtwo ex (Full Art)Psychic2 Star
Marowak (Full Art)Colorless2 Star
Koga (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Giovanni (Full Art)Supporter2 Star
Articuno ex (Illustration Rare)Water2 Star
Gengar ex (Illustration Rare)Psychic2 Star
Bulbasaur (Illustration Rare)Water1 Star
Cubone (Illustration Rare)Water1 Star
Golbat (Illustration Rare)Electric1 Star
Weezing (Illustration Rare)Fighting1 Star
Dragonite (Illustration Rare)Dark1 Star
Pidgeot (Illustration Rare)Dark1 Star
Ditto (Illustration Rare)Colorless1 Star
Porygon (Illustration Rare)Colorless1 Star

For more information about Pokemon TCG Pocket, check out our guide on trading or head over and read about every promo card currently available in the game.

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